[WoW] Druidenbuild

Feb 25, 2004
Wie issen der Build?

Balance Talents (10 points)

# Nature's Grasp - 1/1 point
While active, any time an enemy strikes the caster, they have a 35% chance to become afflicted by Entangling Roots (Rank 1). Only usable outdoors. 1 charge. Lasts 45 seconds.

# Improved Nature's Grasp - 4/4 points
Increases the chance for your Nature's Grasp to entangle an enemy by 65%.

# Nature's Reach - 2/2 points
Increases the range of your Wrath, Entangling Roots, Faerie Fire (caster form only), Moonfire, and Starfire spells by 20%.

# Improved Entangling Roots - 3/3 points
Gives you a 100% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Entangling Roots.

Feral Combat Talents (11 points)

# Ferocity - 5/5 points
Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, and Rake abilities by 5 Rage or Energy.

# Improved Bash - 2/2 points
Increases the stun duration of your Bash ability by 1 second.

# Sharpened Claws - 3/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear or Cat form by 3%.

# Feral Charge - 1/1 point
Causes you to charge an enemy, stopping its movement and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 seconds.

Restoration Talents (30 points)

# Improved Mark of the Wild - 5/5 points
Increases the effects of your Mark of the Wild spell by 35%.

# Furor - 3/5 points
Gives you a 60% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear form.

# Improved Healing Touch - 5/5 points
Reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch spell by 15%.

# Nature's Focus - 5/5 points
Gives you a 60% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting the Healing Touch or Regrowth spells.

# Gift of Nature - 1/1 point
Increases the effect of your Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, and Tranquility spells by 5%.

# Improved Rejuvenation - 5/5 points
Increases the effect of your Rejuvenation spell by 15%.

# Nature's Swiftness - 1/1 point
When activated, your next Nature spell becomes an instant cast spell.

# Improved Regrowth - 5/5 points
Increases the critical effect chance of your Regrowth spell by 50%.
Wer bitte setzt 30pts in Restoration um dann Innervate wegzulassen?
Entangling roots hab ich ebenfalls weggelassen. Nature's Grasp und normale Roots reichen vollkommen aus und wenn wirklich auf PvP skillen willst, setz die gesparten Punkte lieber in swiftshifting...

Ich würd gern mal SC Set sammeln + Stab des Aufsehers mit 260Rüssi (*360% als Bär) + paar Ringe mit Rüssi oder Chance auf Crit etc und dann Feral skillen...
Stell ich mir lustig vor als sich heilender tankschurke =p
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