Recent content by EUNOOSE

  1. Free Funds Friday: Spielst du TA schon länger als 1 Jahr?

    Almost a year but not yet :)
  2. Free Funds Friday: Sind die GDI oder die Nod Upgrades besser?

    NOD upgrades are mostly better.
  3. Free Funds Friday: Gefiel dir das Endgame?

    When I joined the game, they were lots of dominating alliances in the world. I was late to go to center for endgame:)
  4. Free Funds Friday: Bist du noch Mitglied deiner ersten Allianz?

    No, I changed my alliance for once.
  5. Free Funds Friday: Ist TA dein erstes Browsergame?

    First was ogame. Second and last one is C&C TA.
  6. Free Funds Friday: Raidest du lieber Lager oder Vorposten?

    Mostly outposts. I only attack to camps for supply crates.
  7. Free Funds Friday: Spielst du lieber PvE oder PvP?

    I always prefer PvE till other players attack me.
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