Best replay ever.

Towerpushing by Zlex and Technique doesnt know what he can do??
I'll watch...

Er, you pushed him down, yea towerpushing is sad, but your push is easy to counter, Zlex just moved his mcv. A big mistake...
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More like the other way around.

Point is ra3 gameplay = rubbish and dull.
1000000 better than KW.

You crazy? in kw 4 bikes vs 4 bikes better player always wins in ra3 4 migs vs 4 migs whoever doesnt get bugged wins.....

And in ra3 mcv is a army lol that just makes dumb gameplay.
RA3 1v1 Gameplay just sucks. You have far more possibilities in KW because you can also decide wether you play with a great Eco or do a fasttech and stuff like that. Do you see that in RA3?
Yea indeed just look at certain ''top'' players in ra3 who do the same thing over and over again and ra3 gameplay allows them to do so....

Mainly the eco + gamespeed is what makes the dull gameplay imo.
Yea thats stupid, but only because you can do it, you don´t have too. There are many players who don´t make Tanja Drop´s etc. A good player don´t have to do it.
seh ich nicht so. Wenn man gut ist, hat man das meiner Meinung nach nicht nötig, für mich sind Leute, die jedes Schlumpfloch oder jeden Bug ausnutzen, schlicht und einfach Noobs.
You crazy? in kw 4 bikes vs 4 bikes better player always wins in ra3 4 migs vs 4 migs whoever doesnt get bugged wins.....

And in ra3 mcv is a army lol that just makes dumb gameplay.

Im not crazy, 4bikes v. 4bikes ya, I manage everybike alone and what happens?? all attack one bike, nice micro, the game control my units, nice.

4Migs v. 4Migs is easy, when your Migs wont shot, back to base and try again, your argument just show: no unitmix... Bullfogs were needed for example.
You know that Migs are a one big bug why dont take a Bullfog?? Lazyyyy?? :o

The MCV, k thats really stupid, was in KW really better, in RA3 you can take your MCV and let it 5 hours alone, you will see, it has 50% HP, in KW you would lost 100 MCV's...

I played both games, in KW I dont even arrive Top 50 (Im 2 lazy;D )
In RA3 its easy to stay there.
Im not crazy, 4bikes v. 4bikes ya, I manage everybike alone and what happens?? all attack one bike, nice micro, the game control my units, nice.

You need to put em on hold fire first...

I cant argue with you tho u made it up in your mind that ra3 is better O_o. I think i can own on both games and kw is clearly the game that needs more of everything.... map awareness eco management unit control overall speed.... and its more fun but i suppose thats a opinion....
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A discussion with us will end in nothing...
You like KW, I like RA3, reasons are different.

But I have to say I got more micro and I'm faster than in KW (last year), I learned.
A discussion with us will end in nothing...
You like KW, I like RA3, reasons are different.

But I have to say I got more micro and I'm faster than in KW (last year), I learned.

You just adapted your gameplay. You also don't have more Micro because you are pressing "F" more. In KW you micro your units with marchorders, in RA3 you micro your units special abilities. No difference at all.
LoL, no. I mean that I am faster, in KW I was slow, now I am fast in KW, I'm nervous when I play, I'm faster, thats all. I dont know this feeling in RA3, in KW its very big. Now I want to play KW, lol thanks guys ;D
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