News Season 5: Ladder Map Pool Update


Oct 16, 2007
So viele englische Wörter in der Überschrift - Yay!

Aber es kommt noch mehr:

Beginning with Season 4, we experimented with prioritizing tournament-style maps on the StarCraft II ladder. This has been working out very well not only because it’s allowed pro players better opportunities to practice on the ladder, but also because players across all skill levels can now experience the tournament feel when playing on

Season 5 begins the week of December 19:

These maps will be removed:

  • (4)Abyssal Caverns
  • (4)Nerazim Crypt

These maps will be added in their place:

  • (2)Arid Plateau


The rush distance on this map is comparable to Shakuras Plateau or the longest distance on Metalopolis. We tried to go for a slightly more exposed natural expansion, followed up by a greater choice of which third expansion to take. The high-yield expansion offers better resource acquisition, but is also the most difficult to defend, while the corner expansion is similar to expansions found on Metalopolis or Shattered Temple. The base closest to your main is open, but remains easy to defend because of short travel time from the natural expansion. We wanted to go for a more open center with very powerful Watch Tower placements.

  • (4)Entombed Valley


We’ve seen that rotationally symmetric four-player tournament maps can provide an advantage depending on where you start compared to your opponent and which races are involved in the match-up. This is feedback that we received from the community as well.
Our goal with this map was to address that issue. Whether you start horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, the game should be almost completely symmetric for both players. Also, no matter where you start, we were focused on minimizing features which tend to favor a specific race such as certain races experiencing challenges expanding beyond two bases, air-to-air distances which are too short between starting locations, the center path being the only viable attack route, or too many choke points.
TL Open
On the subject of new maps, recently hosted a map contest to offer map makers a chance to show off their skills. This past weekend, the top contenders in the TL Open battled it out on the top maps that emerged from that contest. The TL Open tournament has now concluded, but you can still see these new maps in action by checking out the replays and VoDs. We’re carefully reviewing the maps that were featured in the tournament, and those which meet our standards have a chance to be included in future ladder seasons.

Mir gefällts das Abyssal Caverns & Nerazim Crypt rausgenommen wird. Die neuen Maps sehen ziemlich interessant aus. Bin mir nicht sicher ob die vielen Rampen und Erhöhungen gut sind. Sieht aus als ob man die leicht mit Forcefields & Tanks abusen kann. Mal schaun...
Die zwei neuen Maps sind auf jeden fall besser wie die alten zwei imo ;)
Nargh, hat ich garnicht gesehn den Thread - die neuen Maps sehen gut aus und die 2 die rausfliegen sind eh auf Veto ^^
die neuen maps sehen echt klasse aus, nerazim mit nur crossposi wär eig ok, aber ganz rausnehmen is auch in ordnung^^
Wolt maal sagen das ich die Karte Arid Plateau unglaublich geil finde. Endlich mal einen neue 1v1 Map und dan auch noch sooo Zerg freundlich. ^^
arid plateau ist auf meinem terra account auf instaveto gelandet, schrecklich gut für zerg und protoss alike.
p und z finde ich auf der map ziemlich interessant, einige chokes die man abusen kann aber dann offenes feld, ein protoss alptraum sobald es ins 5 base lategame geht.
dann auch noch so viele counterattack wege auf die späten expansions...
mal sehen wie sich die map dann mit zerg und toss spielt, ich hoffe einfach nur kein terra zu kriegen :D

entombed valley: iwie verwirrend die map, ich weiß noch nicht so richtig was mit der map anzufangen. erinnert ein wenig an einen mix aus typhon und crevasse :D
ich glaube dass die map ganz gut ist, muss ich aber auch erstmal anspielen.

frohes fest!
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