Jun 13, 2009
This is getting WAY OUT OF HAND.



What THE WTF HELL is up with you guys?

PSYCHO im sorry my game crashed but you was not winning and i was not losing. Try watch that replay through my eyes and see how much cash i have KK THANKS? I even heard that YOU dced DWELF. :)


Dynamic. Words cant explain your immaturity, arrogance and the ability to flame like CRAAZY.
You got your freaking CLAN MATE banned because hes connection went off in freaking 20 secs ingame. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUR HEAD.

You and i played 2 games in automatch. First one i KINDLY asked if you wanted to play Kanes Wrath with me and because you lost you went into this jerk sissy mode and brought out this line: OH YAH THATS RIGHT POINTPUSHERS AND DCERS DONT DO REMATCH I FORGOT. Oh hell yah i got pissed and i did rematch you and guess what happend i did also bash you! Oooh and guess what happend! FLAME FLAME FLAME FLAME FLAME FLAME FLAME.

Youre lucky to even be in a clan with that attitude. Tbh your lucky to even have FRIENDS...

Admins of the UF forum. Please do not invisible this thread. I want this out in public. This shows indeed what kind of person Dynamic is.

I guess everyone on here will hate me now! SO my last words will be!

GGs and GL HF further on


PS. Admins please just keep it locked do NOT invisible this thread.
Hey Dynamic hat nen Fanclub :D
Well there are always kids on games who think they are someone when they win some games.
And there is always a bigger kid trying to play cool by replying with lameness :D
Zlex theres a reason you got reset out of the top 8 from LS3...... cause your a cheater...... so there goes the little credibility this topic might or might not of had......
Headline: The New Upcomming Pro! got this straight from his profile so the modern pro cheats now!
wow incredible skill xD
Yo yo yo listen up motherfucka bitches round uppon my mind yo yo, i`ll gonna take my weapon, so deep in your ass you can chew on it, by the tongue of your mothers fucked dad listen up


i beat my wife, uuuuu oooo uuu, im a distrikt raper
i beat my wife uuuuu oooo uuu, its everywhere in the paper - i beat my wife

so ungefähr klingt das :anime

ps: der hat grünes reno,.... hach wie ich das liebe :wub
lol Gamers You'd Like to Fuck geiler clan mit 0 members xD fast noch besser als The Upcomming Pro
Zlex tbh you are more arrogant as Dyanmic, Dynamic can be arrogant because he knows what hes talking about.
So do you know how to play with emp? How to play with sovs? Or how to play with Allies when you dont saw some replays from better guys who you copy now??
Where do you was in the Beta? Where do you was before the Patch erm 1.05 arrived? HÄ?
Nowhere, you were just a gamer, a mid or noob gamer, now you just copy good players and become self a "good" player but you arent imo.
Psycho wont dc because hes fair, where are your screens? I also could say: WOW mr. progamer zlex dc'd me wow, ban him!! No Screen no report.
And Dynamic wouldnt dc too, maybe he flames, who never flame? Even firgli flames i think, he flames with hisself that he lost against a bad player. But he dont flame you.
You know, everyone can flame, you dont get banned because of flaming, you just lose your popularity and are knowed as flamer.
So STFU to attack UF guys in the UF...
Write a PM or stfu you are just friendless and write it here down, that dynamic can be lucky to have ones. Funny.
Everybody has friends, I dont know a person who has no friends, thats just impossible.
So drink a milk, sit down on your bed and think...
Ne er kann sich nur nicht normal auf Englisch ausdrücken, zumindestens hat ihm das bisher ne Verwarnung bei mir erspart.
:P Ich kann englisch verstehen und lesen, nur beim Ausdrücken haperts...
Aber Zlex ist schon lange bei mir unten durch, nichtmal verlieren kann der richtig...
Ja ich bin ein upcomming pro!

Zokker13 I AM NO WAY NEAR as arrogant as Dynamic thank you very much :P!

GYLF has members



*EDIT* And yes zokker Firgli did flame me btw :) But i wont say i didnt flame back cuz i did.
Lol well i dont have anything against you zlex, i cant stay mad at someone too long. but for a start I did not flame you, yes i acted arrogant and maybe said some unfriendly things but thats not flaming (example flaming is fuck you, saying unfriendly stuff is saying you're bad, and that you will be out of top 50 in a new patch).
Anyway i was really unhappy with the game at that time, i still am but just messing around now so i dont mind losing anymore. besides, winning ava doesnt prove anything right now, not against me nor dynamic because this game blows so hard atm with mcv pushes on some maps and turret wars on a map like snow plow.

But well thats not the point. point is that you were reset last month, and i'm sure EA had a good reason, and they have a good reason to reset malle too (what do you have to do with this anyway? btw his connection didnt go off, he d/ced on purpose and admitted which is just wrong!) If you d/c on someone even in a winning position, its YOUR job to contact him and say sorry and offer freewin. its your fault you d/c.

Btw i think psycho was reported a few times too?
zokker schalt mal ne gang runter ;) wir wollen doch nicht das das in so ein gefalme ausartet und Verwanungen um sich hargelt ....
Mit Grammatik usw. sind wir am falschen ort... dann schreibt euch PM und schlagt euch da die Köpfe ein .....

back to topic: zlex it isnt the best way to flame at dynamic and some other players... thats havent any sence ;)
fact is that u reset last ladder and now u know what u did wrong.... so dont search the blame at other players
about psycho DCing yeh i hered that too. pluss imho psycho is the most unfair player ever and most unfriendly too. best IRC quote was "that supper reaktor build bug is not listed in the rules so i use it." yeh <3 that.
Und was bewirkt dieser Bug? :?
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