Recent content by IaMEagLe

  1. DC Chismo

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  2. DC esQ.iNSANEG0D

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  3. DC Chismo

    Top100 player DC! Profile:
  4. DC esQ.iNSANEG0D

    Top100 player DC! Profile:
  5. `Anonymity DC

    Disconnect Name: `Anonymity Profil:`Anonymity
  6. DCer TOP100 -[CHN]CSharp^

    好吧! 你们既然这样接受一个诚心道歉的人,我也无话可说:kek! 我在说一遍,对你的这次DC的却是个意外,就像这次一样,这是网络问题引起的! 对Thony22的DC是因为他曾经多次对我DC! 还有,我写得English是通过Google翻译的!
  7. DCer TOP100 -[CHN]CSharp^

    whatever,I was ashamed of my behavior, please forgive me! I guarantee that will not be DC!
  8. DCer TOP100 -[CHN]CSharp^

  9. DCer TOP100 -[CHN]CSharp^

    OMG! 我是noob不假,但我从来不恶意DC! 那天确实是个意外,下次送你分,OK?
  10. check apm

  11. check apm

    just check apm:? ha..ha...
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