Eine letzte Nachricht von Jim Vessella vor dem Launch


Staff member
UF Supporter
Jun 6, 2003
Lieblings C&C

Jim hat im offiziellen Reddit ein letztes Update 24 Stunden vor dem Launch der Remasters gegeben:

Fellow Command & Conquer fans,
We’re now 24 hours away from the worldwide launch of the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection. It’s crazy to think how less than two years ago the project didn’t even exist, and now here we are on the verge of coming together to enjoy the launch of a C&C title on PC.

On a personal note, the development with Petroglyph and Lemon Sky has been one of the most incredible experiences of my career. But I would argue the collaboration with the community here on Reddit, and with the Council on Discord, has been the absolute highlight of the journey.

Thank you to everyone in the C&C community for their encouragement, positive energy, and engagement throughout this project. We certainly hope the game lives up to your expectations when you begin playing, and can live on with the community as you begin delving into the source code and UGC tools.

Over the past 18 months, transparency has been at the core of the interaction I wanted to have with all of you in the community. I would thus be lying if I didn’t say 2020 has been a tough year, and at times it’s been difficult to stay positive and hopeful. I simply wanted to say how grateful I am for everyone in the community who has expressed their support of the project and our teams. While we hope the Remastered Collection can provide a positive event for all of you in this time, we do not want the launch to take away from the events happening in the world. Please stand together, stay safe, and support your communities during these moments.

With regards to the launch, we’ve always had several items planned for the next 24 hours
. Be sure to join us on YouTube to view our Launch Trailer as the game goes live at 10:00am PDT on June 5th. And then rumors have been circling about the return of an infamous leader, along with the leak of classified intel from HQ…

As we come together to view this content and participate in the game itself, please continue to stay positive and respectful within our C&C community and with others. Thanks again for all your support, and we hope you enjoy the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection.
Jim Vessella
Hatte eben ein Match gegen Technique. Außerdem ist in cnc1 auch noch psychoxnc, sonst hab ich keinen mehr gesehen, außer mryuri in ra
Ich packs mal hier rein, weil ich dem Format keinen Thread schenken will - sehen aus als hätten se gekifft^^

Gamestar Interview mim Vessella
Ich kann diesen Maurice überhaupt nicht ab....Wie der aussieht, redet, gestik....🤮
Kurz die wesentlichen Erkentnisse des Interviews:

- Jim hat Petroglyph als Entwickler ins Spiel gebracht
- C&C Rivals ist praktisch der Anlass gewesen für die C&C Remasters, da die Fans laut nach dem richtigen C&C geschrieen haben
- Der erste Patch ist in Arbeit und fokussiert sich klar auf Bugfixes, Glitches, Framerate issues und Feedback zum Quickmatch
- Konsolenversion ist zwar noch kein Thema aber man hat es auf dem Schirm und es wäre vorstellbar
- man beobachtet was Microsoft mit der Age of Empires Serie macht um zu sehen, ob RTS AAA Titel noch Wettbewerbsfähig sind
Ich kann diesen Maurice überhaupt nicht ab....Wie der aussieht, redet, gestik....🤮
Maurice funktioniert für mich am besten, wenn er zusammen mit Andre Peschke Formate produziert ^^
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