I'm leaving you.

Jan 10, 2010
I will be leaving you all temporarily on either August 19, 2010 or January 3, 2011. I may actually leave a few days earlier though, since I'll have to get settled in at where I'm going, also, please note that the dates are subject to change, for I don't think they start school on the same day every year (plus the school I'm going to temporarily go to probably won't at the start the same time my normal school starts. Now you may be wondering where I am going and why. Well, I am going to Cologne, Germany, because it is something I really want to do, and because of a certain individual, ;).

I do however regret to inform you that I may not be able to visit any of the forums I actively go to while I am away, let alone all 485 of them. So I am posting this message on all the forums I go to (or atleast the ones that I can right now, since I doubt have time at the moment to post it on all 400+ forums). I do hear that several people in Germany do use the Internet however, and unfortunately the house family I was hoping to stay with had too little room for a guest, so I have to stay with someone else there, how unfortunate.

I will be gone for what will be gone for a full semester, which is about half of a year. If I get into the program for the first semester (August 19, 2010), I believe I will be able to return to my loving and caring real family in the United States of America before Christmas. I thank you all for your understanding and/or support. I will try and get on some of the sites I have bookmarked, but I will probably only get on the SS Free and Facebook on a daily basis still, but even then, no promises. Wish me luck and a safe trip everyone. If you feel the need to make a topic (or topics) about saying "goodbye and have a safe flight" (or something like that) to me before I leave, feel free to do so.

In my absence, the lovely Ms. tabby1gamer, administrative representative of the United Gamers Alliance will become my acting replacement as chairman of the SS Free, the SS Free Network, and all SS Free Network members, which include, but are not limited to: the United Gamers Alliance, SS Free Germany, the Universal Gaming League, and the Zombieland Forums. I have the utmost confidence in Ms. tabby1gamer's ability to run the SS Free and it's respective Network. If you have any questions, please use the SS Free's Customer Service forum, thank you for your time.
Have fun in Germany, its a great country. :crack

I heard rumors they do have internet there!
You could have written something personal, something that makes the UF unique:o for example
'UF I love you' :ugly ....just copying and pasting is low:( anyway I hope you'll have a pleasant stay in Germany. And I've got an advise for you: Mind 'strange' people gaming CnC or spamming senseless stuff, they could be UF-User:kek:d:wub

€: german people don't need internet, they have beer and Currywurst:o
I heard rumors a 17 years old guy got butt raped once he got into germany.
I heard rumors this rapist was a big blue...."thing".Moreover it's supposed eating kids, too.

Om nom
This belongs in "Real Life". Please move it, thanks. Sorry, my German isn't all that great.
Oh no, my 9 year old brother might have the swine flu!

What should I do? That can be fatal.
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