mal wieder nen Test

Jul 17, 2002
Welcher generelle Animecharakter ...

Mein ergebnis:
I am the mission.


You're a mecha pilot!

You might be a sub-category of bishounen, but this hardly matters since you don't notice anything that didn't feature in the last edition of Guns'n'Ammo magazine. You have been trained since an unfeasibly early age to be a machine of death and destruction. If you've noticed an annoying girl following you around and repeatedly getting into danger and requiring rescue recently, run like hell - she's probably your love interest...
Mmmm... fangirly.

You're a bishounen!

You're male, but people often mistake you for the other option. You're unfeasibly thin and pretty and always have perfect hair, often surrounded by sparkles/sakura/roses. You almost certainly have a tragic backstory which involves one or more of your parents, and are liable to have a Tragic Destiny (TM). You were almost certainly invented by a female mangaka, are worshipped by a female audience, and your life is characterised by periods of extreme pain and angst. Sucks to be you.

ich bin ne bishforce gj

You're a sidekick!

You're short. You've got mousy brown hair and glasses. Sometimes you get to be the comic relief or provide an infodump, but mostly your role is to be helpful and supportive to your tortured best friend. You're always going to come second in everything. Sure, this may seem like a bad deal, but at least you get to bask in your friend's reflected glory; and looking on the bright side, you're unlikely to be dead by the end of the series. Every hero needs a cheerleader for their final battle.
den sidekick hatte ich auch aber den mag ich net >_<
Merke: Totti is lieber schwui als unauffällig :D

Ich hab mich gewundert was passieren würde wenn ich statt dem Gekigan Punch
PUCHU @_@ wählen würde.... kam auch der Sidekick raus.
Wundert mich eigentlich dass ich den Mecha Piloten hab, hab eigentlich nix militärfreakiges angklickt :o


You're male, but people often mistake you for the other option. You're unfeasibly thin and pretty and always have perfect hair, often surrounded by sparkles/sakura/roses. You almost certainly have a tragic backstory which involves one or more of your parents, and are liable to have a Tragic Destiny (TM). You were almost certainly invented by a female mangaka, are worshipped by a female audience, and your life is characterised by periods of extreme pain and angst. Sucks to be you.

wennn auch leich tschwul, trotzdem...kroas @_@
Ich bin was ganz komischs :eek

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Naja vll. gehts morgen .
ich glaub die geht net mehr weil ich seh hier keine bilder mehr ^^
Bei mir geht sie, den test amche ich aber mal in Ruhe.
Ich muss mich da sehr konzentrieren um meine volle Power zu entfalten( lol )
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