Selten gibt es aktuell noch große Updates für Command and Conquer Rivals und so stellt auch der aktuell erschienene Balance Patch ein absolut rares Ereignis in der Welt des mobilen C&C Ablegers dar. Das Spiel scheint seit etwa einem Jahr in einer Entwicklungsstarre zu verharren. Gerüchteweise wird das Spiel bereits auch nicht mehr real weiterentwickelt. Dennoch gibt es mit dem heutigen Balance Patch einige Änderungen gerade im kompetetiven Spiel. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, das Liang und der Razorback in Grund und Boden generft worden sind und sich die Spieler hier andere Taktiken und Decks überlegen müssen.

Liang Drone
-> Liang’s drone cannot be moved once deployed

Laser Drones
-> Speed changed from Fastest to Faster
-> Reduced Harvester damage to 45
-> Reduced Structure damage to 60

-> Attack speed increase buff reduced from 75% to 50%
-> Reload speed percent increases buff reduced to 0.55
-> Health reduced from 2250 to 1750

Catalyst Gunship
-> Normal attack interval reduced to 1600 ms (Faster default attack)
-> Gas grenade interval reduced to 3600 ms (Faster gas grenade timing)
-> Initial Attack delay reduced to 0.08

Orca Bomber
-> Reworked the damage reduction over distance for the unit. Damage fall-off is greater as the distance increases.

-> Attack cooldown increased to 0.4 (Attack speed nerfed)
-> Health reduced to 1500
-> Default damage reduced to 70

-> Overall buff duration reduced to 5.0 secs
-> Reload Speed Boost changed from 25% to 10%
-> Attack Speed buff reduced from 0.65 to 0.45
-> Movement speed percent buff reduced from 40% to 25% (Overall buffs provided are nerfed)


-> Tiberium cost increased from 60 to 70
-> Speed increased from Average to Fast

-> Default damage increased from 2000 to 3000

-> Reduced Infantry damage to 180
-> Attack interval reduced from 1.3 to 0.7 secs (Increased Attack speed)
-> Speed increased from Average to Fast
-> Duration of Stun buff reduced from 950ms to 200ms
-> Reduced structure damage to 210

Mammoth Tank
-> Speed changed from Slow to Slowest
-> Tiberium cost decreased to 230

Zone Troopers
-> Health reduced to 1000 to 875
-> Reduced Infantry damage to 90

-> Health increased from 1650 to 1665
-> Reload time increased from 6500ms to 8000ms

-> Reduced damage to Infantry to 180

-> Reduced Infantry damage to 90

-> Reduced Infantry damage to 150

-> Reduced Infantry damage to 100


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