
I took a break from playing League of Legends for awhile and before I started playing again I decided to look up a lot of guides on how to carry effectively. When I started playing again I was doing much better than I was before I took the break and was carrying every match, so much so that I was getting a lump on my back. It kept getting bigger and bigger and I thought it was my trophy for carrying all these people I am playing with so I didn't mind it. Eventually my mom took me to a doctor despite me telling her it was from me carrying my team all the time. Turns out it was a tumor. I thought I was getting a swore back from carrying but it turns out my team mates were just giving me cancer.

XBox Controller putt :/

Naja, jetzt mal One Controller bestellt - Mal sehen ob der besser ist:D
also ich hab mal bei Amazon rein gehört, und muss sagen: Nicht mehr oder weniger beschissen als sonstiger Rapscheiß. :ugly
Wahrscheinlich dann genau so wie mit GW 2, welches auch tausend mal verschoben wurde ^^
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