Street Fighter 4

May 13, 2007
Wer von UF spielt es auf PS 3?
Wieviel battle points habt ihr und was war euer längster win streak?
Ich habe atm 2500 battle points und mein längster win streak war 16.

Wer will kann mich gerne adden auf PSN für paar matches.
Habs durch ein Dawn of War 2 -Event gewonnen und zocks jetzt auf dem PC! Hammer xD
Sind zum Glück viele Leute dort online.

Mir fehlt noch ein passender Controller, aber bis jetzt gehts noch mit der Tasta. Mal schauen, was ich mir kaufe: Entweder nen Fightpad vom offiziellen Ausrüster oder nen Logitech RumblePad II. Der Arcade Stick ist extrem teuer. ^^

Zocks mit 8xAA auf 1920x1200 :D
59 FPS Durchschnitt.

Sobald ich es bissl drauf hab, werd ich dann online zocken.
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I have this game for the PC. I started with unlocking all characters and right after that doing the tourny mode. If you can weed through the millions of Ryu/Ken/Akuma and start to get at G2 instead of G3, it starts to get better.

I am quite surprised about character usage though. Zangief and Rufus I barely faced online while both are good characters. Rose, Dan and Seth I barely faced so far. While Seth is not obivous as he is good to :p. Dan I used in the G3 only to pass to G2 but then you realise Dan can't win no more :D.

All in all I am quite surprised how stable and how high skilled some people are online. Pretty nice game.
Which controller do you use?

I just tried Ryu like all begginers I suppose :D
Sadly I just play with a regular controller. It has a small arcade like stick on it but not as big, so just a normal controller. I can't really find them for the pc in the first place, xbox has them though. It works good enough for me so far.

Ryu has also like no bad matchups just like Sagat :p. I prefer more a charger and mindgames character. So I had most succes as Blanka. Too bad Vega has his problems as he was always my favorite in the other games (his ultra is like the worst in the game or one of the worst). But in general all chargers appeal to me without a projectile, so that excludes Guile and Chun Li. I have never really tried Bison and Balrog though. Either way plenty of chargers who are capable :D.
God Tier

Top Tier

High Tier
Balrog (Boxer)
M. Bison (Dictator)
Chun Li

Med. Tier

Low Tier
E. Honda

Bottom Tier
El Fuerte
Vega (Claw)

This is the current tier list.
I would put Blanka and Balrog into top tier tbh and Vega is not that low,if played right.
I play Guile 4 most of the time and usually win over 80% of all my games.
Still it is pretty hard 2 win games with him.
His sweep is EPIC fail.
The thing is most characters are pretty capable, but Vega is really not that good. Viper and Dhalsim are maybe a bit underrated. Blanka certainly not as close to top as Ryu or Balrog. He has no ways to set up his ultra except for baiting someone to jump in on you. Good luck on that as most players don't do that certainly not when they got a projectile. Even then Blanka is easily punched out of his ultra.

I happen to notice that is the arcade list. Most console versions characters are not that good though so it does not matter much. Or you can say not much is discovered yet as it is still relative new.

Guile can be tricky but has almost no moves to perform so you know exactly what you are up against. I once faced a Guile and slided under every Sonic Boom he did and started chipping with rolls so he was forced to come out of his camp. Then he starts to get worse. Although stilll in average range I believe.

This is a matchup chart made in late April so subject to change but it gives a relative good insight.
Rose,Gen,Fei Long,etc. are underused characters because ppl want characters with which it is easy 2 play.
In G1 you see a few though.
More like people are fanboys of Ryu/Ken/Akuma.

I see a few of those to but that remains for most characters. Gen is maybe the most underrated, I have quite frankly never seen good Rose or Fei Long in the real tourny scene. Hell some top tier characters you barely see and that has nothing to do with easy playstyles. Many people still in G2 think shoruyken and hadouken are the answer to everything. It takes a long time for me to reach G1 though as I am sitting only on 3000 as I just got this game and winning a tourny only nets me with a little over +100.

I seriously think about using a character to speed this up a bit as with Blanka that is not really happening versus campers, even when they are behind on hp they remain to camp.
Habs durch ein Dawn of War 2 -Event gewonnen und zocks jetzt auf dem PC! Hammer xD
Sind zum Glück viele Leute dort online.

Mir fehlt noch ein passender Controller, aber bis jetzt gehts noch mit der Tasta. Mal schauen, was ich mir kaufe: Entweder nen Fightpad vom offiziellen Ausrüster oder nen Logitech RumblePad II. Der Arcade Stick ist extrem teuer. ^^

Zocks mit 8xAA auf 1920x1200 :D
59 FPS Durchschnitt.

Sobald ich es bissl drauf hab, werd ich dann online zocken.

gugg ma hier nach da gibs einige arcade controller die sich zum zocken am pc eventuell eigenen, ich kenn mich da nicht aus deshalb kann ich nicht sagen welcher gut ist

hast du auch die zusatz effekte die pc only sind auch an?
bin jetzt schon länger G2 und hab keine Schnitte dort. Bin auch nicht so einer der die ganze zeit trainiert usw. Hab da auch keine lust mehr ständig zu verlieren und deswegen Spiel ich dann auch fast nur noch gegen Kollegen. Gegen gleichstarke Gegner ist das game der hammer
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I am long time in g1 for the pc version. Back then I still used Dan and sometimes Blanka. Dictator is long my main now and I blasted through the entire g2 with ease. He has also been my main though but I wanted somoene else first. Oh well can't stray way from good ol mains since the first time I could pick him.

I wanted to post this earlier but the bansystem said otherwise.
Hey Liang,

ich bin nach Kane's Rache voll in SF4 abgetaucht. Hab' viele Turniere gespielt und im Sommer ein NRW-Turnier gewonnen. Spiele auch Guile. Bin aber auf XBL unterwegs. Wenn du da auch zockst, können wir demnächst ein paar Mirror-Matches machen. Auch wenn Guile-Mirrors eigentlich voll ätzend sind. :D
Ich kann aber auch bissel Akuma zur Not.
Kann dir auch ein paar richtig krasse Spieler auf PSN nennen, mit denen du trainieren kannst, wenn du Competition suchst. Die Szene ist übrigens megacool und es gibt Unmengen an super organisierten Offline-Events...hautsächlich in NRW oder im Raum Stuttgart.

Dein Guile sieht übrigens schon ganz solide aus.

Heli (ShockBoy in SF4)
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Guile is possibly the worst arcade character in the game, next to Claw. He has like one advantage against a mid tier Dictator, my main.

It is easily to outplay others if you are simply better than them. But high skilled tournies speak everything. Dictator and Guile are not winning those. Both perform bad vs the common top tiers, with Guile even worse against Sagat. Aka unwinnable.

Still fun game of course. I have it sadly for the pc where there is limited competition. So I often try to play with my friends who are good.
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