Geschichtsunterricht mit Mark Skaggs

Mar 13, 2007
mark skaggs said:
the real reason i left ea in 2005 is because i was tired of continually being given deadlines that were too short to make c&c games
me said:
ha i knew it
mark skaggs said:
we were ready to start red alert 3 and then they told me it had to be done in 9 months
rather than make a big fuss about it, i decided that it was time to do something different
there was a big meeting to try to convince me to stay, but i decided to take some time off and that turned into an exit.

ich wusste es,
ich wusste es verdammt nochmal!!!!!!!!
Ist klar dass das da so läuft. Und wenn du das als einigermaßen kompetenter Mitarbeiter mitbekommst bleibt dir natürlich nicht viel ausser zu gehen.
Webboy durfte ein Interview mit Executive Producer Mark Skaggs führen.
verständlich, 9 Monate das wär die Zeit für nen Missionpack, aber doch nicht fürn komplettes Spiel :z
Bitte immer mit Quellenangabe.
Bitte immer mit Quellenangabe.

Ich bin die Quelle..... :D
Das komplette Interview kommt bald....
das hier ist der Trailer...

aber ich habe irgendwie den Highlight schon verraten... Aber wie bei den meisten Filmen ist der Trailer immer das beste Stück überhaupt....
Naja, als ob das bei CNC4 nun soviel besser wäre. Release Anfang März, angekündigt/vorgestellt August (oder Juni?) im letzten Jahr. Da dürften in der eigentlichen Entwciklung auch maximal 10, 11 MOnate drin sein....
cool. Generals 2 would be fun
I have the story line already
works perfectly with how the world has changed since Generals 1
but...I make social games now
BTW - I lead the team that created FarmVille on different is that from C&C?
the only person on the Farmville team that worked on C&C was myself
if you were offered a nice contract, would you move to EA and create generals 2?
I don't think EA could create a contract that would entice me to leave
dustin is the lead designer of sc2
Harvard is at Sony now...
John Ahlquist (lead engineer) is working on iphone apps, and is an unreal 3 contract programmer

cool. Generals 2 would be fun
I have the story line already
works perfectly with how the world has changed since Generals 1
but...I make social games now
BTW - I lead the team that created FarmVille on different is that from C&C?
the only person on the Farmville team that worked on C&C was myself
if you were offered a nice contract, would you move to EA and create generals 2?
I don't think EA could create a contract that would entice me to leave
dustin is the lead designer of sc2
Harvard is at Sony now...
John Ahlquist (lead engineer) is working on iphone apps, and is an unreal 3 contract programmer


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