Christopher Lee verstorben


Staff member
Feb 27, 2007
Der Schauspieler starb im Alter von 93 Jahren in London.


Der „Gentleman des Grauens“ ist von uns gegangen.

Mit mehr als 250 Filmen zählte Lee zu den meistbeschäftigten Schauspielern.

In Filmen wie "Dracula" von 1958 oder "Frankenstein's Fluch" ,der britische Hammer-Studios, erlangte er in den 50er Jahren Weltruhm.
Als Bond-Bösewicht Scaramanga in „Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt“ brillierte er an der Seite von Roger Moore.
Einem jüngerem Publikum ist er vor allem aus "Star Wars" und der "Herr der Ringe" bekannt.

Neben der Schauspielerei war Lee, der 8 Sprachen beherrschte, auch als Synchronsprecher und Sänger tätig; er nahm mehrere Heavy Metal–Alben auf.

Einer der ganz großen seiner Zunft ist von der Bühne des Lebens abgetreten.

93 Jahre ist ein tolles Alter und Christopher Lee war bis zuletzt als Schauspieler aktiv, trotzdem schmerzt es sehr eine solche Leinwand-Ikone zu verlieren.

Ich habe mir vor ein paar Tagen erst "The Devil rides out" angesehen und war froh, dass er noch unter uns weilt und trotz seine hohen Alters so aktiv ist.
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Wer des facebooks mächtig is, der lese den Nachruf von Peter Jackson.... ich finde er bringt es wirklich sehr schön auf den Punkt. Unendlich traurig... RIP.

Ich quote ihn mal hier:

Peter Jackson said:

It is with tremendous sadness that I learnt of the passing of Sir Christopher Lee. He was 93 years old, had not been in his usual good health for some time, but his spirit remained, as always, indomitable.

Christopher spoke seven languages; he was in every sense, a man of the world; well versed in art, politics, literature, history and science. He was scholar, a singer, an extraordinary raconteur and of course, a marvelous actor. One of my favourite things to do whenever I came to London would be to visit with Christopher and Gitte where he would regale me for hours with stories about his extraordinary life. I loved to listen to them and he loved to tell them - they were made all the more compelling because they were true - stories from his time with the SAS, through the Second World War, to the Hammer Horror years and later, his work with Tim Burton - of which he was enormously proud.

I was lucky enough to work with Chris on five films all told and it never ceased to be a thrill to see him on set. I remember him saying on my 40th Birthday (he was 80 at the time), “You’re half the man I am”. Being half the man Christopher Lee is, is more than I could ever hope for. He was a true gentleman, in an era that no longer values gentleman.

I grew up loving Christopher Lee movies. For most of my life I was enthralled by the great iconic roles he not only created - but continued to own decades later. But somewhere along the way Christopher Lee suddenly, and magically, dissolved away and he became my friend, Chris. And I loved Chris even more.

There will never be another Christopher Lee. He has a unique place in the history of cinema and in the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

The world will be a lesser place without him in it.

My deepest sympathies to Gitte and to his family and friends.

Rest in peace, Chris.

An icon of cinema has passed into legend.
Schade. Hab seine Rollen sehr gemocht.
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