PM von airsly

Mar 4, 2009
Ich hab folgende PM von einem spieler bekommen:

"Mesage destinate to Aceton Admins, Again 0 answer, maybe you know a guys who can Answer me ? ....

Hi MrYuri. I send you a personal message because i've send 4 message at aceton's admins and i never receive an answer.

5 similary message :
I've be banned from command and conquer generals, from 2 or 3 years now, because i've launch the aceton software with the mh software (at the era, i doesn't have understand the " way of use " of aceton, i tought, i can be ban only if i use the mh on the game, but this is wrong ^^ and i was ban) After i've deleted imediately the mh and make a new account, with new nickname and new serial number but i keep the same email adress. I played cw ago 1 years, and i was gone of ccg ago 6 month.

When i come back, i was surprise to see my account banned when i wanna use it again. Any mate tell me, is because you keep the same email adress, right or not, i was banned. I've buy a new cd (5 for be honest, 2 for my brothers and 3 for me ;p) and i was remake a new account. My account was ban again, i re change my email, my password and my nickname, i was re banned 4 times ! Now, i've abandon. I've make 5 new account, with 5 new nickname, 5 new password and 5 new email. I've my Zero Hour account who is not banned, but i dont play with it, i dont like Zh. I think, I guess, I've pay for my stupidity to launch aceton with mh, there are 2/3 years !

I ask, the unban of my 6 (not the first account ban), my 6 account.
I use like nickname, Airskly, Airsly-ccg, Airsly, Hiozer, Tiphen, (Nywer : maybe)
I use like email adress : ..."

Er würde also gern nach so langer zeit entbannt werden, zumindest mit einem seiner accounts. Wenn ihr die email adressen benötigt, kann ich sie euch auch noch senden, hab sie aber erstmal rausgelassen.
Ein geiler "Lebenslauf" in CCG und ZH! :D

Kann man nur hoffen, dass er sein MH wirklich runter hat und net irgendwo vergessen hat sonst is er gleich wieder weg........
hmmm... wir haben nie eine Mail von ihm bekommen. Naja, ich werde mich morgen mal darum kümmern.
Sorry für die Verzögerung, dem Myers ist nur leider der Router kaputt gegangen, also bitte noch etwas Geduld :)
Hab ne PM vom myers bekommen und weitergeleitet an airsly. Scheint zu funktionieren, danke :)
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