Recent content by kagaku

  1. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Würdest du TA2 oder PA präferieren?

    SupCom3! But for now I'll accept PA. :-)
  2. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Welche features von PA faszinieren dich am meisten?

    The sheer scale of it all, will make SupCom pale in comparison I hope!
  3. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Wird PA dein erstes large scale RTS sein?

    I played a bit of TA back in 2001-2003 at some LAN parties, but the scope of it (and the seasoned vets we played against) dissuaded me from playing much outside the LAN scene. When SupCom came out though I got into it heavily - Forged Alliance even more so. I can't wait for PA, hoping it carries...
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