Imba Spiele-Soundtrack & Remixe


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Sep 26, 2002
Gamesoundtrack ist immer Klasse, doch viele alte Stücke weisen leider nicht allzugute Qualität auf. Zum Glück gibt es tonnenweise Remixe (natürlich auch von neueren Stücken), und meist übertreffen sie auch das Original. Die Remixe sind oft in allen möglichen Musikrichtungen gehalten und vermitteln einem, wie der Soundtrack in einem anderen Stil geklungen hätte. Eine gute Anlaufstelle ist z.B.

Das tolle ist, dass man wenn man diese dann hört in Erinnerungen an vergangene Zockertage schwelgt und richtig ins Träumen kommt :D

Wenn ich nix zu tun habe poste ich hier jetzt ab und zu mal Remixe die mir besonders gut gefallen, und davon gibt es hunderte... :D

Wenn ihr auch sehr coole habt könnt ihr die natürlich auch posten, die meisten gibt's ja ebenfalls bei youtube. Aber bitte nicht zuviele auf einmal, damit man hinterherkommt ^^

Fangen wir an mit 2 Remixen des berühmten Mountain Themes aus Zelda: Links Awakening.
(Tal Tal Heights by Disco Dan - Klassik/techno mix)
(Clash At The Mountains by Zircon - Rock/techno mix)

(ist bewusst nich im Multimedia Forum weil dort zuviele Leute ohne Zockerhintergrund und mit schlechtem Geschmack sind :D)
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This is what you and I have in common. That you even remember Link's Awakening you maggot(also great game btw). Tal tal heights music is the bomb it is also the only music I have set in Brawl on Pirate Ship.

Remixes there are a lot. Many I simply don't like. Some I do and I have plenty of those on my computer.
Hier ein richtiger gute Laune Track, eine Mischung aus einigen bekannten Mario und Yoshi Melodien
(Mario's Tropical Paradise by Dr. Fruitcake - undefinierbarer Stil, lehnt sich stark am Originalstil an)
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Rubbish remix than the original is better. I do have a remix though I like better but this one above is just blarg.

Is better, although off topic though but just to slap you respect you maggot :D

To stay on topic here one of my favorite remixes.

So sad this song is not in Brawl :(. Links Awakening was in my opinion one of the best Zelda games ever together with nice music. Every dungeon his own music.
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I didn't post that one because I only post remixes of quality which don't sound like 16bit or whatever but like professional mixes or real instruments. Like your last remix you posted :). And I try to post many different styles, from classic over rock to techno, accept that :D

Hier nun ein epischer Track aus dem Super Mario RPG.
(Three Mushroom Dance by Jeremy Robson - klassisch/episch)
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I don't care what bit the file is. You racist, 8-bit can even be better than yours. Nowhere you said the bitlimit.
Again I do not like this song, it already bore me at start. Even though it had for a short moment a good tune.
if it bores you or you don't like it then don't spam here, thx. Im tired of posting if I must read that sentence after every track I post :p
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No you first. Clearly noone is in this thread. Plus you are the one doubleposting all the time you could have easily edited those links in your other post.

edit: it also bores me you discard my remixes because you think a good remix starts at a certain height of bits -_-. Higher bits does not equal better remixes.
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Off Topic:
Just post what you want, I only post quality stuff here that can be heard by everyone and not only by gamers of that game. I mean stuff where you even could think that this isn't from a video game because it sounds so professional. And if you like the original low-bit tunes better, shall I open another thread for original game score? :p I think they would fit better there although they might be remixes ^^. I for example also have many MIDI remixes of old tracks, but they won't fit here. I mean, you know why there are so many remixes of old tracks? Because of the low quality of the old tracks. They all remix it in good quality so everyone can enjoy that music and not only the videogame-nerds. That is what I try here, making game music interesting for a bigger audience. So posting a remix that is not of better quality than the original track makes no sense. That we are alone is also wrong, see the 130 Threadhits. Even if half of it are our clicks there are still many people :p


Das hier kennt wohl jeder :) Ein schön klassisches Medley aller Ocarina Songs aus Ocarina of Time. Da schwelgt man echt in Erinnerungen :).
(Ocarina Medley by Hyrule Symphony Orchestra - klassisch/harmonisch)
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Hier ein sehr ähnlicher Track vom Stil, der nur ein anderes Thema behandelt (nämlich die MP Stage Azure Lake aus Sonic 3). Ebenfalls sehr schön und chillig :)
(Sonik Azure by analoq - Rock, Ambience)
Wieder 2 schöne Zelda Tracks, beides klassische Kompositionen der Hymne der Zeit. Beim ersten sind außerdem noch der Song of Storms und das Requiem der Geister drin. Nicht vom Bild beirren lassen, ich fand die Wii Steuerung btw sehr gut :p...
(A Storm in the Desert by Tyler Heath - klassisch/episch/chillig ^^)
(Aquescent Symphony by Theophany - klassisch/episch/chillig)
I did not like them though :D. I just don't like your style of music it feels too much discolike. Megaman 1-4 had the best music though, 5-6 had some ok ones.
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