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So - jetzt haben wir ihn: Wohl einer der besten Starcraft2-Spieler und wohl auch der beste Terraner der Welt:
Jaja - die vielen Abkürzungen bereiten einem Kopfschmerzen:
LG - berühmter südkoreanischer Elektronikhersteller und Hauptsponsor von ...
IM - Incredible Miracle - der Teamname
MVP - Most Valuable Player ... und das hat der liebe zurecht.
| |
Name| Jung Jong Hyun
Team|LG IM|
Wo fangen wir an? Am besten mit dem 17-Jährigen MVP, der Starcraft BW für sich entdeckt hat und einige Amateur-Turniere als Terraner gewinnen konnte. Sein Vater war es dann, der ihn zum professionellen eSport überreden konnte und so fing MVP wirklich an zu spielen - bald darauf wartet ein Vertrag als Spieler bei den Woojin Stars im B-Team. Erstes Aufsehen als ProGamer hat dann MVP in der 2010 MSL erlangt, als er Spieler wie Jangbi, Best oder Baby schlug. Es folgten noch einige mäßige Erfolge und sein Kespa-Rang stieg auf Rang 39. Es folgten schließlich eher erfolglose Monate und MVP selbst meinte, dass er einfach keine Motivation mehr aufbringen konnte.
So beendete MVP seine kurze Sc:BW Karriere und stand mit leeren Händen mehr oder weniger auf der Straße.
Es war dann wieder sein Vater, der ihm StarCraft2 vorstellte und ihn dahin motivierte, es doch mit Starcraft2 zu probieren. Als MVP den großen Preis-Pool der ersten angekündigten GSL sah und seine Familie eher in armen Verhältnissen lebte, eschloss MVP seine ProGamer-Karriere mit Starcraft2 fortzusetzen. Bereits kurz nach der Beta gründete er am ersten Oktober 2010 mit anderen ehemaligen BW-Spieler (Nestea, Losira, ...) das Team IM - Incredible Miracle.
Für die erste Fuitdealer-dominierte GSL konnte sich MVP zwar nicht qualifizieren, doch schon bei der zweiten GSL trat er an - um nur kurz darauf im 16tel-Finale von Zenio besiegt zu werden. Im November 2010 war MVP der erste Spieler, der auf der Ladder 3000 Punkte erreichte. In der dritten GSL kam MVP zwar nur ins Achtelfinale, konnte sich aber somit einen Code S Platz sichern. Im Jänner 2011 begann dann die GSL in dem Format, welches wir auch heute noch haben - eine Aufteilung in Code S und Code A. Und in genau jenem Turnier vor gut 2 Jahren begann der Aufsteig des MVP. In der vierten GSL und der ersten neuen Saison verputzte MVP gleich Zenio, Leenock, Fruitdealer, Nestea, Trickster und im Finale den armen MarineKing 4:0. Somit ging er als erster Terraner-Gewinner mit einer Winrate von 92% in den GSL-Geschichte ein.
Doch es sollte nicht seine letzte GSL sein, die er gewinnen konnte. Sein Rekord von 29-3 in einer GSL Saison machte ihn da schon zu einem der besten der Welt. Dann kam aber eine eher durchwachsene Zeit für MVP: Er verlor schließlich seinen Code S Status. Doch als ein koreanischer Vertreter mit einem GSL Sieg durfte er beim GSL World Championship antreten und putzte dort Huk, July und San weg, bis er im Finale wieder auf MarineKing traf. Und wieder konnte er sich gegen ihn locker behaupten und gewann mit 4-2 seinen zweiten großen Titel - mehr überraschend als erwartet. In der nächsten GSL-Saison musste MVP durch Code A, was ihm auch gut gelang und er wieder zu Code S aufstieg. MVP wurde dann auch für seiner erstes internationales Turnier angekündigt: Der MLG Anaheim. Und dieses gewann er auch gleich. Darauf hin folge auch gleich der nächste GSL-Titel (August), wo er im Final TOP mit 4:1 bezwingen konnte. In der Oktober GSL stand MVP wieder im Finale, dass er aber nicht gewinnen konnte (Slayers_MMA gwann in der GomTvT das Terraner-Finale).
Die viele Trainiererei zeigt seine erste Erscheinungen: MVP leidet (gleich wie viele andere ProGamer, z.b. TLO) an dem Karpal-Tunnelsyndrom - also scheiß Schmerzen in den Handgelenken, beim Bewegen der Maus.
Bei MVP ist das wohl schon in der schlimmeren Phase, wo das ganze Richtung Nacken/Hals/Schulter austrahlt. Daher wird er auch zur Zeit immer wieder vom Trainer vor und nach den Spielen massiert.
Doch jetzt kommt das, das MVP zu etwas besonderem macht: Trotz seines Handicaps siegte und siegt er weiter: Es folgten Siege auf der Blizzcon und bei den ersten SC2-WorldCyberGames.
Und dann? Dann wurde es wieder ruhig um MVP - nur mäßig Ergebnisse. Man glaubte schon, dass die Krankheit über ihn gesiegt hätte. Im Mai 2012 gelang ihm jedoch das unerwartete: Trotz seiner Krankheit und trotz der sehr stark gewordenen Protoss konnte er seinen vierten (!) GSL-Titel gewinnen.
Ich persönlich will darauf hinweise, dass das das beste GSL-Finale war, das ich bisher gesehen habe. MVP hat da Squirtle 4:3 kanpp besiegen können. Um dem ganzen Verlauf die Krone aufzusetzen hat MVP kurz darauf auch die IEM in Köln gewonnen.
Und jetzt? Jetzt steht er in seinem 6ten GSL Finale - wird er den 5ten Sieg holen können?
Wir werden sehen - am 20 Oktober 2012.
Ihr seht also: es kann sehr förderlich sein, wenn einem die Eltern unterstützen und Mut machen, denn MVP hat selbst mal gesagt: Ohne seinem Vater wäre er jetzt nicht hier.
Negativ an dieser Erfolgsgeschichte ist lediglich seine Krankheit. Sie ist zwar kurierbar, doch leider hat MVP momentan kaum Zeit, sein Training zu vernachlässigen - mehr dazu im Interview unten.
Erwähnenswerte Erfolge:
Es folgt im Spoiler ein langes englisches geniales aktuelles Interview, wo MVP über seinen Vater, seine Schemrzen und sein Spiel spricht.
Mvp - Game genius?
Seo Yeon Ji: I hear your name quite frequently, but this is the first time I'm actually meeting you face to face. Really pleased to meet you.
Mvp: I never made it to the actual OSL when I was at Woongjin, so it's the first time I'm seeing you too (laughs). When I heard you were coming to interview me today, I was really looking forward to it. You're beautiful indeed.
Seo Yeon Ji: Seems like you heard quite a lot about me.
Mvp: When I was in Woongjin, the players would talk about you after they came back from OSL. They'd talk about how pretty Stargirl is (laughs). I guess they'd probably be quite jealous that I got interviewed by you.
Seo Yeon Ji: Actually, I've been doing interviews with the Kespa players, but I wanted to do something a little different this week, so I found you Mvp. I hope that there'd be a lot of new topics coming out of this.
Mvp: What if it doesn't go as you hope, and there're no new topics to talk about (laughs). But either way, it is an honour to be the first amongst the GSL players to be interviewed. I guess I've already succeeded (laughs).
Seo Yeon Ji: I think that you are the most successful player, both in terms of prize money and number of championship wins, and you fulfil the conditions to be a legend. I think that's really cool.
Mvp: I'm really glad that there are people who think of me like that. Whenever I think of it, I feel like it was a right decision to go into gaming.
Seo Yeon Ji: How were you like as a child? I frequently hear that you are a really talented gamer, a genius.
Mvp: I'm not a genius (laughs). I really liked playing games, and not just Starcraft 1, but all the different games. I wanted to try all the games that were released.
I guess I first came into contact with Starcraft 1 when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school. I played about 2 games with a friend and found it really fun and interesting. After that, when I was in middle school, I bought the CD for Starcraft 1 and I was able to play it at home too. I would play until I'd forget the time. It was really fun.
When I went head to head against my friends, it was quite clear that I was better than them (laughs). But I don't think I'm really a genius. I just adapt to games better and have a better understanding. I guess because of this, my skills tend to improve really fast once I get serious about a particular game.
Seo Yeon Ji: You're a game genius indeed (laughs).
Mvp: The problem is that even though my understanding of games and adaptability towards games are very strong, I get tired of a game really fast. I play really well when I'm really engrossed in the game, but once my interest in the particular game declines, my skill drops rapidly too. This is really a problem. In fact, it's the reason I retired from Starcraft 1.
Seo Yeon Ji: Talent's really important when it comes to gaming. But no matter what you're doing, once you've lost your passion, it's really hard to persevere on the path.
Mvp: Passion is indeed really important for gaming too, but some people, no matter how much they try, never make it to the very top in their lives. I guess you do need a certain amount of talent, as well as the endurance to make it at a certain level.
The father who changed his life
Seo Yeon Ji: Even though you really liked gaming, I don't think you thought of being a pro-gamer then? You mentioned that you grew tired of a game really fast. How did you go on this path of professional gaming?
Mvp: It's mainly thanks to my father. We had a computer at home then, and my father would watch as I play Starcraft 1, and occasionally, he'd play a game or two too. Maybe because of that, he could tell that I was pretty good (laughs).
The fact is that I didn't even know what a professional gamer was. It was my dad who asked if I wanted to try playing games professionally. At first, I was totally uninterested, but my dad asked me seriously, and I eventually went on this path of professional gaming.
Seo Yeon Ji: That's really interesting. Other parents try their best to prevent their children when they hear them wanting to be a pro-gamer.
Mvp: My dad was really young at heart, and really open minded too. It's actually quite hard to be successful based on studying. Also, conditions in my family were not that great then, and it was difficult to concentrate on studying.
My father thought that I would be successful when he saw my skills in Starcraft, and with his encouragement, I started having dreams of being a pro-gamer and started taking part in various amateur tournaments. I came in third the first time I entered a competition, and it proves my father really has pretty good foresight.
Seo Yeon Ji: Do you remember any of the players you played at the amateur competitions?
Mvp: There was Fantasy from SKT, who's now become a top player, and Shuttle from STX, and Crazy-Hydra from KT and others. I really met a lot of players. I also remember when I won against Fantasy (laughs).
Every time my father saw me achieve good results in the amateur competitions, he would encourage me saying, "Do you realise your potential now? You really got to work hard yea." Thanks to him, I started doing even better.
Seo Yeon Ji: Your father's a really great guy.
Mvp: I got to know about the courage games also through my father. The fact is that I didn't even know what I needed to do to become a pro-gamer. But I was really lucky, and I even made it to the top 4 in the WCG preliminaries. In the semifinals of that tournament, I went up against SKT's current assistant coach, iloveoov.
Seo Yeon Ji: How interesting. You actually ran into iloveoov at the WCG preliminaries.
Mvp: To be honest, I was really confident in my abilities, but pro-gamers are really just different (laughs). iloveoov was a really great player in 2006. But I already managed to get into the top 4, and was thus eligible for the draft.
Seo Yeon Ji: You made your debut in 2008, so it seems like none of the teams actually came in for you that soon?
Mvp: You're really sharp (laughs). I was just taking part in the drafts during that year and a half, but none of the teams chose me. Nowadays, the players who take part in the draft are all generally able to find teams. There were too many people taking part in the drafts then, and there was also a limit when the teams are choosing players, so that made the competition really stiff.
During that time, my father was the one who provided me with the strength to go on. That's why I was able to continue taking part in the drafts and in the amateur competitions. My dad would say, "Some day, someone who really appreciates how good a player you are will come by." And so I was able to wait patiently rather than being impatient.
Seo Yeon Ji: Your life was changed because of your dad.
Mvp: It wasn't just this time. There was another time after that when my life was changed as well. As I was getting tired of Starcraft 1, I thought of retiring. It was he who led me to Starcraft 2. In fact, when I was thinking of retiring, I was actually considering retiring from games altogether. It was my dad who persuaded me to give Starcraft 2 a try.
When I think about it now, if it wasn't for my father's persuasion and guidance, I don't know how I would have turned out. I'd probably be scraping by with part time jobs, and perhaps living an ordinary, boring, and uninteresting life.
I think it was the right choice to switch to Starcraft 2. I really want to thank my father for changing my life time and time again.
Seo Yeon Ji: Even now, your father is still a great source of your strength.
Mvp: Sure. There are many issues which are really tiring, but I am able to withstand it up to now thanks to my father. If not for him, it'd have been really really tough. I am really very happy to be a son that my father can be proud of.
Seo Yeon Ji: So if the parents make an effort to understand their children's talents, and if the child listens to his/her parents, good results will come out of it.
Mvp: I didn't see it then either, but now I understand that one should really listen to their parents when one is younger.
The slump brought about by neck pains
Seo Yeon Ji: You are the player who have won the most number of GSLs, and you are titled "The King". May I know what's the secret behind staying at the top for such a long time?
[T/N: I think "The King" seems to be a suitable translation for his title? Basically he's name is "Jung Jong Hyun", but the title they gave him is "Jung Jong Wang", where "Wang" means "King". Not too sure about all the possible nuances or significance.]
Mvp: I've only won the championship four times. I have never thought that I was a legend, or the best player. To be honest, I think that amongst the players taking part in the GSL, my ability is of a lower rank.
Seo Yeon Ji: You've already won the championship four times. Aren't you being too modest?
Mvp: What modest, it's the truth. With how it is now, I'm really of a lower rank. Recently, I feel that my condition is really not good.
Seo Yeon Ji: You were recently eliminated from both OSL and WCG. Does that affect you?
Mvp: The fact is that my neck condition is really severe. Because of the pains in my spine, sometimes my arm will go numb (T/N: Like paralysis numb) too. My shoulders feel terrible. Sometimes, I can't even pick up the mouse.
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Seo Yeon Ji: Isn't that really really serious?
Mvp: It is serious. For normal people, the neck has the shape of an inverted "C", that's normal. But mine is already in a "C" shape. If it continues the pain will become even worse.
Seo Yeon Ji: Then wouldn't it be better to go for surgical treatment as soon as possible?
Mvp: That's also a problem. As a professional gamer, it feels like there'll be a huge drop even if we just stop playing for a week. In addition, the competition now is even stronger. I'm unable to complete my treatment.
But what upsets me most in the midst of this are the fans who keep wondering about the legitimacy of the injury. I say that my condition isn't good, but yet I still manage to win sometimes, which leads to the fans thinking things like "Seems like he's not really that ill", or "Is he really sick?"
To be honest, I really hate making excuses for my losses. Recently, I'm losing frequently, and that's because I'm not good enough. That's why I say that my current ability only belongs in the lower ranks of GSL. I'm not finding excuses for my losses. My body condition is really not good, but it's always seen as an excuse or a lie. It really makes me sad.
Seo Yeon Ji: I suppose there are times when you don't even feel like practising because of the pain?
Mvp: There's no choice. I just have to cut down on my practice time. I need to constantly think of new strategies and builds, and test them through practice, but it is really tough to practise. My teeth would be clenched as I sit in front of the computer, but the pain would inevitably force me to stop. To be honest, if a professional gamer can't even go about practising properly, how can he improve? It's quite a miracle to even be able to maintain at a particular level.
Seo Yeon Ji: You need to get treated really soon. It's really so serious. I'm so worried.
Mvp: The people around me are all really worried about me. They keep suggesting to me to take a period of rest to focus on treating it. But it's just how it is.
Seo Yeon Ji: Injured players such as Flash have also had surgery, and also rested for a few months. Can't Mvp do the same?
Mvp: This isn't that easy a matter to settle. Firstly, we don't have an off-season. There is very little time to rest in between the GSL seasons. Also, global tournaments are constantly going on. In addition, Kespa players have joined in the scene recently, and that makes it all the harder. If I rest for three months and then come back, I might as well have retired.
Seo Yeon Ji: The profession of being a professional gamer is really so tough. Even if you're sick you are unable to get proper treatment of the condition. I'm so worried about what's going to happen to you in the future. But still, the fans will be hoping for the speedy recovery of Mvp.
Mvp: I haven't given up either. To be honest, if I had given up, I would have already stopped playing and concentrated on my treatment. But for now, there's still more I want to achieve. I can't just fall like that. I will try my best.
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The happiness of my family is my happiness
Seo Yeon Ji: What are you proudest of as a pro-gamer?
Mvp: When I was young, my family conditions were poor. And as I became a professional gamer, I was determined to succeed and buy a house for the family. But I wasn't able to fulfil that dream when I was in Woongjin.
Seo Yeon Ji: When you won GSL, you fulfilled your dream, and took the first step.
Mvp: I still remember it today. The house I was in last time was really small, and it was really inconvenient. But after winning GSL twice, I gathered enough money to buy a house. When I passed the money to my dad, I think my father said, "We can finally buy a house." My dad and I will never forget that moment. Even though I never said anything, I was happier than at any other time in my life.
Seo Yeon Ji: Looks like it was an opportunity well taken. If you had immediately retired after leaving Woongjin, then maybe you wouldn't have felt such a happiness.
Mvp: Yeah. And because of that, I've always been really grateful to my father, and also to Coach Kang Dong Hoon (IM Coach) and others who have led me on the way. They gave me, someone who had already chosen to quit, this opportunity. Perhaps, without these people by my side, I'd just be a player that nobody remembers.
Seo Yeon Ji: After becoming a professional gamer, you gave this gift of happiness to your family. Seems like you can be quite proud of yourself. Either way, as professional gamers reach a certain level, they are also able to bring happiness to their family.
Mvp: But, to be honest, I frequently think about myself not being suited to being a professional gamer. I didn't carry any stress before I started playing games. Strangely, after I became a professional gamer, I became more and more stressed, and at that point, I started suffering from poor health. I still frequently think about just quitting.
Seo Yeon Ji: When you were active in Woongjin, you seemed to discover that you are unable to overcome the stress. Is that better now?
Mvp: I guess I'm still unable to overcome the stress. Normally, my character is such that I don't really care about winning or losing. My main aim in doing anything is to find joy and happiness in whatever I do, and I got along quite happily. But I'm unable to do that as a professional gamer. If I don't care about winning or losing, how can I be a professional gamer?
Maybe that's the reason. To be honest, I'm really tired. How good would it be, if perhaps my personality was a little tougher, and I did not get stressed so easily. I have the kind of personality that isn't suited to being a professional gamer, and yet I still became a professional gamer.
Seo Yeon Ji: After winning the championship 4 times, I think you probably do have the calling to be a professional gamer.
Mvp: Yeah I guess (laughs). To be honest, I think that after winning 4 championships, it can't just be luck anymore. But till today, I still question myself about whether I'm meant to be a professional gamer. But the first problem now is that my physical condition is not good, and it'd be difficult to continue my professional career. This makes me really stressed, and quite agitated.
Seo Yeon Ji: Not long ago, Violet sadly passed away. Since you're both professional gamers, I suppose you were quite sad about it too?
Mvp: To be honest, even though our relationship was not too close, but being a professional gamer, my heart still really hurt. I also attended his funeral. I know that Violet had a really bright and outgoing personality. His death was really quite a shock to me.
Recently, I came to understand that health is the most important thing in this world, and seeing this incident with Violet, that really struck home. I sincerely hope that Violet will be happy in a better place.
Seo Yeon Ji: Seems like there're really a lot of tough things to go through. I wouldn't have noticed that there was such an arduous journey behind a player who smiles all the time.
Mvp: But it's exactly these difficulties that made me who I am now, and so now I feel that it's worthwhile, and I'm quite proud of it. What won't I be able to do in the future after all these.
Seo Yeon Ji: What's the dream of Mvp?
Mvp: Firstly, my dream of buying a house is fulfilled. My life goal is to live a life I do not regret. No matter what choices I make, I will give it my best shot. That way, I won't have regrets in the future.
Right now, the goal is to regain my health. I need to regain my health quickly so I can do more stuff that I want to do. I also hope all the people who know me will remain healthy too.
Seo Yeon Ji: Hope you'd recover soon, and climb up to even higher heights than ever before. Hopefully "The King" will return soon.
Mvp: For all the people who support me, I will definitely try my hardest. Keep an eye out!
Erwähnenswerte Replays/VODs/Videos/Bilder:
Nun darf ich wieder um eine ausartende epische Diskussion bitten
Steht's euer Steinchen
Bisherige ProGamer-Talks:
#01 - Idra -
#02 - Naniwa -
#03 - TLO -
#04 - Huk -
#05 - Destiny -
#06 - MarineKing -
#07 – WhiteRa –
#08 - GoOdy -
#09 – Stephano -
#10 - Thorzain -
#11 - MC -
Jaja - die vielen Abkürzungen bereiten einem Kopfschmerzen:
LG - berühmter südkoreanischer Elektronikhersteller und Hauptsponsor von ...
IM - Incredible Miracle - der Teamname
MVP - Most Valuable Player ... und das hat der liebe zurecht.
Name| Jung Jong Hyun
Team|LG IM|
Wo fangen wir an? Am besten mit dem 17-Jährigen MVP, der Starcraft BW für sich entdeckt hat und einige Amateur-Turniere als Terraner gewinnen konnte. Sein Vater war es dann, der ihn zum professionellen eSport überreden konnte und so fing MVP wirklich an zu spielen - bald darauf wartet ein Vertrag als Spieler bei den Woojin Stars im B-Team. Erstes Aufsehen als ProGamer hat dann MVP in der 2010 MSL erlangt, als er Spieler wie Jangbi, Best oder Baby schlug. Es folgten noch einige mäßige Erfolge und sein Kespa-Rang stieg auf Rang 39. Es folgten schließlich eher erfolglose Monate und MVP selbst meinte, dass er einfach keine Motivation mehr aufbringen konnte.
So beendete MVP seine kurze Sc:BW Karriere und stand mit leeren Händen mehr oder weniger auf der Straße.
Es war dann wieder sein Vater, der ihm StarCraft2 vorstellte und ihn dahin motivierte, es doch mit Starcraft2 zu probieren. Als MVP den großen Preis-Pool der ersten angekündigten GSL sah und seine Familie eher in armen Verhältnissen lebte, eschloss MVP seine ProGamer-Karriere mit Starcraft2 fortzusetzen. Bereits kurz nach der Beta gründete er am ersten Oktober 2010 mit anderen ehemaligen BW-Spieler (Nestea, Losira, ...) das Team IM - Incredible Miracle.
Für die erste Fuitdealer-dominierte GSL konnte sich MVP zwar nicht qualifizieren, doch schon bei der zweiten GSL trat er an - um nur kurz darauf im 16tel-Finale von Zenio besiegt zu werden. Im November 2010 war MVP der erste Spieler, der auf der Ladder 3000 Punkte erreichte. In der dritten GSL kam MVP zwar nur ins Achtelfinale, konnte sich aber somit einen Code S Platz sichern. Im Jänner 2011 begann dann die GSL in dem Format, welches wir auch heute noch haben - eine Aufteilung in Code S und Code A. Und in genau jenem Turnier vor gut 2 Jahren begann der Aufsteig des MVP. In der vierten GSL und der ersten neuen Saison verputzte MVP gleich Zenio, Leenock, Fruitdealer, Nestea, Trickster und im Finale den armen MarineKing 4:0. Somit ging er als erster Terraner-Gewinner mit einer Winrate von 92% in den GSL-Geschichte ein.
Doch es sollte nicht seine letzte GSL sein, die er gewinnen konnte. Sein Rekord von 29-3 in einer GSL Saison machte ihn da schon zu einem der besten der Welt. Dann kam aber eine eher durchwachsene Zeit für MVP: Er verlor schließlich seinen Code S Status. Doch als ein koreanischer Vertreter mit einem GSL Sieg durfte er beim GSL World Championship antreten und putzte dort Huk, July und San weg, bis er im Finale wieder auf MarineKing traf. Und wieder konnte er sich gegen ihn locker behaupten und gewann mit 4-2 seinen zweiten großen Titel - mehr überraschend als erwartet. In der nächsten GSL-Saison musste MVP durch Code A, was ihm auch gut gelang und er wieder zu Code S aufstieg. MVP wurde dann auch für seiner erstes internationales Turnier angekündigt: Der MLG Anaheim. Und dieses gewann er auch gleich. Darauf hin folge auch gleich der nächste GSL-Titel (August), wo er im Final TOP mit 4:1 bezwingen konnte. In der Oktober GSL stand MVP wieder im Finale, dass er aber nicht gewinnen konnte (Slayers_MMA gwann in der GomTvT das Terraner-Finale).
Die viele Trainiererei zeigt seine erste Erscheinungen: MVP leidet (gleich wie viele andere ProGamer, z.b. TLO) an dem Karpal-Tunnelsyndrom - also scheiß Schmerzen in den Handgelenken, beim Bewegen der Maus.
Bei MVP ist das wohl schon in der schlimmeren Phase, wo das ganze Richtung Nacken/Hals/Schulter austrahlt. Daher wird er auch zur Zeit immer wieder vom Trainer vor und nach den Spielen massiert.
Doch jetzt kommt das, das MVP zu etwas besonderem macht: Trotz seines Handicaps siegte und siegt er weiter: Es folgten Siege auf der Blizzcon und bei den ersten SC2-WorldCyberGames.
Und dann? Dann wurde es wieder ruhig um MVP - nur mäßig Ergebnisse. Man glaubte schon, dass die Krankheit über ihn gesiegt hätte. Im Mai 2012 gelang ihm jedoch das unerwartete: Trotz seiner Krankheit und trotz der sehr stark gewordenen Protoss konnte er seinen vierten (!) GSL-Titel gewinnen.
Ich persönlich will darauf hinweise, dass das das beste GSL-Finale war, das ich bisher gesehen habe. MVP hat da Squirtle 4:3 kanpp besiegen können. Um dem ganzen Verlauf die Krone aufzusetzen hat MVP kurz darauf auch die IEM in Köln gewonnen.
Und jetzt? Jetzt steht er in seinem 6ten GSL Finale - wird er den 5ten Sieg holen können?
Wir werden sehen - am 20 Oktober 2012.
Ihr seht also: es kann sehr förderlich sein, wenn einem die Eltern unterstützen und Mut machen, denn MVP hat selbst mal gesagt: Ohne seinem Vater wäre er jetzt nicht hier.
Negativ an dieser Erfolgsgeschichte ist lediglich seine Krankheit. Sie ist zwar kurierbar, doch leider hat MVP momentan kaum Zeit, sein Training zu vernachlässigen - mehr dazu im Interview unten.
Erwähnenswerte Erfolge:
Es folgt im Spoiler ein langes englisches geniales aktuelles Interview, wo MVP über seinen Vater, seine Schemrzen und sein Spiel spricht.
Mvp - Game genius?
Seo Yeon Ji: I hear your name quite frequently, but this is the first time I'm actually meeting you face to face. Really pleased to meet you.
Mvp: I never made it to the actual OSL when I was at Woongjin, so it's the first time I'm seeing you too (laughs). When I heard you were coming to interview me today, I was really looking forward to it. You're beautiful indeed.
Seo Yeon Ji: Seems like you heard quite a lot about me.
Mvp: When I was in Woongjin, the players would talk about you after they came back from OSL. They'd talk about how pretty Stargirl is (laughs). I guess they'd probably be quite jealous that I got interviewed by you.
Seo Yeon Ji: Actually, I've been doing interviews with the Kespa players, but I wanted to do something a little different this week, so I found you Mvp. I hope that there'd be a lot of new topics coming out of this.
Mvp: What if it doesn't go as you hope, and there're no new topics to talk about (laughs). But either way, it is an honour to be the first amongst the GSL players to be interviewed. I guess I've already succeeded (laughs).
Seo Yeon Ji: I think that you are the most successful player, both in terms of prize money and number of championship wins, and you fulfil the conditions to be a legend. I think that's really cool.
Mvp: I'm really glad that there are people who think of me like that. Whenever I think of it, I feel like it was a right decision to go into gaming.
Seo Yeon Ji: How were you like as a child? I frequently hear that you are a really talented gamer, a genius.
Mvp: I'm not a genius (laughs). I really liked playing games, and not just Starcraft 1, but all the different games. I wanted to try all the games that were released.
I guess I first came into contact with Starcraft 1 when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school. I played about 2 games with a friend and found it really fun and interesting. After that, when I was in middle school, I bought the CD for Starcraft 1 and I was able to play it at home too. I would play until I'd forget the time. It was really fun.
When I went head to head against my friends, it was quite clear that I was better than them (laughs). But I don't think I'm really a genius. I just adapt to games better and have a better understanding. I guess because of this, my skills tend to improve really fast once I get serious about a particular game.
Seo Yeon Ji: You're a game genius indeed (laughs).
Mvp: The problem is that even though my understanding of games and adaptability towards games are very strong, I get tired of a game really fast. I play really well when I'm really engrossed in the game, but once my interest in the particular game declines, my skill drops rapidly too. This is really a problem. In fact, it's the reason I retired from Starcraft 1.
Seo Yeon Ji: Talent's really important when it comes to gaming. But no matter what you're doing, once you've lost your passion, it's really hard to persevere on the path.
Mvp: Passion is indeed really important for gaming too, but some people, no matter how much they try, never make it to the very top in their lives. I guess you do need a certain amount of talent, as well as the endurance to make it at a certain level.
The father who changed his life
Seo Yeon Ji: Even though you really liked gaming, I don't think you thought of being a pro-gamer then? You mentioned that you grew tired of a game really fast. How did you go on this path of professional gaming?
Mvp: It's mainly thanks to my father. We had a computer at home then, and my father would watch as I play Starcraft 1, and occasionally, he'd play a game or two too. Maybe because of that, he could tell that I was pretty good (laughs).
The fact is that I didn't even know what a professional gamer was. It was my dad who asked if I wanted to try playing games professionally. At first, I was totally uninterested, but my dad asked me seriously, and I eventually went on this path of professional gaming.
Seo Yeon Ji: That's really interesting. Other parents try their best to prevent their children when they hear them wanting to be a pro-gamer.
Mvp: My dad was really young at heart, and really open minded too. It's actually quite hard to be successful based on studying. Also, conditions in my family were not that great then, and it was difficult to concentrate on studying.
My father thought that I would be successful when he saw my skills in Starcraft, and with his encouragement, I started having dreams of being a pro-gamer and started taking part in various amateur tournaments. I came in third the first time I entered a competition, and it proves my father really has pretty good foresight.
Seo Yeon Ji: Do you remember any of the players you played at the amateur competitions?
Mvp: There was Fantasy from SKT, who's now become a top player, and Shuttle from STX, and Crazy-Hydra from KT and others. I really met a lot of players. I also remember when I won against Fantasy (laughs).
Every time my father saw me achieve good results in the amateur competitions, he would encourage me saying, "Do you realise your potential now? You really got to work hard yea." Thanks to him, I started doing even better.
Seo Yeon Ji: Your father's a really great guy.
Mvp: I got to know about the courage games also through my father. The fact is that I didn't even know what I needed to do to become a pro-gamer. But I was really lucky, and I even made it to the top 4 in the WCG preliminaries. In the semifinals of that tournament, I went up against SKT's current assistant coach, iloveoov.
Seo Yeon Ji: How interesting. You actually ran into iloveoov at the WCG preliminaries.
Mvp: To be honest, I was really confident in my abilities, but pro-gamers are really just different (laughs). iloveoov was a really great player in 2006. But I already managed to get into the top 4, and was thus eligible for the draft.
Seo Yeon Ji: You made your debut in 2008, so it seems like none of the teams actually came in for you that soon?
Mvp: You're really sharp (laughs). I was just taking part in the drafts during that year and a half, but none of the teams chose me. Nowadays, the players who take part in the draft are all generally able to find teams. There were too many people taking part in the drafts then, and there was also a limit when the teams are choosing players, so that made the competition really stiff.
During that time, my father was the one who provided me with the strength to go on. That's why I was able to continue taking part in the drafts and in the amateur competitions. My dad would say, "Some day, someone who really appreciates how good a player you are will come by." And so I was able to wait patiently rather than being impatient.
Seo Yeon Ji: Your life was changed because of your dad.
Mvp: It wasn't just this time. There was another time after that when my life was changed as well. As I was getting tired of Starcraft 1, I thought of retiring. It was he who led me to Starcraft 2. In fact, when I was thinking of retiring, I was actually considering retiring from games altogether. It was my dad who persuaded me to give Starcraft 2 a try.
When I think about it now, if it wasn't for my father's persuasion and guidance, I don't know how I would have turned out. I'd probably be scraping by with part time jobs, and perhaps living an ordinary, boring, and uninteresting life.
I think it was the right choice to switch to Starcraft 2. I really want to thank my father for changing my life time and time again.
Seo Yeon Ji: Even now, your father is still a great source of your strength.
Mvp: Sure. There are many issues which are really tiring, but I am able to withstand it up to now thanks to my father. If not for him, it'd have been really really tough. I am really very happy to be a son that my father can be proud of.
Seo Yeon Ji: So if the parents make an effort to understand their children's talents, and if the child listens to his/her parents, good results will come out of it.
Mvp: I didn't see it then either, but now I understand that one should really listen to their parents when one is younger.
The slump brought about by neck pains
Seo Yeon Ji: You are the player who have won the most number of GSLs, and you are titled "The King". May I know what's the secret behind staying at the top for such a long time?
[T/N: I think "The King" seems to be a suitable translation for his title? Basically he's name is "Jung Jong Hyun", but the title they gave him is "Jung Jong Wang", where "Wang" means "King". Not too sure about all the possible nuances or significance.]
Mvp: I've only won the championship four times. I have never thought that I was a legend, or the best player. To be honest, I think that amongst the players taking part in the GSL, my ability is of a lower rank.
Seo Yeon Ji: You've already won the championship four times. Aren't you being too modest?
Mvp: What modest, it's the truth. With how it is now, I'm really of a lower rank. Recently, I feel that my condition is really not good.
Seo Yeon Ji: You were recently eliminated from both OSL and WCG. Does that affect you?
Mvp: The fact is that my neck condition is really severe. Because of the pains in my spine, sometimes my arm will go numb (T/N: Like paralysis numb) too. My shoulders feel terrible. Sometimes, I can't even pick up the mouse.
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Seo Yeon Ji: Isn't that really really serious?
Mvp: It is serious. For normal people, the neck has the shape of an inverted "C", that's normal. But mine is already in a "C" shape. If it continues the pain will become even worse.
Seo Yeon Ji: Then wouldn't it be better to go for surgical treatment as soon as possible?
Mvp: That's also a problem. As a professional gamer, it feels like there'll be a huge drop even if we just stop playing for a week. In addition, the competition now is even stronger. I'm unable to complete my treatment.
But what upsets me most in the midst of this are the fans who keep wondering about the legitimacy of the injury. I say that my condition isn't good, but yet I still manage to win sometimes, which leads to the fans thinking things like "Seems like he's not really that ill", or "Is he really sick?"
To be honest, I really hate making excuses for my losses. Recently, I'm losing frequently, and that's because I'm not good enough. That's why I say that my current ability only belongs in the lower ranks of GSL. I'm not finding excuses for my losses. My body condition is really not good, but it's always seen as an excuse or a lie. It really makes me sad.
Seo Yeon Ji: I suppose there are times when you don't even feel like practising because of the pain?
Mvp: There's no choice. I just have to cut down on my practice time. I need to constantly think of new strategies and builds, and test them through practice, but it is really tough to practise. My teeth would be clenched as I sit in front of the computer, but the pain would inevitably force me to stop. To be honest, if a professional gamer can't even go about practising properly, how can he improve? It's quite a miracle to even be able to maintain at a particular level.
Seo Yeon Ji: You need to get treated really soon. It's really so serious. I'm so worried.
Mvp: The people around me are all really worried about me. They keep suggesting to me to take a period of rest to focus on treating it. But it's just how it is.
Seo Yeon Ji: Injured players such as Flash have also had surgery, and also rested for a few months. Can't Mvp do the same?
Mvp: This isn't that easy a matter to settle. Firstly, we don't have an off-season. There is very little time to rest in between the GSL seasons. Also, global tournaments are constantly going on. In addition, Kespa players have joined in the scene recently, and that makes it all the harder. If I rest for three months and then come back, I might as well have retired.
Seo Yeon Ji: The profession of being a professional gamer is really so tough. Even if you're sick you are unable to get proper treatment of the condition. I'm so worried about what's going to happen to you in the future. But still, the fans will be hoping for the speedy recovery of Mvp.
Mvp: I haven't given up either. To be honest, if I had given up, I would have already stopped playing and concentrated on my treatment. But for now, there's still more I want to achieve. I can't just fall like that. I will try my best.
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The happiness of my family is my happiness
Seo Yeon Ji: What are you proudest of as a pro-gamer?
Mvp: When I was young, my family conditions were poor. And as I became a professional gamer, I was determined to succeed and buy a house for the family. But I wasn't able to fulfil that dream when I was in Woongjin.
Seo Yeon Ji: When you won GSL, you fulfilled your dream, and took the first step.
Mvp: I still remember it today. The house I was in last time was really small, and it was really inconvenient. But after winning GSL twice, I gathered enough money to buy a house. When I passed the money to my dad, I think my father said, "We can finally buy a house." My dad and I will never forget that moment. Even though I never said anything, I was happier than at any other time in my life.
Seo Yeon Ji: Looks like it was an opportunity well taken. If you had immediately retired after leaving Woongjin, then maybe you wouldn't have felt such a happiness.
Mvp: Yeah. And because of that, I've always been really grateful to my father, and also to Coach Kang Dong Hoon (IM Coach) and others who have led me on the way. They gave me, someone who had already chosen to quit, this opportunity. Perhaps, without these people by my side, I'd just be a player that nobody remembers.
Seo Yeon Ji: After becoming a professional gamer, you gave this gift of happiness to your family. Seems like you can be quite proud of yourself. Either way, as professional gamers reach a certain level, they are also able to bring happiness to their family.
Mvp: But, to be honest, I frequently think about myself not being suited to being a professional gamer. I didn't carry any stress before I started playing games. Strangely, after I became a professional gamer, I became more and more stressed, and at that point, I started suffering from poor health. I still frequently think about just quitting.
Seo Yeon Ji: When you were active in Woongjin, you seemed to discover that you are unable to overcome the stress. Is that better now?
Mvp: I guess I'm still unable to overcome the stress. Normally, my character is such that I don't really care about winning or losing. My main aim in doing anything is to find joy and happiness in whatever I do, and I got along quite happily. But I'm unable to do that as a professional gamer. If I don't care about winning or losing, how can I be a professional gamer?
Maybe that's the reason. To be honest, I'm really tired. How good would it be, if perhaps my personality was a little tougher, and I did not get stressed so easily. I have the kind of personality that isn't suited to being a professional gamer, and yet I still became a professional gamer.
Seo Yeon Ji: After winning the championship 4 times, I think you probably do have the calling to be a professional gamer.
Mvp: Yeah I guess (laughs). To be honest, I think that after winning 4 championships, it can't just be luck anymore. But till today, I still question myself about whether I'm meant to be a professional gamer. But the first problem now is that my physical condition is not good, and it'd be difficult to continue my professional career. This makes me really stressed, and quite agitated.
Seo Yeon Ji: Not long ago, Violet sadly passed away. Since you're both professional gamers, I suppose you were quite sad about it too?
Mvp: To be honest, even though our relationship was not too close, but being a professional gamer, my heart still really hurt. I also attended his funeral. I know that Violet had a really bright and outgoing personality. His death was really quite a shock to me.
Recently, I came to understand that health is the most important thing in this world, and seeing this incident with Violet, that really struck home. I sincerely hope that Violet will be happy in a better place.
Seo Yeon Ji: Seems like there're really a lot of tough things to go through. I wouldn't have noticed that there was such an arduous journey behind a player who smiles all the time.
Mvp: But it's exactly these difficulties that made me who I am now, and so now I feel that it's worthwhile, and I'm quite proud of it. What won't I be able to do in the future after all these.
Seo Yeon Ji: What's the dream of Mvp?
Mvp: Firstly, my dream of buying a house is fulfilled. My life goal is to live a life I do not regret. No matter what choices I make, I will give it my best shot. That way, I won't have regrets in the future.
Right now, the goal is to regain my health. I need to regain my health quickly so I can do more stuff that I want to do. I also hope all the people who know me will remain healthy too.
Seo Yeon Ji: Hope you'd recover soon, and climb up to even higher heights than ever before. Hopefully "The King" will return soon.
Mvp: For all the people who support me, I will definitely try my hardest. Keep an eye out!
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