Recent content by MasterPuppet

  1. Free Funds Friday: Suchst du nach einem guten Layout vor der Basengründung?

    yes,1 silo conect 6 harverter tibs or cristals
  2. Free Funds Friday: Magst du lieber GDIs oder Nods Farbpalette?

    lovely and charming blue of gdi
  3. Free Funds Friday: Gibst du deinen Basen kreative Namen?

    yes, i like Metallica song ,so i name my base taken from their album-"KillEmAll" !!
  4. Free Funds Friday: Spielst du auf dem neuen Beta Server?

    ya ,i play just for testing,see how they attack, and than i quit, wait for next stabil server open.
  5. Free Funds Friday: Welche Fraktion ist stärker, Nod oder GDI?

    i see GDI's player with badge and i see Nod's player with badges too , tell me which one fraction is strong?, or the players-that is strong.
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