News Neues Userinterface für HOTS


Oct 16, 2007

While its impact to players may seem subtle, the out-of-game experience in StarCraft II can be just as important as the in-game experience. Our statistics show that players spend about a third of their time in StarCraft II using the menus outside of a game. They might be browsing the latest Arcade games, checking out someone’s profile, reviewing the score screen of past games in their match history, or just chatting with some friends. It’s important to us to make this experience as streamlined and usable as possible.

The 1.5 patch we released a couple months ago was a major update that included several changes to the menus and the addition of the new Arcade experience. What you might not know is that many of the changes in 1.5 were actually slated to be a part of the Heart of the Swarm expansion. We felt that several features, including Arcade, would be of immediate benefit to players, and decided to release them earlier in the 1.5 patch. Since we weren’t done with the rest of Heart of the Swarm yet, we had to compromise in some areas of the menus to support these features. We weren’t really happy with how this added additional complexity to the menus.
Since then, we’ve continued to work on Heart of the Swarm, and we’ve made some big changes to improve the overall user experience. With the release of the next major Heart of the Swarm beta patch, we'd like to give you an advance look at those changes. These updates will become available to both Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm players once the expansion is live.
We had several design goals in mind with the changes you’ll see in the Heart of the Swarm beta: simplify navigation, increase consistency, and improve usability. We also added some more functionality along the way. Here are just some of the changes we’ve made:







In 1.5.0, the Arcade dramatically changed the way players find games to play. Now we’re bringing a lot of the same tools that help make finding Arcade games easy to the StarCraft melee map Custom Game section.
For example, you can now find Open Games, Bookmarks, and Recently Played on the left side of the interface, the same way you would in Arcade. You can also sort the maps by Top Played, Top Rated, Up & Coming, and Newest.
Maps in the Custom Game screen will also now have a Game Info dialog like their Arcade counterparts. Mapmakers can add screenshots, include patch notes, and outline details on map strategy, while players will be able to rate and review the maps they play.

Please note: The Game Info dialog for Custom Game maps did not make it in time for this beta patch, but you should see it in the next major beta patch.

Now that we've highlighted some of the changes we’re making, we want to hear what you think. We appreciate how passionate the StarCraft II community is, and always look forward to your feedback. Remember, these are only some of the changes we have coming in Heart of the Swarm. There’s even more to come, so stay tuned for further updates!



Wird ja schon besser. ^^
Sie müssen aber auch echt was machen - wenn ich das so mit dem von DotA vergleiche ist das UI von SC2 schon schwach. Allgemein ist z.Z. ja ne relativ angespannt Stimmung bzgl. HotS. Blizz will sich nun ja mit Leuten aus der Comm zusammensetzen.
Ich finds auch dringend notwendig, dass da was geändert wird. Scheint mal nötig zu sein. Schliesslich gilt es da auch mit anderen mitzuhalten und ausserdem finde ich die Benutzeroberfläche von StarCraft auch wirklich zu unübersichtlich und die Navigationsstruktur dabei zu tief.
Ein Fenster mit dicken Buttons würde schon reichen.
Ich habe keine Ahnung wieso man, wenn man ein Spiel erstellen möchte, das unter Custom suchen muss und wenn man es nicht findet bei Arcade schauen sollte.
Ist Arcade jetzt eine neue Ladder?
Ist das ein alter game- Automat?
Ein Simulator?

Die Designer waren wohl alle betrunken als die den GUI "überarbeiteten".
Ist fast genau so gut gelungen wie der performance Patch. :D
endlich, ich fand das sc2 UI schon immer unübersichtlich..
Wird bestimmt immernoch scheiße sein danach...
Ich denke nicht das Blizzard an das Dota UI dran kommt .
Blizz kann ruhig auch mal bei DotA nun abkupfern so wie Valve es zuvor gemacht hat (diese Leisten mit den Stats für z.B. GPM/...) kommen ja nicht von ungefähr im Zuschauermodus von DotA. Eine Entschlackung ist schon mal ein guter Schritt. Dazu wären auch die Graphen die man meist erst nach den Spiel hat, schon während des Spiels eine tolle zusätzliche Ergänzung für Caster (wie die XP/Gold Kurven für den Teamvgl. in DotA).
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