BTGn Tourny: Runde 1 heute


Staff member
UF Supporter
Jul 28, 2001
Heute startet das BTGn Torunament in seine erste Runde:

Diese findet in unserer Zeitzone um 19 Uhr Abends statt:
GMT +1 (Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris) = 7:00 pm

Den Grid findet ihr hier

Round 1:
Map: Tournament Arena

Infos über das Hosten:
If You Are The TOP Player

Congrats, you get to host the match that round. It's just like hosting any other match you've ever played, but there are a few extra things to take into account. First, you are required to make the game and join "Lobby 11,12 or 13” Chatroom of CnC3 Online. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. Second, the name of match MUST be something along the lines of the names of the participants: "example Rnd1_brian177.vs.Sledge". This means that this match is for the first round, brian177 is hosting, and Sledge is supposed to join. If you name your games like this lots of problems will be avoided. Third, you must use the password provided in the email you received prior to game day. Tardiness can be seen below in the "Tournament Rules" section. Don't forget to report your win in the chat lobby, and tournament admin Sledge70 or Tornado will post your win or loss and move you forward in the tournament. Failure to report your win will equal a disqualification. If you have ANY questions or comments on what you've just read, please post them here

How to Report a Win and Loss

This was touched on a few times earlier, but this explains Reporting in more detail.

To report your win or loss find a BTGN admin in the CnC3 chat Lobby 11,12 or 13 and report your win or loss so an admin can move you forward or out of the tournament. Failure to report your win will equal a disqualification.

Von uns hab ich bisher gesehen:


also gl & hf Jungs ^^
Hättest sonst vergessen wa? ^^

Replays muss man übrigens auch posten, nämlich hier
bitte name richtig schreiben bei mir ^^ ....

naja muss hosten wenigstens etwas ;) ... schaumermal

name :> firefo-X-
Du stehst so im Grid drinnen Kollege;)
Bin auch gespannt international scheinen einige schon besser zu spielen als ich dachte, wird sicher nicht so einfach..
ajo, stehe da so weil, der name zulang ist :P ^^, aber richtig ist es so wie ich es geposted hab, egal ... =)
Boar danke^^
Ich hätte mir heute die Mühe machen müssen nochmal auf die Seite zu gehen.
Wegen dem Treffpunkt aber so ist das erspart geblieben.
Ok bin in Runde 2, war noch nicht SO schwer bisher ;)
Gegner war nicht da naja ka wie das jetzt weitergehen soll.
Da ist so viel los da wird man ja verrückt.
yeah round 2 for me ^^ ;) ..... 2runde nächste woche selbe zeit

loser bracked heute um 20:00
Ich hatte [LT]RottenJoe und nach 5 Minuten war das dann auch erledigt, aber wenn ich die nächsten 2 Matches noch gewinnen sollte darf ich gegen Rang 1 ran, hehe...
Der gmerc...
Bei mir in der Gegend ist irgendwie niemand den ich irgendwie kenne, werd da sicher die ein oder andere Überraschung erleben :D

Jo die Ladder Rankings sagen nicht soooo viel, also die Ladder an sich ist nicht so stark da fast alles über Automatch läuft...
Newest News:

Sledgehammer70 said:
Tournament Players,

As most of you saw BTGN had a great DB error right after the first round. We have resolved the issue and players are now able to post replays in the forums if they haven’t already. A few of you did what the admins said and sent me e-mails of the replays, but I ask you again if you could please post them in the forums here

A few players have mentioned the current brackets are miss-reporting them as losers when they clearly won the match. This issue is being resolved as well and should reflect the true winners by the end of the day.

Due to the DB error and the bracket error we will kick off the losing bracket games on Saturday the 28th at 8:00 PST -8 GMT. I understand a few issues occurred with Time but this seemed to be tied to members in Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong as they are in a time zone way outside of ours. If this effected you please PM me and we will see if we can resolve the time issue via e-mails and PM’s with your opponents.

If you already played your Losing bracket game that is fine, but you need to e-mail me letting me know that you played the match. Stay tuned for more match info for next week, and we hope we can resolve the current issues at hand.



Brackets sehen aber gut aus klick
wieso gibts keine internet standart zeit. grml, kann wer umrechnen?
bist du im loserbrackit?
Das müsste hier 17 oder 18 uhr sein.
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