A Topic for AGH39

Hej Old!

Tack för att du skriver här på min sida.
Synd att det har varit bråk i klanen.
Hoppas att du har det bra ändå.

Vi ses i lobbyn//Anders
Hi Michi!

You have a friend here in Stockholm, thats me.
I hope you enjoy your new job.

See you later in lobby.

Hi Anders,

i got your Message and i'am really surprised what your Comp can do in one Time, it's amazing for me.
Wish my one could do the same 4 me *g*
If u could send it again to me i must think about some regards for you.
Maybe a special Star-Member Site on our HP?

About the Virus it seems as only Aresfight and me was under Attack from this crap User i wrote about.
But our Comps survive with good Anti-Virus-Progs and the knowledge about stupid Virus Attacks.
Keep the warning in mind please and keep your HD clean ;)

Bye from ur friend Robert
Juhuhuhu Anders,

i just returned from my double Nightshift and i would like to tell you that i recieve your second Mail from Sweden.
I don't have time to look into the CD 'cause i was too tired and go to bed now, sorry.
If this was inside that i was thinking, you need to get a very big THX from me.
This evening i was going to a Christmas Party with the other Officers from my Division.
So i can't be online this Weekend ;)
I will send you further Details about the CD on Monday evening, when i check it out.
Once again many Thx at you, i don't know how i can give this back to you.
Knuddel @ You.

Bye from ur Friend Robert (w w w. go-to-bed-now.de)
Juhuhu Robert!

I hope your headake is gone by now hehe.
Did you enjoy your party?

Greetings Anders
Hi Anders,

i just woke up one Hour before and this is my current status: :glubsch:
The Party was nice but i hate the Day after such sessions.
No more Cocktails for me:sick:

Bye Robert
Huhu Robert!

Now I find out why my IP was banned here.

Its because I use a proxy server to connect to www.
But i can go here without go thru the proxy as well.

Hope you feeling better today?:zzz:

Greetings //Anders
Re-Huhu Anders,

i just wrote you the Reason 5 Mins ago by E-Mail.
You're right with the Proxy.

About the feeling today i can only respond:
My drinking habits has going to zero, hihi.
Never want to feel like yesterday :glubsch: again.

Bye from Blackbeard Robert *gg*
Hi Usama! hihi

I understand your boss.
You like him.

Thx for the job you did with the mail.:p

I should go out and eat with my working mates on Friday so maybe I won't come to the meeting 23:00.

Hmm my Internet costs are getting bigger for me as well.
They should raice the bill for www.
From Februari -02 it will cost 61,39 DEM per month for me

Greetings Anders
Huhu Anders,

i'am sad to hear that your Internet cost's are going up.
I think it's a trend in Europe that W W W get's more expensive.
Most of the Providers has caught us with cheap Flatrates and now, when we get real Internet-Junkies, they try to make Cash with us.

I have trimmed my Beard so i did no longer look like Robert bin Laden, hihi.

Yesterday i get kicked from Westwood for using the Word "Fock".
I think Helpbot need some personal Damage, if he kick me again.

I will return to FS regular in the next 14 Days, after recieving my next Online-Bill.

Bye & Knuddel from Robi
Huhu Robert!

Yes the ISP knew what they are doing.:shout:

I saw it yesterday when you said fock, i thought that you should come back to lobby with another name.
I'm glad that you will return to FS after the looooooooooong absence from the game :)

Bye & Knuddel from Andersf
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