HotS - Neue MP Unit

find die designs von den terraner units richtig grottig auf den bildern hoffe mal das die so net im spiel aussehen werden. was mir auch net gefällt is die erste unit von den protoss die da gezeigt wird :D
bei zerg gefällt mir aber beides das eine ist eine art lurker und das andere wieder defiler :D
Gameplay experinces from AskJoshy added!CARRIERS ARE GONE!NEW Nexus Spell Picture Added!NO MOTHERSHIP ON THE NEXUS AND STARGATE!Seems like Mothership Gone to!All Pictures Added,Check the whole Page!

From IPL Caster AskJoshy:
Terran: aoe spine crawler, transforming factory unit, Goliath substitute online
Zerg: burrow moveable blank, reverse dark swarm, detection changes
Protoss: mineral shields, new nexus defensive ability, and............ Cloning?
More concrete details after doors open.
EDIT: Doors are open now. The aoe spine crawler is a Shredder. It costs 150/150 and comes from the factory. It does nothing in its mobile form, but when you plant it in the ground making it stationary, it fires a quick aoe pulse in a visible, kind of large radius. The hitch is, if friendly units are standing near it, it won't fire the pulse. It has to be alone. Good for map control, and blocking expansions maybe.
The transforming unit is the hellion. I only got to see it a little but it basically just flips into a firebat sort of thing and fires in a different pattern, more like a cone than a line. It's slower in its firebat form, as it's walking around.
Goliath substitute is the Warhound, also from the factory. Shoots rockets at air kind of like a thor, but no/weaker splash and actually a really weak base attack. Its ground to ground attack looks like it's firing a tazer at its enemy. Decently quick fire rate, good for support I think, not viable to mass them.
Burrow moveable banelings. That is all.
Reverse dark swarm is just disruption web from the corsair, you guys were right. It's fired from the new "Viper" unit. This unit can also cast a spell to make any unit a detector. Overseers are out of the game. Viper's last spell is 100 energy (out of 200) and it pulls any unit from range to itself, like Scorpion's "Get over here!" or a chameleon tongue. I did it on an ultralisk and laughed.
Protoss mineral shields come from a new flying raider unit. It coats enemy minerals in little white bubbles/shields that must be attacked down or time expired. My SCVs freaked out when Artosis did it to me, so my marines came and cleaned up the shield things.
The new nexus defensive ability seems to be decent for super early game, not much else. Basically you can cast it on any of your structures and it gives it a weak attack. Artosis built a pylon in my mineral line and cast the new spell on it. My SCVs killed it and it only managed to take one SCV to 5 health. Not sure if this will be changed.
Cloning? Looks like another unit, the replicant, can also transform itself like a shapeshifter into an enemy unit that it gets in melee range with. Artosis cloned my shredder, warhound, and an SCV and began building a command center with it.
There's more stuff in the demo, but I only got to play one round and observe the Zerg stuff after my session was over.
OH and the destructible rocks are actually a new thing. There are rocks that you can attack to CLOSE paths called collapsible rocks. This really confused me at first, I thought it was a bug, but it's a defensive measure you can choose to use.
Der Carrier war eh völlig unnützt. Die neuen Toss units scheinen eine nette Ergänzung zu sein, vielleicht bekommt Protoss dann vielleicht ein bisschen style und muss nicht immer mit 200/200 A Moven. Die neuen Terran units machen mir angst... Die kontern doch die ganze Muta Ling baneling Komposition wenn ich das nicht falsch verstanden hab.

Und wieso bekommt Zerg am wenigsten Units ob wohl es ne Zerg Expansion ist???
wtf ey banelinge können nun burrowed moven wie OP ist das denn :D ich hab übrigens seit patch 1.1 keinen protoss mehr nur 200 supply massen sehn und dann go machen sehen :?
übrigens muss ja bei HotS was anderes los sein :D wenn zerg dark swarm hat machen doch die ganzen range attacks kein dmg mehr oder ? also stalker sentry immortal
von colossi nur der splash :O
Gefällt mir eigentlich gut. Könnte viel frischen Wind reinbringen :).

Btw. wieso geht ihr eigentlich davon aus, das diese Units welche ersetzen werden?
Im HotS Build gibt es keine Carrier mehr - daher zum Beispiel :p

Bewegte Bilder gibt auch hier drinne:
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Heilige Scheisse dieser Trailer macht so Lust auf mehr.... ich will hots JETZT!
der trailer ist episch aber für die die Wings of Liberty noch net durch haben ist der nichts also spoiler warnung ! :D
die units sehen eig ganz gut aus in dem video gefällt mir irgendwie vorher dacht ich die sind müll zum großteil :D
Alter der Trailer war ja mal übel.
Da werde die Jungs von Blizz vieeelll zu patchen haben bis die neuen Einheiten sich richtig ins Spiel eingefunden haben.
Protoss und Zerg <3

und Terra wird ja noch schwuler noch mehr Transformers
By: Galen Andress

The silhouette tease of an arc-winged warrior of Aiur was only a brief taste of what's in store for Protoss players in the first Starcraft 2 expansion: Heart of the Swarm. After a quick playthrough, here's a brief rundown of the new Protoss units and abilities in the Heart of the Swarm multiplayer demo.

Nexus Abilities

In Heart of the Swarm, the Nexus has a pair of new abilities that will help Protoss players on the defensive.

Arc Shield

Cost: 25 Energy
Effect: Place an anti-light cannon on top of any structure for a brief period of time.

This will be a nice defensive ability for Protoss players protecting an early expansion, and later on in the game for protecting outlying expansions against small raids. It seems like there could be potential to use this ability to protect proxy Pylons during an early attack as well.


Cost: 75 Energy
Effect: Transports selected units to target Nexus

The Mothership is gone, and the Recall ability has been moved to the Nexus. Because of the high energy cost, it seems that this is an ability we'll only see in the later stages of the game, and as a defensive/retreat measure.

New Units

There are three new units added to the Protoss arsenal in Heart of the Swarm, while the Carrier and Mothership have been removed. There are two new units that come from the Stargate, and a new unit from the Robotics Facility.


Built from: Robotics Facility
Cost: 200/200

The Replicant is a really interesting unit. It builds quickly, has very low hitpoints, and has no base attack. The core function of this unit is that it has the ability to transform itself into any non-massive unit. It seems like it will help Protoss players be more flexible in the early game, being able to replicate a Sentry for a few more Forcefields or an Immortal for some extra stopping power early. I can see alot of potential for speeding up tech switches as well in the later stages of the game, by banking up a few Replicants and transforming them into a shiny new Stargate army. We'll have to see.


Built From: Stargate
Cost: 150/200

The Oracle was the most interesting addition to the Protoss arsenal. It is a spellcaster with no base attack, moves quickly, and has three different, very unique spells.

Phase Shift – Target structure is phased out of existence for a brief period of time. During this time, it can't be attacked, use abilities, provide power or tech. Massive structures (Command Centers, Hatcheries, Nexus, etc.) are immune. This ability seems like it will be very flexible, with offensive and defensive capabilities. Phasing out important buildings of your own during an attack could prevent having to rebuild a tech tree, and powering down important tech buildings of your opponent can slow down certain timings and upgrades.

Preordain – Placed on a target enemy structure to gain vision of what it is producing. This will be a useful scouting tool, gaining intel on what upgrades and units your opponent is getting. I feel like this will be very nice against Zerg to see what Hatchery upgrades (Burrow, Overlord Upgrades) they are getting, as well as the upgrades from their tech structures, and seeing what is coming out of Terran Techlabs at specific times.

Entomb – Prevents mining from target Mineral patch for 45 seconds. Can also be used to remove Entomb from patches of your own. This is a nice harrassment ability that can do a ton of economic damage, especially if you get a few Oracles flying all around the map.


Built From: Stargate
Cost: 300/300

Although it pains me to see the Carrier go, I have a feeling that the Tempest is going to fit into the Protoss arsenal very nicely. One nice upgrade from the Carrier is the movement speed is a little quicker on the Tempest. It's AtA attack does AoE damage, which will be good for dealing with masses of Mutalisks, and help soften up flocks of Vikings and Corrupters that are aiming to take down Collosi. Its AtG attack is slow, but does a pretty good amount of damage, so it will be best to target down high-hitpoint targets. I feel like the AtA attack will be the most important part of the Tempest for the most part.

After only 30 minutes of play, it's hard to say exactly how the units will carry over into competitive play, but there is definitely alot of potential. Stay tuned for a rundown of the new units and abilities of Terran and Zerg!
Diese Kopieeinheit der Toss macht mir iwie bisl Kummer ^^
die maps gefallen mir diesmal besser scheitn so als ob es endlich mal vernünftig viele expansions gibt und man net tausend steine für die expos zerstören msus :D
ich kann mir nicht helfen, vom tempest abgesehen find ich alle neuen units irgendwie bedenklich für die spielbalance. natürlich muss man erstmal sondieren wie sich alles verändert. aber so richtig happy bin ich nicht. der replicant... ist so ein kandidat der schnell op oder nutzlos wird.
der battlehellion? blöde.
aber besonders schlimm finde ich dass zerg jetzt mit diesem defilerverschnitt und dem 2. broodlord ding sowie dem ullie upgrade NOCH stärker im lategame werden.
auf jeden fall wird hots zeit für einen rassenwechsel meinerseits. oder ich fokussiere mich generell auf random. mal sehn.! hier noch nen langes vid :)
b.movy war ja klar das wieder voreilig handeln willst und schon wieder über race switch nachdenkst kannst immer nur mit dem stärksten oder was ?
achja ich find den battlehellion und den warhound richtig gut macht terran mech wieder richtig gut
und ich find auch den defiler2.0 und das oracle richtig interesant
übrigens die wolke reduziert den dmg net auf 0 es macht einfach nur das alle units in der wolke eine range von 1 haben . Mit bissl micro wird das also kein problem sein denk ich mal
für mich ist aber das Oracle aufjedenfall die interesanteste unit die neu dabei ist :)
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