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  1. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Würdest du TA2 oder PA präferieren?

    I havent look in to TA2 that much, but I think it will end up more traditional RTS than PA. Taylor has lost his touch. Still I hope he and Wargaming would pull it of and TA would get a sequel it deserves. So PA all the way at this time.
  2. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Welche features von PA faszinieren dich am meisten?

    For me physic simulated battles and openes of spherical maps are main features. You can not turtle in a map corner anymore. So more possible cracks in defenses for my tank hord to rush in to cause some havok :P I also really like strat zoom and mod support.
  3. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Wird PA dein erstes large scale RTS sein?

    Total Annihilation was one of my first games and I played it till CDs were worn out and I had to buy a new copy. Then I moved on spring engine mods. I also played lots of Supreme Commander 1 and FA in ranked.
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