News Patch 3.2 und neue Möps für das Volk!


Oct 16, 2007
Es kommen in der neuen Saison (die wohl mit Patch 3.2 starten wird - oder zumindest unmittelbar danach) auch neue Maps für 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 und sogar für 4vs4 heraus.

Gibts hier zur Begutachtung:


Folglich rollt mit Pach 3.2 ziemlich viel neues aus:

  • - Neue Coop Map
  • - Neue Singleplayer Kampagne (Nova)
  • - Neue Ladder mit MMR Anzeige
  • - Neue Maps
  • - Balance Änderungen.

Ladder Revamp
We’ve arrived at a point where we want to work with you guys to lock down changes regarding the ladder revamp and begin work on the implementation side. We have been discussing more based on you previous feedback in a similar post, and have been making improvements as we started implementing the feature little by little. Now we’re at the stage where the overall design looks very solid, and we want to focus on doing the implementation. So we’ll review where we are at now, collect your feedback, and finalize our direction.

GM League

Currently, we’re thinking that the best way to go is to update Grandmaster League with new players, promotions, and demotions each day at a specified time—all based strictly on skill. We see two main advantages to this approach. First, we can have an accurate, skill-based representation of the best 200 players on the server on any given day. Second, it also makes things clearer on the esports side, especially if tournaments pull from this list. As an added bonus, we also like that this could promote more intense competition during this period of the day (though mostly for just this specific group of top players).

Showing MMR
This is something we’ve received the most feedback on and we’ve been exploring the concept heavily internally. Currently, we’re leaning towards clearly displaying your MMR in the UI. The more we dug into the topic of making the ranks, divisions, and leagues as accurate as possible, the more we realized that there were other potential problems that we could have introduced. Since we have the MMR available already, we think it might be best to just show it as the most accurate measurement of a player’s skill.

League & Tier
In developing the new League & Tier system, the main concern was that achieving a high-degree of accuracy required that we enable mid-season demotions. Although we know that there are many players out there who want to see demotions enabled, we believe this feedback mostly stems from the fact that there currently isn’t a reliable way to tell your skill right now. The downside of enabling demotions is that we could potentially take away from a players’ biggest accomplishment that season; this downside is magnified if it’s their first time getting to a specific league, which may make the person not want to play the game anymore due to the risk of losing this reward.

Because we will be showing MMR, we wonder if it’s best to have the ranking system display the highest League & Tier achieved during the current season. There’s really no need to show the same number two different ways, and we can show two cool numbers instead. This way, if I were to tell my friends that I’m in Master Tier 1, but my MMR is a solid Master Tier 2 (naming is not final), it clearly shows 1) the highest I’ve achieved this season and 2) where my skill is at the moment.

For the number of tiers, we’ve spent time analyzing and evaluating how the Heroes of the Storm system works because their 50 ranks would be very similar to our originally announced 10 tiers per league (we would have 60 tiers if we strip out the leagues). For StarCraft II, due to the amount of movement that would occur with having this many tiers, this system doesn’t look to be the way to go. So we debated on going with 5 tiers or 3 tiers, and we’re currently leaning towards 3 for a couple reasons.

First, talking about leagues in StarCraft II has naturally tended towards using 3 tiers. When players talk about where they are at within a league, perhaps the most common way to refer to the tiers currently is to say that he or she is in “High Diamond,” “Mid Diamond,” or “Low Diamond.” So colloquially, this fits well with how players already discuss the ladder. The second reason is that we can always increase the number of tiers available in the future if 3 is not enough. Going from 3 to 5 or 3 to 10 would be easier than doing the reverse, which means we don’t need to remove functionality from the system.

This is where we’re at currently, and as you can see we’ve narrowed in on the most critical components of Ladder Revamp. If you have thoughts on these areas, we’d ask that we get discussions going so that we can lock down the design. We’re currently aiming to finalize the design of this feature within the next couple weeks, and are potentially aiming for a mid- to late-summer release in order to have enough time to fully work through the implementation.

Separate MMR Per Race
We hear your feedback regarding this feature. We had originally set the priority for this to come after ladder revamp, but we’re currently exploring ways to potentially get started on this feature even sooner. Although we haven’t set an exact timeline, we just wanted to let you know that we agree that this feature is important to the game and we’re discussing ways to release it more quickly. We’ll be sure to keep everyone updated!

Moving onto balance in Legacy of the Void, we’ve been discussing and testing various topics and we want to get a Balance Test Map out as soon as possible after hearing your opinions on our proposed changes for testing. We’re currently aiming to release the Balance Test Map next week, so let’s start discussing the following changes more aggressively this weekend.

Ravager Corrosive Bile cooldown increased from 10 to 14
We definitely hear the pros and cons you’ve discussed that nerfing Overlord drops instead could bring. The reason why we’re more interested in the Ravager nerf being tested is because it is the more impactful, bigger nerf. The main concern many of our community members point out (especially on the KR side) is that this change is a nerf against both Terran and Protoss, whereas nerfing Overlord drops is targeted more as a nerf vs. Protoss. This is true. To be clear—we’re not saying that we have to be going the Ravager nerf route—we just want to test this one first.

Therefore, before we make a decision on what unit to nerf, we wanted to test this concept out fully to know the effects of this change in both matchups. The Overlord drop nerf doesn’t require as much testing because it’s a very safe nerf that can’t really break another area of the game.

Banshee speed upgrade requirement changed to Armory and cost reduced to 100/100
Due to the current state of the Banshees, we wanted to try going more aggressive with this change, so that we can potentially bring various Banshee-based strategies back into the mix. We know from testing before the release of the game that the speed upgrade at a much earlier tier is a huge buff to Terran, and we wanted to make sure to combo this with a nerf in a similar area so that we make sure to not just buff Terran.

Liberator ability radius reduction from 5 to 4
After going through the details of reducing the range of the ability and hearing your feedback on the current strength of Liberators, we thought it might be better to go a bit harder on this nerf so that we can also go heavier on the Banshee buff, so that we can potentially get situations where going one or the other unit can be viable instead of it being Liberators all the time. With this change, the total range of Liberators will be nerfed, as well as the damaging area. We hope this change feels more fitting, and once we get the Balance Test Map online we’d love your opinions on how these changes feel.

Thor AA damage changed to flat and single target
We’re still looking at numbers for this, but we’re thinking something similar to the idea of the Thor’s damage against the ground: High damage per shot with a low rate of fire. With this change, we wonder if we can separate out the Thor’s AA role from units such as the Widow Mine or the Liberator. We considered whether this could overlap with the Viking, and although there will be more overlap than before, there are still many differences between the two units. Between the many obvious differences, the Thor’s resistance to splash damage, and their different flat damage values, the two units will still be in unique places.

We’ve also been testing different numbers for the Cyclone, but we feel that a change to this unit isn’t as critical right now compared to the other unit changes mentioned above, so it might be better to hold off on exploring this route for now. The main goal here is still to eventually get the unit to a place where it has a solid role in the early/mid stages of the game, but not be effective en masse in the late game.



Schön zu sehen dass sich Blizz ins Zeug legt! Wird ja auch Zeit^^
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Das wurde auch mal Zeit :)

Endlich MMR.

Dass der Cyclone zusammen mit dem Swarm Host in die Abstellkammer gesteckt wird, war ja klar :D
Endlich hat Blizzard wieder eine Karte eingeführt, in der Zerg gratis eine Dritte nehmen kann und die main wieder eine Backdoor hat.

Die Backdoor mechanic war ja schon immer so ausgereift und ein Streich des Mapdesigns, dass sie nur von Blizzard kommen kann.
Verflucht vollidioten.
Ich bin überrascht, dass Central Protocol raus genommen wurde.
Scheinbar verfolgt blizzard nur eine "50% cancer map"- Strategie.
Patch 3.2 ist LIVE!

Patch 3.2 ist nun LIVE:


  • The first mission pack consists of three missions and can be accessed by selecting Campaign > Nova: Covert Ops.
  • Assuming the role of Nova Terra, re-immerse yourself in the Koprulu sector, strategize against the Defenders of Man, and help Emperor Valerian Mengsk restore peace and unity to the Dominion.
  • Customize your equipment, select special army upgrades, and utilize powerful psionic ghost abilities to work your way through each mission to victory.
  • A new ghost unit skin is now available for those who had pre-purchased the Nova: Covert Ops mission bundle.
  • Players who purchase the Nova mission pack or mission bundle but do not own any of the expansions in the StarCraft II trilogy have elevated access to the following components of StarCraft II: Starter Edition:
  • Ability to chat in Public Chat Channels
  • Ability to join and chat in Groups and Clans
  • Map publishing to the StarCraft II Arcade utilizing the full range of assets from all three StarCraft II expansions
  • Offline Play


  • Chain of Ascension
  • A new Co-op Missions map, Chain of Ascension, has been added!
  • Fight off waves of enemies as you and your ally engage in a tug-of-war battle to achieve victory.
  • For more information, see our blog post.

  • Level 15: Strike from the Shadows
  • Cloaked Damage bonus has been reduced from 25% to 15%.
  • Cloaked Damage bonus now applies only to unit attacks and not abilities.
  • The effect still applies to all allied units.
  • Dark Templar & Shadow Guard
  • Shadow Fury damage changed from 35 to 25 (+15 to light).

Automatische Turniere:

  • Trophy Tops
  • Trophy tops have been added. Trophy tops offer some visual variation on the headpiece of the Automated Tournaments winner’s trophy.
  • Trophy tops are limited-time rewards that are tied to the duration of a ladder season. The first trophy top to be added is a ghost-themed trophy top to commemorate the release of Nova Covert Ops.
  • We plan to continue adding new trophy tops in future ladder seasons. For more information, see our blog post.
  • The 30-minute time limit no longer applies for the final match of a tournament.

Balance? Noch nicht, aber dafür ein paar Fixes:


On the map Ulrena, flying units can no longer become stuck on pathing blockers.
Fixed an issue on several ladder maps where Collapsible Rocks would be visible through the fog of war and on the minimap when destroyed.
Pings on enemy vespene geysers now properly state an intent to attack the structure rather than to harvest from it.
Fixed an issue where the Stalemate notification timer would show the incorrect amount of time remaining before the game ends.
Particle effects will no longer linger around a Protoss structure that is unpowered.
Abilities will now properly auto-cast if the target is in range even if there is no pathing to the target.


  • Cyclones will no longer move all the way into auto-attack range (range 5) after using the Lock On ability (range 7). Note that this does not prevent the Cyclone from inching forward while the ability is activating.
  • Flying Barracks will now take a higher subgroup priority than Flying Factory and Flying Starport.
  • KD8 charges now properly count towards a Reaper’s kill count.
  • Battlecruisers will no longer add 700 resources lost to the game statistics when using their Tactical Jump ability.


  • Fixed an issue where the Phoenix’s Graviton Beam would not work when targeting worker units entering a vespene gas structure.
  • Fixed an issue where transforming a Gateway into a Warp Gate would occasionally stop the work animation of other production facilities.
  • Casting Photon Overcharge on a Pylon will no longer remove its Shield upgrades.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pylon’s kill counter would only display if under the effect of Photon Overcharge.
  • Box-selecting a Disruptor will no longer improperly select its Purification Nova projectile.
  • The Judicator Pylon skin now correctly has Additional Team Color textures.
  • Fixed a number of consistency issues on the Disruptor’s tooltips.


  • Lurkers that are mid-attack will no longer automatically burrow after being lifted by a Phoenix’s Graviton Beam.
  • Queens can now properly use their Transfusion ability on Infested Terran Cocoons.
  • Fixed a number of graphical clipping issues that could occur with the Mutant Overlord skin.

Und noch ein haufenweise Bugfixes usw...

Nachzulesen hier:
Is aber noch nicht auch EU live, oder?

Soll ja vom "Umfang" her unterste Schublade sein :/. 1h Spielzeit spricht Gamestar wenn man SC2 Kenner ist bei den ersten 3 Missionen, für die man - wenn man nicht vorbestellt - 7.50 Euro zahlt? Nee so nich Blizzard.
Also ich hab vorbestellt und für 9 Missionen 13,99€ gezahlt.

9 Missionen sind ein knappes Drittel von einer Einzelspielerkampagne (ca 30 Missionen) - LOTV hab ich für rund 40€ bekommmen - folglich 14x3=42€ stimmt grob der Preis - zumindest für mich.

Mission 1 hab ich gestern auf Brutal gespielt und rund 30 Minuten dafür gebraucht:

War eine recht nette Mission!
Für mich ist aber LOTV mehr als nur der Preis für die Singleplayer Kampagne. Kam ja noch mehr dazu. Neue Units, Maps, Coop etc. hier gehts ja nur um 9 Missionen und ja man wird ja zum Preisdruck gezwungen, weils ja dann 23 Euro kostet. Ich wart eh bis alle Missionen mal draußen sind und dann entsprechend im Sale :p
Hatt ich da nich eh mal nen Thread zu offen? xD
Kein Aprilscherz: Blizzard lässt die Balance testen ...

We’ve published a new Balance Test Map titled “(4)RuinsofSeras (3.1.4 Balance v1.1)” which contains the following changes that we’d like your feedback on:

Thor’s anti-air attack has been reworked:
  • Now deals single-target damage.
  • Deals 50 damage every 2 seconds.
  • 1 attack per hit.
  • The Thor’s model has been changed to reflect its new attack.

Banshee’s Hyperflight Rotors has changed:
  • Requirement changed from Fusion Core to Armory
  • Cost reduced from 200/200 to 100/100

Liberator’s Defender Mode radius decreased from 5 to 4.

Ravager Corrosive Bile cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds.

Werd es mal bei Zeiten antesten - sollten sich Gegner dazu finden lassen und ein Video hier posten.
nur schrott maps und der Nova Ops patch hat auch noch viele Sachen kaputt gemacht...
Ich krieg autoloss weil mir das game sagt das ich gesperrt bin für die Mm que-.-
Ich krieg autoloss weil mir das game sagt das ich gesperrt bin für die Mm que-.-

Das mit dem Gesperrt sein hab ich seit gestern auch :(


Wie dem auch sei, hab ich mal den Patch ausprobiert:

- Banshee Upgrade ist für nix, wie ich persönlich finde.
- Thorupgrade ist sexy und fast zu gut ... kommt wahrscheinlich nicht.
- Liberatornerf scheint OK zu sein
- Ravager hab ich nicht gespielt
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