[DotA2] Dota 2 Sammelthread

War ja gemunkelt wurden mit den 2 neuen Helden und dem Rework für Storm aber das ist ja mal geil :D
Coaching Feature noch dazu ... super Patch :)

Das mit dem Vergießen scheint wohl das neue Ding für Statstracking (wie Jinada Treffer etc.) zu sein.

Minimap nun im Pickscreen!

Pitlord Daten sind auch in den Files!

d.h. wir sehen ihn wohl im nächsten größeren Patch (Legion Commander vs Pitlord)

Diretide Changes (Diretide ab heute)
  • Phase 1 and 2 are both 8 minutes long.
  • The last phase(Roshan killing) is now in stages
  • You need to defeat him once to go to the next stage (Roshan levels up)
  • His HP in first round was 15000 and time to defeat him was 2 minutes *
  • His HP in second round was 30000 and time to defeat was increased by 30 sec *
  • I could go only 2 rounds. So i can confirm this. Someone managed to go to 7th round, would be great if they helped us with input
  • Rest everything seems to be like last year. Only the last phase has changed
*By time to defeat, I meant that you need to defeat roshan in that time to advance to the next level.
via: http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1qlr0c/new_diretide_changes/

Storm alt vs neu

Omniknight wird wohl rötlich: http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1qlpkr/omiknight_gets_changed_to_red/
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Scroll mal n paar Zentimeter mehr hoch Luke - der Link wurde schon gepostet ;)

Jau, muss mich auch an den neuen -schlanken- Storm gewöhnen. Aber sie wollten wohl für alle 3 den selben Style haben.


Earth Spirit Fähigkeiten (alle als Gifs)
[SPOIL=klick mich]





Tidehunter Blinkdagger Item

Crafting im Preview
[SPOIL=klick mich]

Place 1 of each Essence in the recipe


Press Yes


It consumes all 3 essences




[SPOIL=beide (neue) Helden als Video Preview]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5STpmRVvDs

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Oh krass ist ja nen Monster Patch aber ich denke ich werd mich net damit auseinander setzen ich spiele lieber Dota 2 als immer nur im Inventar zu gammeln :D
Das Game ist fast unspielbar man sucht ewigkeiten Server gehn weg was da eig passiert seit release :O
Dota 2 Update - November 15th, 2013
- Trading functionality has been restored.

- Earth Spirit: Fixed an issue with Refreshing Rolling Boulder while already rolling.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed refreshed Boulder Smash causing units to teleport.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed a smashed Stone Remnant that got gripped still applying damage and silence to units in its old path.
- Earth Spirit: Fixed Magnetize and Rolling Boulder not applying their debuffs to magic immune enemies.
- Ember Spirit: Fixed Flame Guard doing damage in too slow of intervals.
- Ember Spirit: Fixed some cases where Searing Chains could do less damage tickets
- Storm Spirit: Fixed Storm Spirit not showing the minimap while in Ball Lightning.
- Death Prophet: Fixed Exorcism ghosts attacking Attack Immune targets.
- Meepo: Fixed clones not gaining XP.
- Rubick: Can no longer steal Stone Caller.
- Fixed legacy_mode_quick_cast interaction with items to test.
- Fixed a crash when using Keeper of the Light in last-hit practice games.
- Fixed Wisp subtitles.
- Reduced Stone Remnant model size

- Fixed the lava trail effect not having a name and having the wrong color values at default.
- Fixed missing Tabard of the Crested Cannoneer from Sing's Artillery of the Crested Cannoneer Set. Users that have already purchased this set have been granted the missing item.
- Fixed health bar in HUD sometimes being invisible at match start.
- Fixed an issue with Quick Buy for Coaches and Spectators.
- The Inscribed, Autographed, and Ascendant qualities will only be applied to items that have no other quality and will be removed when the item is hammered.
- Qualities that got into a weird state from gems (like missing genuine tags) will be restored this afternoon.
- Heroic items will now display their tournament properties correctly.
- The lava trail unusual effect should now have its correct appearance as well as an effect name.


- Increased the drop rate of special rewards given for killing higher levels of Roshan to 33% per level.

When you start Sugar Rush (Phase 2):
- All heroes are upgraded to level 25.
- Your gold now counts up at 1000/sec.
- Pudge's Flesh Heap is reset to 1.
- The timer to fight Roshan doesn't start until he either takes damage or 5 minutes have elapsed.

Dazu ist die Content Analyse zum dicken Patch live: http://www.ongamers.com/articles/dota-2-14th-november-patch-content-analysis/1100-122/
How A Single Patch Can Shake The Dota 2 Trading Market
Previously, effect and colour were immutable attributes, chiselled onto couriers like Chihuahuas onto Paris Hilton’s fashion sense. With the ‘Three Spirits’ update, however, they’ve become quantifiable goods, capable of being removed from or installed into more desirable beasts of burden. Want a pink “Ethereal Flames” Enduring War Dog? Make one.
via: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11/19/how-a-single-patch-can-shake-the-dota-2-trading-market/

Essence Trade Bot
I had some free time that i spent for developing trade bot for essences - http://steamcommunity.com/id/qwe_bot

It works this way :
  1. Add it to friends if bot online. If bot offline, please wait until bot gets online.
  2. Request a trade.
  3. Check stock and select needed essences using following commands : q or Quas, w or Wex, e or Exort.
Bot accept 1:1 trades + you can donate unneeded essences, if you feel generous.

Bot was built using https://github.com/seishun/node-steam.

Update 1: Bot changes status depending from current occupation and removes you from friends after trade.
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/qwe_bot
Das Crafting macht schon Laune :D

findeste ? ich finds eher frustrierend...
Konnte bisjetzt 1 item machn und das war nen rare wodrüber ich glücklich war. Aber dafür hab ich auch nur eine shadow quas wex exort essence gebraucht.
Hab auch jetzt 2 Mythicial Inscribe Gems bekommn 1ma für Omni-.- und einma für Crystal Maiden.
Aber kann net 1 rezept verarbeiten weil ich brauch irgendwie immer items die ich net habe und 4 rares zu nem neuen zu verarbeiten isses mir net wert bei meinem Glück kommt eh wieder nur nen Omni hammer.
Das ist auch eher als neue Möglichkeit zu sehen doppelte Items zu verwenden (abseits von Tauschbörsen). Wirklich geschenkt sind nur die Essence-Items und die sind weniger als im letzten Diretide (wo es ja Items geregnet hat) - aber das war klar das es sowas nicht nochmal geben wird!
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