News HOTS Beta - Sammelthread

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hab eben mal wieder in meinem account geschaut ob icg vielleicht endlich auch mal ne einladung zur beta hab (leider nicht)

und da ist mir doch mal glatt was ins auge gesprungen:

is ja vielleicht schon bekannt, aber ich wusste bis jetzt noch keinen offiziellen termin von blizz. oder steht das schon ewig so in der accountverwaltung?
Ja - du bist frisch drauf gestoßen - hab erst jetzt wo anders die gleiche Info bekommen.

Also steht es mehr oder weniger fest: HOTS kommt am 12.03.2012.

Gleich mal Urlaub eintragen :ugly

Was just reading through forums this morning and realized we didn't communicate our general direction for the major balance patch before the holidays.


1. Redesign Thor ability/Raven seeker missile

2. Push early game Reaper a bit more

3. Hellbats better against melee units, not necessarily better vs. Ranged.

4. We'd really like to see more Medivac usage like we saw in Wings for a time in the past. Currently thinking on a cooldown based speed booster ability.

5. Buff Bio in the late game - with the addition of new units in HotS, we feel Bio in the late game is a bit weak.

6. Buff mech in general - we'd like to maybe test combining the vehicle and air upgrades at the armory.


1. Hydralisk movement speed upgrade to Lair

2. Mutalisk buff to speed and/or acceleration

3. Ultralisk changed to be good vs. all ground

4. Nerf Infestor quite heavily

5. Make it easier to unburrow and reposition Swarm Hosts


1. Redesign Voidray - we're currently thinking of having the player choose when to activate the charge up ability.

2. Oracle - pulsar beam would now overlap too much with the new Voidray, so we'd like to change the Oracle to be more of a worker harasser.

3. Buff DTs not necessarily for the DT rush case, but to have DTs more often in the late game.

4. Nerf Vortex - we don't like how all or nothing this ability is in Wings, and with new unit adds, we feel we can remove or phase out this ability.

5. Fix Tempests to not counter all late tech Zerg. We currently don't like how Zerg can't go Tier 3 units if Tempests are in play.

6. Make Voidray + Phoenix + Oracle combo a viable strat overall.

These are our current thoughts for each of the races. And please remember none of these changes are final. Our hope is to move into the more fine tuning stages if this major patch turns out well.

Yoo rassenswitch... Hört sich so an als wäre Protoss nachdem Change bullshit und terran und Zerg werden krass gebuffed außer den Infestor nerf...
Protoss eh schon schwächjste rasse nirgends mehr präsent in turnieren... nur in den erstne runden danach nurnoch Zerg und Terran und am ende nurnoch zerg...
Natürlich werd ich net rasse switchen hab ich noch nie aber ich werd richtig dick flamen wenn protoss echt so derbst generfed wird.
Hier nochmal im Detail:
Klingt alles echt... interessant :/ Und vor allem mutig, komplett neuen Wind reinzubringen. (andererseits wurde es auch Zeit)


New ability: Emergency Thrusters
Speed boost that increases movement speed and acceleration to 4.25 for 8 seconds. 20 second cooldown.
The Medivac’s Caduceus Reactor upgrade at the Starport Tech Lab:
Health restored per second from 9 to 15.
Energy cost reduced from 3 health per 1 energy to 5 health per 1 energy.
Cost increased from 100/100 and 80 seconds to 150/150 and 110 seconds.

Base speed increased from 2.95 to 3.375
Upgraded speed increased from 3.84 to 4.25.

Widow Mine
No longer hits cloaked units.
New upgrade: Drilling Claws
Decreases burrow time from 3 to 1 second.
Requires Tech Lab and Armory. Costs 150/150, 110 second research time.

250mm Strike Cannons has been removed.
The Thor can now switch between two modes: High-Impact Payload and Explosive Payload. The mode shift takes 4 seconds.
When in High-Impact Payload mode, the Thor switches to a different anti-air gun (250mm Punisher Cannons) that has 10 range and deals 24 flat damage.
Thor radius, inner radius, and separation radius increased from 0.8215 to 1.

Seeker Missile has been redesigned:
Can now fire from 10 range.
Missile comes out and stays immobile in front of the Raven for 3 seconds while charging up, then rapidly moves (it’s not dodgeable at this point) and explodes at the target for 300 single target damage.
Targeted unit lights up red when targeted. If the unit moves 13 range out of where the Seeker Missile is, the Missile fizzles.

Splash damage radius increased from 90 to 110.

The Armory now only has one weapon and one armor upgrade for both air and ground upgrades for both Factory and Starport units.


Recall now functions as it does with the Mothership Core.
Vortex now kills a single target.
Vortex does not affect massive units.

Mothership Core
No longer massive.

Pulsar Beam
Now called “Activate Pulsar Beam” and “Deactivate Pulsar Beam”.
When activated, the Oracle’s Pulsar Beam is enabled.
Weapon deals 15+10 light.
Weapon period changed to 0.86, down from 1.
Weapon range reduced to 4.

Build time increased to 50, up from 35.
Energy drain is now 4 per second.

Range increased from 4 to 5. Upgrade still grants +2 range.

Dark Shrine
Cost is now 100/100, down from 100/250.

Now requires Fleet Beacon.
Attacks with two weapons. The primary weapon, Kinetic Overload, hits air units and remains unchanged. The secondary weapon, Resonance Coil, hits ground units, and does not deal bonus damage to massive units.
Build time is now 60, down from 75.

Void Ray
Prismatic Beam:
No longer charges up.
Weapon period decreased from 0.6 to 0.5.
No longer does passive +massive damage.

Prismatic Alignment (new ability) increases damage to armored units by 6 for 20 seconds, with a 1 minute cooldown. This does not scale with upgrades.


Speed upgrade now requires Lair tech.

Speed increased from 3.75 to 4. Acceleration stays at 3.5.

Swarm Host
Health increased from 120 to 160.

Fungal Growth:
Is now a projectile.
Speed of the projectile is 10.
Range down to 8.

Infested Terrans no longer gain weapon and armor upgrades.
Infested Terran egg health down to 70.

Burrow Charge has been removed.
Damage changed from 15+20 armored to 35 flat damage.

Health increased from 120 to 150.
The Armory now only has one weapon and one armor upgrade for both air and ground upgrades for both Factory and Starport units.

Hä? Check ich nicht.

Ansonsten ist der Terra-Buff so groß, dass er wohl nicht lange Bestand haben wird, oder?


Achja, nochviel besser: Es kommt 2v2 in die Beta :)

Fair enough!

We've got a ridiculous amount of changes coming at you with this one, both on the feature side and on the balance side. We will be posting very detailed notes shortly here, but at the highest level you can expect the following:

  • Groups
  • Turning on 2v2 queues (with some new maps)
  • Fixing the clan invite spam (Hurray, eSports is saved!)
  • Massive balance changes.

If you want a peak at those you can check DK's post over on the EU forums from earlier this week.And more...


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AI Bulids - also schlechter wird HOTS bestimmt nicht!


Blizzard scheint sich jetzt echt zu bemühen :)
Kenn sich jemand mit der beta aus? Hab den installer vorher gesaugt, darin ist aber ein wings of liberty logo angegeben. Er hat mir auch meine wol installation überschrieben... Ist das normal? :ugly:
Yoo ich will updaten und was downloaded er mir... 4,78gb
Der patch wird doch nie im leben 4,78gb groß sein-.-
Ich geh ma davon aus das der mir durch irgendnen blizzard bullshit bug das ganze game nochma lädt...
Das bringt einem ??
Irgendwie ziemlich sinnlos außer man ist master league oder so und will nach 2monaten mal wieder richtig einsteign.
Da find ichs aber auch sinnlos weil ich net nochmal neu gegen noobs spieln will sondern lieber paar ma verlieren um schnell wieder aufs alte lvl zu kommen.
Vielleicht für alle, die meinen: "Hey ich hab verdammt nochmal Silber-Niveau und bin noch immer in Bronze - Zeit 5 neue Placements zu spielen"
Bis auf den Dark Shrine chasnge ist eigentlich alles ziemlich geil!

Edit: leider ist die Beta immernoch beschissen. Mit den Delay hätten die das ja gleich NA only machen können.
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Caduceus ReactorThe Medivac’s healing beam now changes color once the Caduceus Reactor upgrade is complete.
Widow Mine
Unburrowed Widow Mine attack priority decreased to 19, down from 20.Burrowed Widow Mine attack priority remains unchanged.
Vehicle and Ship Weapon upgrades are once again separate.Vehicle and Ship Plating upgrades are still combined.


Pulsar Beam Pulsar Beam activation now costs 25 energy.While active, Pulsar Beam now drains 2 energy per second, down from 4.
Kinetic Overload weapon damage vs. Massive increased from 30 to 50.
Dark Shrine
Dark shrine cost increased from 100/100 to 150/150.


New passive ability: Mutalisk RegenerationMutalisk health regeneration rate increased from .2734 to 1.

Das mit den Armory Upgrades dacht ich mir fast das es zu imba ist. Den Change bei der Widow Mine versteh ich nicht so ganz was das nedeuten soll.
Gut das der Dark Shrine wieder mehr kostet.

Aber wegen der neuen Mutalisk Fähigkeit könnt ich kotzen...
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