Kultivierte Diskussion über Allerlei

Kaizen Mario

If that is supposed to be Kaizo. Damn germans and translating everything, lame. Frame 1 jumps for the lose. However SF4 has plenty of frame 1 combos to which pros do at times or even sometimes too much, wicked.
Just a spelling mistake :p
Oh SoDsW please forgive me so you can play together with the great Mind. You all want it so badly. You just don't know your true feeling. That is not so odd because it simply is amazing. I can be quickly a SoDsW legend and push all your asses into 1900 mmr and up. Vote for Mind, do it now !!! Deal with it, you know it.
computer says no

You shouldn't listen to that computer bitch anyway, they always go black screen whenever you don't want her to. Besides you didn't listen to the advice they gave to you, to ignore me.
Ye playing with Todesgeist made me stronger. So you cant troll me anymore. If u wanna learn how to seriously troll someone, play with him.
Heute diese PM im offiziellen Bethesda Board bekommen^^
I noticed that you live in Bavaria. I have a friend named Juergen Gerner who lives in Bavaria, and I was wondering if you knew him. I am not sure if that is the correct way to spell his name, but it has been a long time since I have seen his name written on paper. This is probably a dumb question, but I was just wondering if you might know him since Bavaria does not have as many people as the main cities in Germany.

Hab ihm jetzt erklärt, dass Bayern rund 12,5 Millionen Einwohner hat, ich aber gerne frage wenn ich nen Jürgen (Aber Jüüürgen) Gerner kennenlerne^^ Zusätzlich gabs nen Link zum englischen Wiki über Bayern :p
lol sag bloß du kennst nich JÜRGEN?
Ye playing with Todesgeist made me stronger. So you cant troll me anymore. If u wanna learn how to seriously troll someone, play with him.

But how can I play with him if SoDsW refuses to do so :o. Though I do feel happy for you now that you are stronger. Maybe repost your pic where you are 5?
Ich habe heute Nacht geträumt, dass ich mit einem Unterseeboot im Bodensee tauche und dort Oktopoden und Kalmare beobachte.

Krass... dazu fällt mir ein
Was bekommst wenn du nen Oktopus mit nem Polen kreuzt?
Nen achtarmigen Spargelstecher
Sooo, am Mittwoch gehts Wohnung anschauen :dance
Will jemand HoN testen? Ab heute ist dies 10 Tage lang kostenlos möglich.
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