KeSPA vs Blizzard

Zumal eine vierte Rasse auch irgendwie nicht wirklich passen würde. Zumindest die Protoss hätten denen über den Weg laufen müssen, die XelNaga wären imba und irgendwelche Hybriden wäre halt 0815.

Aber darum gehts ja nicht ;)
Blizz macht Ernst:
Wir haben drei Jahre lang versucht mit der KeSPA zu verhandeln, aber wir kriegen sie nicht dazu unser geistiges Eigentum zu berücksichtigen. Natürlich sind wir aber der Meinung, daß unser geistiges Eigentum respektiert werden sollte. StarCraft II wird bald veröffentlicht, also werden wir uns nach einem neuen Partner umsehen müssen.

wayne.. wenn beide meinen da nicht nachgeben zu müssen und teils unsinnige forderungen stellen...
aber ob die koris sc2 zocken oder nich und blizzard ihr spiel da verkaufen kann oder nich, interessiert mich herzlich wenig^^

ich krieg sc2 hier und kann damit zocken und ohne die koris wird der esport nicht mit einem mal eingehen. die entwicklung wird langsamer sein, aber: thats life ;)
Tja, Blizz macht das richtig. Müssen die Koreaner halt ewig auf SC hocken blieben :p Brauchen sie immerhin nicht neue PC's dafür ^^
Verkaufszahlen -5Mio.! XD

Kommt ganz drauf an, warscheinlich wird Blizzard solange das Koreanische Starcraft abändern bis man mit Blümchen und Wattebäuschen wirft, und danach müssen die Leute entscheiden entweder Starcraft bei der Kespa, oder Starcraft 2 bei Blizzard und deren Partner.
Naja, im Extremfall bedeutet das sogar nicht mal mehr SC:BW bei der Kespa.
Zumindest kann die Kespa unter den Umständen nicht nach Europa/Amerika expandieren, diese Ambitionen hatten sie ja durchaus. Ohne ein Partner für SC2 zu sein sowieso schon mal garnicht, für SC:BW wird sich nach dem SC2 Release hierzulande "keiner" mehr interessieren. Ich denke Blizzard sitzt da am Ende doch am längeren Hebel.
Dann wird die Kespa eben mit Tekken 6 weiter machen, scheinen davon ja auch begeistert zusein. ^^
Nächste Runde. Blizzard lässt die Muskeln spielen!

Short version and what it might mean
Blizzard and Gretech-GomTV signed a partnership contract which gives GomTV the exclusive rights to operate and broadcast tournaments for ALL Blizzard games in Korea. This means OnGameNet and MBCGame no longer have the right to broadcast nor operate their leagues (MSL, OSL, PL), nor does KeSPA have the right to operate their league (PL). However, Blizzard is allowing them to continue to operate their leagues until August, which is the end of this proleague season.

Blizzard seems to have opened the door for other companies such as OGN or MBCGame to reach separate agreements with GomTV, so that they can continue to operate their leagues for some price. GomTV's representative also openly invited the OGN and MBCGame to cooperate with them.

Oh, and there's always the possibility that KeSPA will take them to court.

Update - May 27th: Mike Morhaime's letter to Korean e-Sports fans.
Update - May 27th: Blizzard to give grace period until August, all other parties must negotiate with Gom


Entertainment Software Development company and Game Publisher Blizzard Entertainment has made a partnership agreement, as well as broadcasting rights, with Gretec's internet broadcasting channel Gom-TV on May 26th, 2010.

Through this partnership, Gom-TV will now have exclusive rights to broadcasting e-Sports matches and tournaments that involves games such as upcoming Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty, Brood War, Warcraft 3, WoW and other expansion packs that will go along with these games.

Since 2009, Gom-TV has been cooperating with Blizzard Entertainment and held tournaments such as Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and WoW. Through this new e-Sports partnership, Blizzard and Gom-TV will deliver the high-quality and exciting tournaments and events straight to the Korean fans, which the Korean fans love.

Paul Sams said "We, the Blizzard Entertainment, are happy to work with people who share the same passion with us, as well as understanding our visions in Korean and international level. Since Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty is due soon, we are expecting to broadcast fast and exciting games to the Korean e-Sports fans through Gom-TV"

Bae In-Shik, Gom-TV spokesperson, commented "[We are] happy that the fans will be able to enjoy the Blizzard game tournaments in the near future. In the upcoming Starcraft II tournament, hosted by Gom-TV, we will open the doors to the current Starcraft Pro-gamers in Korea so that they can participate in the tournament. We are also looking to cooperate with other e-Sports related broadcasting companies."

Gom-TV will host Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty tournament after it's official release on July 27th, as well as a Ladder Tournament that will be held by both Gom-TV and Blizzard Entertainment.

Also, Gom-TV will host Global Starcraft II league, Starcraft II World Championship, as well as Clan Battles and Streak (?) Battles in the future. All other future league and event palns will be released later.

Original post:
엔터테인먼트 소프트웨어 개발 및 퍼블리싱 업계의 선두주자인 블리자드 엔터테인먼트(Blizzard Entertainment, 는 ㈜그래텍의 인터넷 방송 채널인 곰TV와의 e스포츠 및 방송 파트너십을 위한 계약을 ㈜그래텍과 5월 26일 체결했다고 발표했다.

이번 파트너십 체결을 통해, 곰TV는 앞으로 3년 간 블리자드 엔터테인먼트의 기대작인 실시간 전략 게임 스타크래프트 II: 자유의 날개(StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty™)와 스타크래프트: 브루드 워, 워크래프트 III, 월드 오브 워크래프트와 추후 확장팩 등 블리자드 게임에 기반한 국내에서의 토너먼트 개최 및 e스포츠 행사 방송에 대한 독점적인 권한을 보유하게 된다.

곰TV는 지난 2009년부터 블리자드 엔터테인먼트와의 협력을 통해 스타크래프트, 워크래프트 III, 월드 오브 워크래프트 관련 토너먼트를 개최해 왔다. 이번 e스포츠 파트너십을 통해 블리자드 엔터테인먼트와 곰TV는 국내 e 스포츠 팬들이 선호하는 경쟁적인 블리자드 게임에 기반한 뛰어난 퀄리티의 흥미진진한 토너먼트와 이벤트를 지속적으로 국내 게이머들에게 제공하게 될 것이다.

폴 샘즈(Paul Sams) 블리자드 엔터테인먼트 최고 운영 책임자는 “블리자드 엔터테인먼트는 자사의 e스포츠 비전을 이해하며 국내는 물론 글로벌 e스포츠의 성장 및 발전에 대해 자사와 같은 열정을 공유한 파트너와 함께 일하게 되어 기쁘다”며, “스타크래프트 II: 자유의 날개의 출시가 다가옴에 따라, 우리는 곰TV와 함께 빠른 경기 진행과 흥미진진한 경쟁 구조의 게임 이벤트들을 국내 e스포츠 팬들에게 제공할 수 있게 되기를 기대한다”고 밝혔다.

배 인식 곰TV 대표는 “기존의 e스포츠 팬들이 지속적으로 블리자드 게임의 토너먼트를 즐길 수 있게 된 점에 대해 매우 기쁘다”며 “향후 곰TV가 개최하는 스타크래프트 II 대회는 세계 최고의 기량을 자랑하는 국내 스타크래프트 프로게이머들이 자유롭게 참가할 수 있도록 문호를 개방할 것이며, e스포츠 방송 분야를 개척한 방송사들과도 협력할 수 있기를 기대한다”고 밝혔다.

7월 27일에 있을 스타크래프트 II: 자유의 날개 공식 출시 이후 곰TV는 스타크래프트 II 리그를 개최할 예정이며, 블리자드 엔터테인먼트는 곰TV와 함께 스타크래프트 II 래더 토너먼트를 개최할 것이다.

또한, 곰TV는 한국은 물론 해외 유명 게이머들까지 참가하는 글로벌 리그인 스타크래프트 II 월드 챔피언십을 지속적으로 개최할 예정이며, 이 외에도 클랜 대항전, 연승전 등을 통해 국내 e스포츠 팬들에게 다양한 e스포츠 컨텐츠를 선보일 계획이다. 아울러 향후 리그 및 이벤트에 대해서는 추후 발표될 예정이다.


GomTV is FREE. Why are people discussing the fee then?

Because GomTV offers high-quality stream with Maneul (Or if translated, Garlic), which can be purchased.

Blizzard to give grace period until August, all other parties must negotiate with Gom
Source: Game Chosun

Blizzard stated "With the recent agreement, the rights to operate and broadcast all Blizzard game leagues including Starcraft II belong to GomTV, and [all tournaments] must be run after negotiating with GomTV."

In the case of the present leagues, Blizzard representatives stated "in consideration of the fans and players, the presently running Starcraft 1 leagues will be allowed to suspend negotiations [with gom] until August of this year, or another solution will be found."

Mike Morhaime's letter to Korean e-Sports fans
Source: Blizzard via Fomos

To everyone in the Korean Starcraft community,

There have been several recent events regarding Blizzard’s involvement in Korean e-Sports. I’d like to take this opportunity to explain our stance on the current situation, and Blizzard’s position and vision for the future of e-Sports. But before I begin, I need to clearly explain the relationship between Blizzard and the Korea e-Sports association, and why we made the decision to stop trying to negotiate with the KeSPA office as a partner.

In 2007, we were shocked and disappointed to learn that KeSPA had illegally sold the broadcasting rights for Starcraft tournaments without our consent. With this clear violation of our intellectual property rights, we were forced to become more actively involved in the situation and make our voice be heard. Even so, we began talks with KeSPA in good faith so we could find a way to protect our intellectual property rights as well as help e-Sports to grow further.

For the following three years, we tried very hard to have negotiations where we could correct a skewed situation and reach mutual understanding. However, during this process, what we learned was that KeSPA did not recognize our intellectual property rights, and that our suggestions even up to this day, echoed unheard while KeSPA offered no solutions of their own. Furthermore, the KeSPA office prevented progame teams or progamers from contacting Blizzard by threatening ‘disadvantages.’ Unlike the negative rumors you might have heard, Blizzard’s intention towards e-Sports is not to ‘dominate’ it and create excessive profits from it. From the beginning of the negotiations up to now, the basic framework we have thought of is one where e-Sports can continue to grow, while we can protect our intellectual property rights.

With the release of “Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty” approaching, we decided we could not delay any further in finding a trustworthy partner who respected our intellectual property rights, and decided it was time to find a new way altogether. As a result of that decision, we signed a contract with GomTV which we announced today, which gives them the exclusive rights to hold and broadcast Blizzard game tournaments in Korea. We have cooperated closely with GomTV in the past, and discovered in the process that we have similar values and goals in e-Sports. Also, we believe that GomTV is a capable partner with whom we can not only advance e-Sports in Korea, but in the entire world as well.

We are very proud that Starcraft contributed greatly to Korea becoming a global forerunner in e-Sports. We eagerly await the day when we can support progamers, or GomTV in their efforts to cooperate with the other broadcast companies in the world of e-Sports. We will continue to do our best for the development of e-Sports, and to that end we will improve the quality of matches and add features that will create competitive factors for the enjoyment of the audience. As always, we are deeply thankful for your understanding and support, and we are always open to your thoughts opinions.

Thank you,

Mike Morhaime
Some netizen quotes:

"곰TV가 CJ그룹거라....온게임넷에서 방송하게되어있다...다만 온게임넷이..케스파이사인데.....관계가 껄끄럽겠구만.ㅋ"

So Gom-TV is CJ's now... (since both companies are under CJ) They will broadcast this on OnGameNet... but wait OnGameNet... it's related to KeSPA... the relationship is going to be awkward (or somewhere along the lines of that).

"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ 너무 웃긴다 온엠이 망하는지 스타2가 망하는지 봐라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

HAHAHAHAHA let's wait and see which fails first: OnGameNet or Starcraft II

"ㅄ같은 해설 듣게 생겼네"

Sigh we are going to hear retarded comments from commentators now

"해설 어쩔거야!"


" 아직 정황 파악이 안되는 분들이 많으신거 같네요. 곰tv와 계약 안하면 앞으로의 리그는 물론 지금까지 찍어놨던 필름 재방송도 못합니다. 아예 스타관련 방송을 송출할수 없게 됩니다. 그러니 gg치는 방법밖에 없는거죠. 케스파는 블리자드가 그 조건 걸때 샀어야 더 이득이었을겁니다."

Some of you guys don't get this. The current leagues and future leagues, as well as past games, cannot be broadcasted on other channels now without an agreement with Gom-TV. Essentially, hey can't broadcast Starcraft related shows. So what can they do except typing gg? KeSPA should've made an agreement with Blizzard when they offered the deal, which I think, would have been better.

(Credits to Milkis for the ones below)

곰TV 돈내고 봐야 할건데 ㅋ 이제동짱
>> You'll need to pay to watch GomTV lol, Jaedong is awesome

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ블리자드 온겜엠겜양대디스넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이제 양대방송사는 곰티비한테 졸라 굽실거리게 될겅미
>> looooooooooooooooooooooool blizzard just dissed OGN and MBC looooooooooooooooooooooooooool OGN and MBC is going to get owned by GomTV

과연 온겜이나 엠겜 처럼 전문 게임채널에서 방송을 안하고 스타1처럼 성공할수있을까?난절대 성공못한다고본다 길어야 1년2 년일듯..
>> I wonder if they can succeed like Star1 without having a professional game channel. I think they'll never succeed. one or two years max

기존에 기반이 있는 방송사들은 무시할 수 없지만 여기에 개스파 이야기는 없음 ㅇㅇㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근데 곰티비 해설진들 실력이 너무 개 똥망이라
>> You can't ignore the broadcasting stations with firm foundations but there's no Kespa talk here looooooool but GomTV commentators's skills are dogshit

블 리자드 ㅂㅈ들 잘됐다 난 이참에 스타 끊어야겠다
>> Good job Blizzard you retards I'm going to use this opportunity to stop starcraft

온미디어는 CJ꺼니 온겜은 계속 나온다 걱정하지 말아라 아그들아 그냥 엠겜만 불쌍하지
>> since OGN is owned by CJ OGN will continue to broadcast stop worrying. Poor MBCGame though

I think I should especially thank the mods for keeping this thread up to date with new incoming news, as well as the letter from Mike Morhaime!


Blizzard drückt also erneut gegen die KeSPA. Diesesmal mit aller Macht. Bin gespannt wie die Sender mit OSL und MSL und die KeSPA selbst reagieren.
finde die englishen posts langsam anstängend vorallem wenn die dann so lang sind -.-
Eig schade
Stimmt, genau dad gleiche kann ST. Pauli von sich behaupten, aber sehen wir mal wie es sich entwickelt, entweder kommt Blizzard irgendwann angekrochen weil im Koreanischen Esport überhaupt nichts mehr läuft, oder die Kespa wird daran zugrunde gehen. So oder so wird das kein schönes ergebnis.
Ich finde persönlich nicht, dass eine Spielefirma Turnierrechte über ihre Spiele haben sollte.
Wenn es so erfolgreich ist, dass es viele Turniere gibt, dann schlägt sich das doch bereits in den Verkaufszahlen nieder.
Ich muss da immer Parallelen zur realen Welt ziehen: Wenn jemand ne neue tolle Ballart erfindet, erfolgreich verkauft und man dann hier irgendwie im Park nen Turnier veranstalten, soll man dem Ballhersteller was löhnen? Oder Adidas, wenn man mit deren Fußbällen spielen will?
Ein weiteres Beispiel das zeigt, dass Blizzard seit WoW mit dem klassischen 45 Euro für das Hauptspiel + 30 für das Addon nicht mehr klarkommt.
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