frage: was hats mit diesem NKVD - clan auf sich?

lol jonas sag ich etwa in jedem meiner Posts : JOINT UNSERE EXCEED PAGE UND TRAGT EUCH INS GUESTBOOK EIN AUF WWW:WASWEISSICH:DE ? nein , also und ich änder net für jeden Post mein Banner wär auch etwas umständlich huh?
stefros quote:

"Solange man mit stefor in nem Clan ist ist er recht freundlich aber sobald man den verlässt wird er zum anal-Onkel und ist einfach nur noch ein gay arschloch dass sich net normal verhalten kann . "

lol stefros, still talking crap about me in the german forums?
You were in sharks for like a month and barely got pts for it, then suddenly u didnt played any games at all anymore. Me, Chron, Mega n insect got like 98 % of all the pts.
Two months later when we brought sharks back u were like "wtf let me back in, I own"

I played you in several ffg's and clangames and I also told you I had another line up that month, thats what probably pissed u off.
Great players like outlaw17, deleader and bdt684 were kicked from clans of mine in the past, but they fought back and came back like never before and so they rejoined. For you, when you get kicked from a clan it's just an argument to talk shit about the leader who kicked u and act like you desearved a spot cause you are 'insulted' by a leaders action.

Go on talking shit, I just hope most people will read your statements in the future with these facts in mind.

Dachziege/obiwaaann and all the other embryo's who keep talking shit in here:

I'm playing my own clans? You mean *PO* ?
I left *PO* cause Bishforce was in it and he reconned me twice in TS history, when I left *PO* I was asked by max to join his clan, since I know that he's a fair player and doesn't talks shit I joined his clan and played some games for it, big deal?

Another statement of yours, cncsturms or stefros was that:

"The clan is rank 1 cause stef plays 24/7 and got nothing else to do, he probably has no girlfriend and is fat."

I'm still wondering why you people keep repeating those messages;

- Is it to hurt me or something?
- Is it cause you are mad or something?

If you are a fair, and if you are a good player you don't need to talk shit about the best players in this game. Obviously you guys need to talk shit in a german forum in which there are just some of your german buddies who don't care what you write anyways.

Why do I never see you in temple of nod 2 on US server talking all that shit? Cause you are such sad and sneaky that you only got the guts to talk bs in your own language to the players from your own country?

I think you should ask yourself if you have a life yes or no, looking at your behaviour like little children on these forums.

(no offense to the German players on these forums that do behave btw, like dashoota, max, snake7777, brumana etc.)

lol stefor
max=brumana .
I was like on for sharks and no1 else was on and so i played with Sturm and then i went on vacation where i usually dont play Ts so what u expect ?
Then the next month started and some ppl left sharks and joined other clans i asked u if i get back in if i leave and u said yes u do so i left and joined botess and after this month i didnt get back in .
Then me and Sturm played u with rap1 as maodi and it lagged like hell and then Sturm had dc and somehow we got + for it dunno how and i canceled when u had dc again cos i was fucken fucked about that lag and dcing whole game long and about u saying u were klote . And i DO talk shit in ton2 and euro serv and evrywhere when u r around and when ur not but u still keep saying i cheat although u know i dont and so i wont stop ...
hab den faden verloren shota worum gings noch gleich
ps stfros lick mein arsch?
du regst dich drueber auf dass ich etwas werbung mache?? du suckst hier fast alle voll mit deiner dauerspammerei und deiner tollen special upfócked language wie "anier iaublgei
OH MAN du solltest dich echt mal an deine eigene nase fassen. achja ... ... habs wieder vergessen war was wegen stefor... ?
der schwule käsekopp stinkt doch! sitzt den ganzen tag in ton2 und macht jeden an: 1on1 clan? , wenn der andere : no sagt, sagt er, newb, newbiekiller etc..., hmm ich denke der hat was aus seinem leben gemacht *gg* uhuhuhuahahhoho
du regst dich drueber auf dass ich etwas werbung mache?? du suckst hier fast alle voll mit deiner dauerspammerei und deiner tollen special upfócked language wie "anier iaublgei
errr du machst nicht etwas Werbung du sagst in jedem post besuch m3ein gb und stuff .
Und welche Language ich red hier ganz normal dass es jeder versteht im gegensatz zu dir , und was ist bitte ein anier laubglei lol ?
Naja Stress mich net und stefor soll selbst was dazu sagen hmpft
CGI-limits reached, please try again later!
WTF !?
obiwaaann 'quote' :

"der schwule käsekopp stinkt doch! sitzt den ganzen tag in ton2 und macht jeden an: 1on1 clan? , wenn der andere : no sagt, sagt er, newb, newbiekiller etc..., hmm ich denke der hat was aus seinem leben gemacht *gg* uhuhuhuahahhoho"

This is a perfect example of people I just call sad newbs, unable to have a normal conversation with those nerds, they just insult and type some bad words.

Btw; obiwaaann plays with harv truce on nowadays! :lol:


No1 left sharks that month, there were some (like u) that I didn't wanted back in cause I was creating a complete new line up that month, big deal?
About the game, I called u and cncsturm cheaters cuz both of u d/c.

Even when u d/c when its laggy and the game is gay and the game is fucked up, its still called cheating. And u dont want to admit it. Remember when u used to laugh on -MOON- d/c washing their games all the time to get +0? Now you did it, and now its 'allright' ? Cncsturm already apologied for his d/c and his behaviour. I wonder when ur gonna do it.

btw: I didn't understood ur 2nd message, so next time when u want to write a msg to/about me, type it in english plz.

hi stefor
nice to see you here ;)

i think you don't need justify to some peoples here - just a litte tip from me ;)
it makes no sense anyways if someone hates you - its my personal experience :(
eh stefor, was solll das, wenn du schwuler penner nur auf meine harvs gehts wenn dein ingi rush nicht funzt dann spiel ich halt mit sammler unzerstörbar gegen dich! lass doch mal ff oder penta oder redux zocken mal sehen wer da der kleine newb ist der nicht vernünftig mit anderen reden kmann, das ich nicht lache man , du bist so ein assi , machst einen immer als newb an wenn er nicht gegen dich zockt , und wenn mal eiener gegen dich zcoken will dann willst du nur teraccce mit multi base und fast game alles andere sind newb optionen was willst du überhuapt du bist der newb der nur 1 option und 1 map zockt! greeeeeeeeeeeeeeetz
learn to answer english questions in english, dont expect me to answer to that shit
Stefor:my 2nd post wasnt referring to u but to matze .
In that game i didnt cancel in order to wash or make +0 i just wanted to get out and away and i didnt wanna wait till u reconnected and i can surrender and that game counted shit anyway cos there was something strange b4 what made cncsturms comp report the game to ww as if he was the only1 in it and we 3 where out so it wouldnt have changed anything if i had given up the result woulda haven bin the same anyway...
Maybe the pts wouldnt have mattered but the action would had.

Surrendering is a sign of being fair and accepting ur loss.
D/c-ing is the opposite of that.
stefros wieso sagste dass ich dich in ruhge lassen soll?
du hast doch angefangen, sich zu darueber zu beschweren, dass ich werbung mache... wenn ichs in meine sig reinmachen wuerde... dann waere das net so schlimm gell? oh man denk mal drueber nach das is doch totai egai (das meinte ich), ob da nun steht, "besucht mal unsere hp und schreibt ins guestbook rein".-..oder "stefros member of BLAH BLAH KOTZ MUH MIAO MIETZ usw
also ich weiss net , wer hier unrecht hat, aber du hast hier teilweise chat-ähnliche gespräche mit deinem anal-freund cnc und redest da sachen wie " aha find ich net "
dann antwortet dein sturm mit " doch wohl " und du schreibst " wieso das denn !? "
und so gehts dann weiter... also wenn sich hier einer aufregen dürfte , dann sicher net du.
and stefor?
u r kinda stupid?
in almost every conversation with you, it was u who said " stfu " and things like that, after i wanted u to explain why u played against ur own clans and why so many games were 1on1 and 6 min. thats a bit strange and after u couldnt keep in ur argumentation, you often finished by leaving or saing "1on1 newb?" or "fûck u german newbie"
"dont tell bs "... and now u critisize someone, when he behaves like u... well i hope this was english enought 4 u and i hope jones will translate his own text into english, cos he is so right.
phil and btw: could u please tell every1 that ur NKVD is fair and takes no freewins at all? attention please read this sentence again ;) be4 u answer... attention: please think bout it one more time ok now read on ! i think u missed that, cos u always said u never pushed in any game or clan, even if the facts were so clear even to some of the silly bears @ ton2 , believing in everything they hear :p ciao

"stefor is a pusher, he keeps playing all his own clans"

u obviously cant read english, I told u, I LEFT *PO*

Leave - Left - Left = verlassen.

I left PO cuz Bishforce was in, so I played kankerww and criticalx cuz I wasnt in PO anymore anyways, any other clans?

"stefor is a pusher, he keeps playing all his own clans"

Learn to read and learn to think about stats, statements and about the game itself and MOST of all: learn to behave. Ur the one talking shit in here, not me.

God, ur stupid
stef we both know that u always leave ur clans , when u need pts... so u leave po and take many 1on1 wins... cos the pts are relaly usefull
well thats fact ngu in past... does it ring a bell?
chickndad or something like that was ur nick.. now tell me u never pushed in this month... cu phil lol
chickndad? lol?

I never 'push' as if u call it, u probably looking for arguments why u cant win the ladder urself? I NEVER pushes, u probably did, as well as all 1000 washes u and that dachschaf dude made in Chgrue and MOON when u lost and got +0.

"stef always wins cause he 'pushes' ?

I win my games fair u shithead, u can ask kankerww or criticalx, they didnt even knew it was me that played them. Also, Im not in NGU. I once was in for a month or so. Why do I still have to defend myself by the way? You will always come up with new shit anyways. When we win every month you get pissed off.

Learn to take a loss, 'play 24/7' (like me) and maybe u can win the ladder once.

Stop crying that we dont win our pts fair and that u never can win the month (even when u make make numerous of d/c\+0 washgames)


well if this is ur last word... i dont care cos i didnt read what u wrote :) but i think that the ppl at ton2 and the uf knows how fair me and dachschaf are... well u cant even remember the nicks we had
and u dont push lol
ok ciao
u fair daddy
now i read the post and remember the day when u said the same " u have mass +-0 loses in ur stats so stfu german loser"
well and i also remember this day , cos it was our funniest argument (<<< is not argumentation u english n00b ) well and i just wanted you to tell me only one game we pushed or where we had +-0 - lose or dc or recon when we lost... u came back after "ok ill get some games" (sorry if that were not the words u took but its about that...) and after u came back, u just keept in your "stfu" and "omg newbie" ... so i think that u tried to find games like the ones i was talkin about just without success... and so u left .... so what? ciao phil and stef... all u have is ts ... nothing more - if u had something else, u wouldnt invest so much time ;) you know , i know ur mates know and most of the others know . . . now you r gonna say "omg every1 say the same : 'get a life' " but its the that... i just mean to know that u didnt even try html, another game or something else at the pc... all u can do is \TS/NOD+TERACE-1on1\one setting/ :) \ try dachschaf and im so sure, he will win you. i think u should play ||| penta, ff, terace, tgr ||| and u play gdi and nod each map .... i wont say "play me" cos i know im not a 1on1-guy - my time at ts is over now , because i play cs and so does dachschaf :) , but he would still kill u ~~ and stef try to b nice to others at the comp... i dont know how u behave in that what most ppl call real life (=) but i think im pretty lucky, not having to do anything with u :) i know many ppl of the 'reallife' as well as in the virtual one, but i dont know ANYone who behaves totally different in the 2 ones ... i hope you are one of them.
and u say i cheated/pushed/washed? well ciao
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