_lstryfel_ aka GYLF}paper dc

I did play pencil check the game records if possible, stop repeating the same thing in every topic when you get proven differently. Also id love to find the supposed 5x where I say it, why don't you be honest instead of exaggerating everything
why dont you get banned, you are constant dc'er who been reported many times, but you dont get banned, explain to me why you dont get banned?
Because I do not dc purposely and respected outside of these forums

ok so its all good if ppl dc on u as long as they offer u a freewin once u make a topic about them right? because DCing to avoid a loss isnt purposely right?
This topic is done with already.... he will get banned since he admitted he dced....

Stop replying in it ora-hm if a fair player like malle gets banned for admitting a dc in early game this guy will get banned for multiple dc reports against him with finally here once admitting he dced on purpose....
.... if a fair player like malle gets banned for admitting a dc in early game ....

Talking about contradictions here, epic fail!

I suspect Malle is German? , it would explain why a fair player like Malle gets banned for admitting a dc in early game and still gets your support over here.

Stryfe did not DC on purpose, he admits he caused the DC and that is something you guys just dont want to see since you all obviously want him hunted down for intentional DC.

But believe it or not, that does make a big difference. So does the fact that Stryfe is not German, im sure you understand ;)

This topicstarter should be punished real hard for falsely accusing.
He could get a free win but rather flames, what does that say about him?

As i think of it, you can delete my account. If players like Wilco and Technique post garbage like the way they did then i know enough about this place.
Shame as i did not had the time to get into this place much more.
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Malle is known as a fair and respected player (no he aint german) thats obvisiously what i ment with it.... and paperbag is known as a dcer + he admitted in this topic he dced on purpose cause he was pissed of....

Thats all im gonna say about it...
Paperbag is one of the biggest DCer atm
And this is not an accusation, it is a fact

I just don't care as much about it because he is only a decent player and won't be involved in the upper rankings anyway
gleich Bannen den schmog.unbelievable how many dcers still around.
EA should be much tougher on these wannabes.
Talking about contradictions here, epic fail!

I suspect Malle is German? , it would explain why a fair player like Malle gets banned for admitting a dc in early game and still gets your support over here.

Stryfe did not DC on purpose, he admits he caused the DC and that is something you guys just dont want to see since you all obviously want him hunted down for intentional DC.

But believe it or not, that does make a big difference. So does the fact that Stryfe is not German, im sure you understand ;)

This topicstarter should be punished real hard for falsely accusing.
He could get a free win but rather flames, what does that say about him?

As i think of it, you can delete my account. If players like Wilco and Technique post garbage like the way they did then i know enough about this place.
Shame as i did not had the time to get into this place much more.

What you are writing is so pathetic and ridiculous, it is almost funny again. Defending a well known disconnecter and in the next sentence attacking well known fair players: pathetic.
I believe in order to prove someone as a DCer in order to be banned, an enormous amount of evidence is required.

All we know for sure, is that the connection was lost in the game. That is it frankly :/

The other interesting thing is Paper has less than 10% DC's, much lower than the necessary 25% thresh hold.

I looked into the profile of HitMachine and found that he has plenty of disconnects. Maybe this accussation is a cover up to divert attention from himself? I don't know, but I do know that this is a non-issue, and is just an archive so it can be pulled up if another report comes into existence.

This is the only report on this site so far, so how about we all drop it. Someone lock this thread.
I believe in order to prove someone as a DCer in order to be banned, an enormous amount of evidence is required.

All we know for sure, is that the connection was lost in the game. That is it frankly :/

The other interesting thing is Paper has less than 10% DC's, much lower than the necessary 25% thresh hold.

I looked into the profile of HitMachine and found that he has plenty of disconnects. Maybe this accussation is a cover up to divert attention from himself? I don't know, but I do know that this is a non-issue, and is just an archive so it can be pulled up if another report comes into existence.

This is the only report on this site so far, so how about we all drop it. Someone lock this thread.

I seriously dont know how you come to these conclusions, maybe because your 16 years old, i dont know.

First off, hes got over a 10% dc ratio, just check his overall accounts and then make the calculation, not just 1 account.

Secondly, i have 1900 games and only 43 disconnects, do the math.. thats roughly just over 2% dc ratio, so calling me a DC'er gets you nowhere fast.

Thirdly, this isnt the only report on this site, why dont you use the search feature and actually find other reports, also take the time to read his statements, he clearly said "i got dc'ed by pencil so i dc'ed this guy" .

Next time read what your typing, otherwise you will get schooled again. gg.

Edit - Quick search hi.

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People say things they dont mean to or are not true when they are angry, look at some of your posts as well as mine for examples

Also I dont know where you say I have more than 10% overall when only one of my accounts is and that is from when the game was released and b4 AM was patched and you got a dc for simple nat errors, I have another account that is almost 600 games and only total 15-20 dcs i don't remember exactly which is less than 3%.
Given the fact that the accused has had 5 or 6 accounts banned before for DCing and pointpushing, I think questioning his integrity is rational behavior.
People are getting personal in this topic, thats absurd and way beyond acting mature in any kind.

Given the fact that the accused has had 5 or 6 accounts banned before for DCing and pointpushing, I think questioning his integrity is rational behavior.

His other accounts dont matter in this topic, its about the account Stryfe. That said, im questioning your objectivity now.

Concerning Malle:
Naming him a fair player and in the same sentence mention he admits dc-ing is like wow.......Am i the only one noticing this?
Me mentioning this is not pathetic or funny at all, i just show you guys how contradictive this really is.
Malle dc'ed after like 17 seconds because of lag. He was reset for that and I have not seen a DC report about him since then. And now don't try to bring Malle in this thread because you lack good points in the discussion.
Malle dc'ed after like 17 seconds because of lag. He was reset for that and I have not seen a DC report about him since then. And now don't try to bring Malle in this thread because you lack good points in the discussion.

Thank you for just proving my point.
Malle dc-ed on purpose after 17 secs, he should be banned. Stryfe did not dc on purpose, he admits he caused the dc for what ever reason.

That said, i did not brought Malle up, someone else did.

Now i think i stop posting, topic isnt worth my attention anymore.
Stryfe did not dc on purpose

Paperbag gets angry b/c he was dc'd by pencil the game b4 so he dc's this guy

I can take some pride in admitting it and attempting to make up for a mistake when 95% of the people try and make up excuses or deny it, that's why I did that. So laugh all you want it's not that im stupid it's just im not scared admitting mistakes but I guess that's real funny...what a nice community.

I dont see any my brother was on my account, my cat tripped on the wire, or the powercut story in his statements. Define 'purpose', because obviously you have no idea what the word means.

@paperbag - next time get some smarter people to defend you.

Given the fact that the accused has had 5 or 6 accounts banned before for DCing and pointpushing, I think questioning his integrity is rational behavior.

wow 5/6 accounts omg.. this guy dont learn lesson, how long till serial ban :D?
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Because I do not dc purposely ......

Just because you cant understand what you read does not mean i defend Stryfe, i simply disagree with you. Those things happens you know.

Because i disagree with you you get all stressed out. You should not be posting at all, you have not mentally grown enough to get a healthy discussion going on.

For that matter you wanted admins to compare both Stryfe's and my IP', that was so funny. Priceless for that matter and that really says a lot about you, you are paranoide obviously.

You also start flaming people all the time when we do not agree with you. Your last post also shows that clearly, amongst other posts as well.

That said, you also keep saying the same over and over again. We can say what we want, you just dont listen.

Besides that, he offered you a free win. If he would dc on purpose he would not be offering that.
If i were Stryfe now i would tell you to shuf that free win where ever you want it.

P.s. i got a feeling where that would be xD
I don't know this guy fyi, I assume he is just outraged by some of your ridiculus statments.

I like how you feel safe saying whatever you feel because your behind a computer screen, there isn't one reply without adding extra taunting like responses.
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