Today the first foot that entered the lovely world we call earth was my right one which is quite unusual as it should be the left one but then I said to silvio maybe it is nothing but just a bad habit of thinking about sticks to often but then bohrat informed me I should suck it up, ahum I of course listened.
Ne bin Vasall von Portugal, die haben meine hauptcity eingenommen, die bastarde
naja Vasall ist nicht so schlimm, zwar keine Unabhängigkeit aber egal, irgendwann kill ich die Portugiesen
Edit: hab neu angefangen und bin dabei Frankreich auszulöschen,(Kampf gegen König Philip sehr hart) werd ich heut nochmal versuchen zu gewinn oder ihn zu killen
Thank god I do not see that lame line here, I was thinking all the same lines over and over in every thread is annoying.
The weather today is very misty with a nice cold breeze and moderate heat levels for this time of the year. I saw today also a cow and a chicken fighting for a piece of bread. Dear dairy my day can only become better.
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