ESL Clanwar ladder

Hallo Verdi^^ RA3 is schläääääääääääääächt....
RA3 is the best it beats the rest and you will forget it as soon as CnC4 hits.

You know the problem with these on going cycles of CnC games and other brainwashing crap EA comes up with? People are stupid enough to buy each and every time no matter how bad the game is. Put it like this, even if all channels have a fish swimming in a bowl for over 2 hours we still would watch it. Oh intelligence I love it, great to be a Homo Sapien.
Das war ja richtig tiefsinnig Mind... muss am Avatar liegen :)
mit ra3 wirst du bei uns leider keine Resonanz finden, bei KW würd ich ned nein sagen.
RA3 geht seit dem Patch eh net mehr richtig.
Die Tastatur setzt da fast jedes SPiel aus ;(

Wir können uns auch auf nen anderes Game einigen?
Z.B. WC3 oder SupCom ;)
WC3 is only fun if people learn to give up. Or else you find yourself doing boring building destruction which is piss slow. SupCom I don't have and never will get, the option to zoom so far out I can only see little ants on the map does not suit my tastes.
You don't need to zoom out and control everything in your own height :p
Why so serious little man. I just point out how silly this feature is.

Why don't we do best of five ladder style in Brawl? I will own your face 3-0. Take that loser you coward who hides behind bf these days to dodge me in Brawl. Or you just realised Wifi sucks hard compared to other consoles and of course pc.
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