• Wir werden in den nächsten Tagen verschiedene Wartungsoperationen und Optimierungen am Server durchführen. Es wird zu mehreren Ausfällen kommen, die teilweise auch mehrere Stunden umfassen können.

News Version 1.3 released!

Aug 22, 2003
Ein weiteres Update für Supreme Commander 2 ist soeben erschienen.
Über Steam wird das inzwischen dritte Update (innerhalb von 12 Tagen) verbreitet.
Der Download und die Installation werden automatisch ausgeführt.

Neben diversen Bugfixes und zusätzlichen Multiplyer-Features wurden auch Änderungen am Balancing durchgeführt. Herausragend sind dabei die Schwächungen der Gunships mit einhergehender Stärkung vieler AA-Weapons.

Die erhofften Ranked Games sind noch nicht enthalten - sollen aber noch im März erscheinen. Wir dürfen also gespannt sein.

Hier die wichtigsten Änderungen im Detail:​

Bug Fixes and Improvements

* Private games have been replaced with Friends Only games. This means that you can mark a game as "Friends Only" and it will only be seen in your friends' "Friends" tab
* The game browser has two new filters: Show Passworded games, and Show All Regions (both off by default)
* Added "Test Ping" to the Skirmish menu, which will simulate in game traffic volume (based on number of players) for 5 seconds. This will help players find problematic network connections before getting into a game
* Color coding on pings in skirmish lobby. When a ping is greater than 400 it will be yellow, and when greater than 500 it will be red
* Games list in the games browser can now be sorted on each column
* Cybran and Illuminate air factory veterancy fix: factories now calculate veterancy rate correctly
* Fix to ACU not firing after activating its reclaim beam, while issuing a move order
* ACUs can now be attacked while under water
* Air units are no longer damaged if they fly over an activated Magnetron

Balance and Tuning

* UEF P-Shield shield Health increased by 25%
* Universal Colossus can now also be unlocked by researching the Urchinow
* Overcharge cooldown increased to 35 seconds. Was 25
* Transport build costs increased by 50%. Reduced Health to 4000. Was 4500
* Darkenoid primary beam weapon Damage increased by 50%
* Cybran Air Radar, Cybran Air Vision, Illuminate Land Vision, UEF Air Vision, UEF Land Radar, UEF Naval Radar and UEF Naval Sonar research all reduced by 1 Research Point
* Illuminate ACU Radar boost increased to +175%. Was +100%
* UEF ACU Radar and Vision boosts increased to +150%. Was +100%
* UEF Fighter & Bomber shield Health decreased to 175. Was 200
* Gunship Speed reduced to 6. Was 8. Shield Health decreased to 150. Was 600. Build Time increased to 27. Was 24
* UEF ACU Artillery research cost increased to 6. Was 4. Damage Radius reduced to 5. Was 6
* Cybran mobile artillery Movement Speed reduced to 2.8. Was 3.2
* Cybran Carrier build cost reduction of 33% added
* All factions' ACU AA upgrade Damage increased by 25%
* Airnomo cost decreased 10%. Health increased to 13,000. Was 10,000. AA damage increased 50%. Direct Fire damage decreased 50%
* Cybran Battleship AA Damage reduced by 40%
jört sich gut an :)
yea, :D
* Gunship Speed reduced to 6. Was 8. Shield Health decreased to 150. Was 600. Build Time increased to 27. Was 24

aber hatte gestern n paar 'gunship-spam games' und naja, die marine AA is gut^^

und die ACU sind zu stark-.-

4er ACU rush auf senton-.- mit bob-m8s no chance
Die Frage ist, wie verhindert werden kann, daß ein 4er ACU-Rush für einen einzelnen tödlich endet. Eine solche Übermacht wird immer fatal für den Gerushten sein.
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