Cnc Must Get Msn Or Icq

Dec 6, 2001
ok who thinks cnc should get msn or icq so we actually know when hes online?
open a poll then we will see !!!
ya patrick should get msn, also like stefan, icq is suckishm@me
I dont like msn cos my "austausch-ami" always used aol messenger which is nearly like msn and it took my whole festplatte so i got flocked and got happy when i cud delete it heh
newbel u MUST pronounce the MUST big then he will get it
cnc MUST MUST get msn or icq.......btw stefros msn is better than aim....aim takes up quite a lot of memory....msn is much smaller/faster /easier
to get it to a final point:

hmm icq rulet much many more than msn its comfortanlery ( sorry my english is the last shit)
GoDSmile said:
msn s4ckt ..icq best chat programm ever

no my favourite chat messenger is looks better than the stupid icq
k good when u get banned for saying "son of a bitach" we can still talk
erm - official spam thread # 1?

:D stefros, hättest nicht in'n Urlaub fahr'n soll'n wirst viel Arbeit haben, wenn de zurück bist :D
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