A Topic for AGH39


UF Supporter
Jul 28, 2001
Huhu Anders,

i think it's time to re-create a Topic in English Language.
You & Me know it from the old EZ-Board of course.
If u want to write and get respond, feel free to use this Topic.
Anytime I'am online i will check it and looking for new Threads here.
I hope u will use it and we will have a lot of traffic in this Topic.
And maybe the other english spoken Members will post here too.
Keep on the nice Brotherhood...

Bye from ur freind Robert
dann wollen wir mal aufpassen das es nicht zuweit nach unten rutsch
dann wird es wieder vergessen

@ anders
du kannst ja auch in schwedisch posten damit unsere lieben brüder was zum grübeln (grubbla) haben lol

gruß old
Juhuhu Robert!

And the rest in our greate clan.
Sorry Robert I havent seen this topic.

I hope the meeting went well for all of you and I looked forward to hear about it as well.

Many greetings from your friend//Agh39
Huhu Anders,

next Time i create a Topic with big letters, so you don't have to search for it, hihi.
I will send u a Mail in the next Days about the Meeting.
It goes the way like i told u a few days before in the Lobby.
More by Mail...

Huhu Anders,

please never told me again about the Dinner ur going to have, hihi.
I get hungry and now i try to make some good Food in my Kitchen.
Think it's going to be tutti frutti from all Konserves i have *lol*
After Dinner i will relax with my other Cat and viewing a good TV-Film with her (she likes TV *lol*).
Thx for the 2 Games this evening, ur always a dangerous enemy in the Game.
Cu soon @ FS Lobby for good games.

Bye & Knuddel from ur Freind Robert
Huhu Robert!

Yes it was 2 good games, its always fun to play with you.

Hope you and the younger cat is feeling better now in the mourning after the old one.

Now is time to go to bed for me , hope you enjoyed your meal.

See you soon//Anders
Well, i got some Ravioli with Cheese for 2night.
Like a hundred Nights before, hehe.
My little Cat enjoys some Whiskas and we watch TV untill now.
And i hope i can sleep tonight without her moaning...
Like u said before, it was a party to game with you and next time i will try to beat you again, or otherwise.
Best wishes 4 u and your Family, Cu @FS-Lobby.

Argh, little Cat sounds like an old motocycle, think she wants to go to bed now and sleep well by my side. ;)

Your Friend Robert
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Juhuhuhu Anders,

today i receive your Post with the most wanted CD.
I have already install the Progs and try to work with them.
For the Photoshop i need many times to understand how it works, it's much more difficult then Corel Draw.
But i hope i will get knowledge about it in a short time.
When i finished my first Signature you will find it here in this Topic.
Many THX from me and if i can give you a revenge for your friendly Post, please let me know
The following Picture is for you; it shows the meaning of: KNUDDEL ;)


Bye from your Friend Robert
I have made some first Test's with Photoshop until now.
It was a great Prog that just hold what it stand's for.
But i have some Prob's with the english Version.
Maybe i should take my old translation Book for better understanding, hihi.
In the following Pics u see my first Works with it.
Cheap but i love them ;)


I hope they find your Attention Anders.

Bye & Greetings
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Huhu Robert!

Strange that you received it so soon?:confused:
I'm glad that you like it.
Yes its difficult to work with it.

Where did you find the pictures to work with?, they look very nice.

I have installed my E-Smith now and it is so safe so i can't play FS.......hihi, I can only chat.......
Hmm I must take a look in the manuals.
I don't know if it works with IPX?= the protocol that FS use.
I know that it works with TCP/IP, I just played a game with that protocol.

When i use the old comp that I just installed E-Smith in I can use 2 or more PC at the same time at home with a hub (or switch).
So my Son and I can play at the same time on www.
Unfortunately it have a bad thing, I can't act as a SERVER in any game including FS buähhh.
So maybe i could send you the patch 5-6 player?, so we can play so many if we want to?

When my son got to bed (he is playing CS now) I should change my network settings so I can play this evening.

Maybe I see you soon in lobby???

Your friend Anders
Hi Anders,

i found these Pics by surfing over some Fantasy Sites and jump around from one link to the next.
I havent got a good Adress for downloading them i just follow the link's.

PS 6.0 is really hard work for me but i hope i will get better ;)

I don't have any knowledge about Comps in a Network, sorry.
But for FS is TCP/IP the best protocol, i think.
I play it without any Probs (but even not via Network).
The Prog called E-Smith is unknown for me, i think it's a Firewall, isn't it?
A few times ago when i used a firewall i prefere the BlackIce Defender. He has worked good for me and didn't slow down the Ping in a game (u can get him at Morpheus).
But i think it's a question of the manual Settings.

I already have the 5-6 Player Patch but i was too stupid to use it right. I need some lessons from Ares or Rayden i think.

Tonight i have to make some new Signatures for some Friends here. That keeps me busy, sorry.
BTW, i got a nice Internet Bill from my Provider for the last 4 Weeks: more than 200$ :eek:
And that was too much 4 me.
I will try to look around at FS for many Times but i can't play on in the old way, too expencive.

Thx for ur nice words and have some good games @ FS.
I will return to it the next days.

Bye & Greetings from poor Robert j/k
Huhu !!!!!

Also mein englisch is zwar voll fürn ******** aber ich sag trotzdem mal Hallo *Hallosagentu**gg*

Bye Ray

P.S. So Tala jetz hab ich mal wieder was ins UF geschrieben hab hier reingeschrieben weil ich ned wusste was ich schreiben soll.

Cya:cool: :cool:
Thats expensive Robert!:(

I understand why you don't play so much.
Hope you get better in 6.0 so you could create a good logo for me *gg*.

E-Smith is a program to install in a comp.
The comp act as a gateway to www.
Its the only thing the comp does.
Since E-Smith is a Linux-based system it is much harder to get through to reach the comp you have to work with (or play FS *gg*). And the other comp(s) are behind the E-Smith comp.

IPX is the protocol that Tiberian Sun use, as well as RA2.
Its an old standard you must have installed in your comp to play on www.
It looks like newer games use TCP/IP.
And TCP/IP games works better with my E-Smith server then IPX.

Its what my friend told me anyway *lol*.

I hope I see you tomorrow in the meeting.

Bye from RICH Anders *ggg* (with the same low price from ISP every month) hihi.
Re Huhu Anders,

one Minute too late for me to get u here :confused:
It's a pitty with these terrible Online-Cost in Germany.
If u don't have a Flat-Rate u have to pay if ur a current User in the W W W.

With the online-security i have no Probs, on my Comp is only windows, office and TS/FS.
All important Files i burn as backup on my fast cd-burner (16x20x40).
So nothing important could be spyed out from my HD. ;)
Only my MP3 are posted on my HD and they are also be saved by Backup.
And if i have Virus or Trojan Attack i can re-perform my Comp within 1 hour.

If u want to have a logo, i always created one 4 u:


When u like it i can upload it to our HP and give u the Link to update ur Profile here.
Or u send me ur PW and i make it 4 u within 3 Minutes *g*

Bye & Knuddel from Tala

P.S.: Ray said Hello to u ;)
Hallo Rayden!

Sorry aber meine Deutch ist nicht gut :(

Thx for the beitrag:)

das isn privatchat zwischen tala und agh:D :D :D
ich sag einfach mal was auch wenn ich nur die hälfte da versteh naja ich lern ja noch :D :D :D

hehe man sieht sich
Sorry Taktik, this isn't a private Chat here.
I only opened an english spoken Topic for our swedish Member agh39.
We use the english language for better understanding 'cause nobody here speaks swedish.
And when i watch it for the last time, i think i was the only english spoken Member in our Clan.
Shame on the rest *gg*

Lol Agh, let's keep on our 2Man-Show, hihi.

Greetings from Robert
ich weis

tala ich weis das doch das war ein scherz hab ja :D :D :D :D
dahinter gemacht
Hi Agh my friend
you have a good friend in Hamburg
..your Friend is Michi42, ok .
Sorry my english is not good .
Hope Tala can translate it.
>Wir bleiben Freunde <

Gruss Michi42

I make some little changes at Michi's English.
Michi ich hab Deinen Text übersetzt, net grummeln, oki?
Edited by Tala
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