Neue Upgrades für Attack Bike und Predator, neue Maximallevel für Lager, Außenposten und den Spieler – Phenomic veröffentlicht Patchnotes.
EA_birdhouse hat im offiziellen Forum den neuesten Patch für Phenomics Browser-Titel Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances angekündigt. Neben der Anhebung der Maximum-Levels Lager und Außenposten der Vergessenen gibt es nun auch ein neues Maximallevel für die Spieler und zwei neue Upgrades.
So könnt ihr nun das Level 65 erreichen, passend dazu gibt es jetzt Lager bis zu Level 66 und Außenposten bis Level 50.
Die neuen Upgrades betreffen das Attack Bike der Bruderschaft von Nod und den Predator der GDI. Mit einem Schildupgrade könnt ihr euer Nod Bike nun besser gegen Feindfeuer schützen, während das Upgrade des Predators genau in die andere Richtung abzielt. Mit dem Railgun-Upgrade richtet der Kampfpanzer der GDI nun deutlich mehr Schaden an feindlichen Einheiten und Gebäuden an.
Die gesamten Patchnotes in englischer Sprache findet ihr unter diesem Artikel. Was haltet ihr davon, habt ihr nun direkt Lust wieder das Maximallevel zu erreichen? Teilt uns eure Meinung in den Kommentaren oder im Forum mit!
In this patch a round of fresh unit upgrades will be released as well as several adjustments to player maximum levels and Forgotten base and outpost level ranges.
– Unit Upgrades for the Nod Attack Bike and the GDI Predator
– A final player level cap of 65
– Camps match player offense till level 65
– Outposts spawn up to level 50
More Unit Updates
1. Attack Bike (Offense & Defense)
The Attack Bike is an attack vehicle fulfilling the role of anti-building and anti-air unit in a Nod commander’s arsenal. Its rockets are designed to inflict high damage versus buildings and air units at long range. Its tactical weakness lies in the light armor and low hitpoints making it vulnerable to many sources of damage.
The shield upgrade for the Attack Bike is designed to increase survivability of the Attack Bike.
All incoming damage will first be subtracted from the shield. The shield does not count as hitpoints of the unit: If the shield is damaged, the attack damage will not be reduced as long as the hitpoints of the shielded unit is at 100%. Once the shield is destroyed, the Attack Bike will lose hitpoints and receive normal penalties to attack damage. The shield scales with Uranium compound POI bonuses for offensive and Resonator POI bonuses for defensive Attack Bikes.
2. Predator (Offense & Defense)
The Predator is the first choice for the anti-vehicle role for GDI commanders in the early and mid stages of the game. Its long range and armor-penetrating gun make it the backbone of many GDI armies.
The railgun upgrade for the Predator further increases damage versus vehicles and is intended to guarantee its viability as anti-vehicle ground unit in the advanced stages of the game.
The Predator’s attack damage will scale as usual with Uranium compound and Resonator POI bonuses for offensive and defensive predators respectively.
Maximum Player Level 65
Due to technical constraints the maximum level for players will be capped at level 65. This rule applies to all offense units, defense entities and base structures. However, this change will only affect a small fraction of our player base, which has been playing for much more than a year on the same server.
Camps Match Player Offense till Level 65
Camps now spawn beyond level 50 up to the maximum player level of 65. Players beyond level 50 will have better options to farm resources than before.
The level of the camp is determined by the player’s offense level and can vary in a range of +1 or -1. For example, a base with a level 65 offense could spawn camps between level 64 and 66.
Outposts now Spawn up to Level 50
The range of possible levels for outposts spawned by a tunnel exit has been extended for late game tunnel exits.
Outposts can now be up to two levels below or five levels above the level of the tunnel exit. A level 45 tunnel outpost would now spawn outposts ranging from level 43 to level 50 depending on the offense levels of bases in its proximity.
Beginner Camps Spawn Changes
Forgotten camps for new players till level 12 will now always match the offense level of a player after the first camp has been defeated. This change ensures that new players during the early stage of the game will always have relevant raiding targets.
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