FD-NL1 loel immernoch nubsh

Jul 28, 2001
war t v b sie waren einverstandne. tr war pissed weil wir seine harvs killten weiler rgbs hatte. dann er dc dann sein mate gleich mitgemacht

wtf screenshots zu gross wtfrff
playing is newb und sexbeest auch aber k a wer letzterer überhaupt is
Ich hab mit 7 tits im vorbeigehen 1 Harv gekillt und er hatte als def 6 tits am Expand und wir hatten noch 2 mk2s loel
hi cncsturm/ patrick & stefors / pigbrother (name-hiders)

I know fdnl is a bunch of newbies...

But i think it is worse to kill harvs because u r 2 newbie to kill someone the normal way. Fair play always is better then harvy/tib killing. The only harvy killing allowed is: tib bombs killing and when someone harvesters are @ your own tiberium field...

They did dc?
That's not the way they should play. I will talk to them about that. When they lose because some1 needs to kill harvs becuase he's to newbie to kill their base.... They just have to surrender.

Hf playing

And B fair!

Cyaz DeHulK [FD-NL]
HAHA funny i was walking to his base with 7 tits and he had 6 tits and i was bored while walking so i killed ONE harv to get more pts then he said stop that and i stopped we also had 2 mk2 so he was dead anyway it didnt matter and i was just about to attack his base when they BOTH dced ...
god are you just stupid. if they dont like harvkill they coulda ask "plz harvs truce on"?? and we can not so what u have no right to start bs about that
i think i understand what u say here... But i know u can write better english.. I just dont like harvy killers... and i know u 2 are better then newbie harv killers....
i respekt ur opiniom. but if they dont wanna , they have to tell us. at least its a part of tiberiansun and harvs are attackable for a good reason.
He was dead anyway so WHAT?
hi hulk, yes harv kill is gay, try playing emperor battle for dune its all any1 ever does lol, ur harvies r like 4 miles from ur base and they flown by carryalls, its a joke, although harv killing makes me angry i spose its in the game....
so put fucking harvs truce on, and ppl who just make 4653465 rpg and titans they just waste my time, so i kill his harvs, its ok i think

but i wont do it vs hulk tho, coz he wont dc he just tell me not to do it so i wont, like i didnt vs moon

but i like harv killing, wtf last ite i had 5 harvs and 2 reffs when i was at middle pff
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