Rank 10 NukeFire dc washed me.

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lol schon wieder der wurde doch letzte woche schon zurückgestzt oder sit das ein andere ????
Shut it.... u got no clue and you dont need to have a discussion in every single topic in fair play... im just posting here so i can link on ea forums.
This guy suxx...... he say all time " He didnt DC"
And and and.... what a dcter noob and one mapper.
u can give him ur hands technique u are not better than him. and those people like u are in top 50!!
shame on u!!!


Read the topic newb.......

Infact come play me if u think i dont earn a spot at top of the ladder :anime and lets compare our stats..... you got more dc's then me in WAY less games.... and this newb got the balls to cal me a dcer... wow that blows my mind.

Total Matches 270
Total Disconnects 16

Total DeSyncs 1

Total Matches 1641
Total Disconnects 15

Total DeSyncs 0

Can you say ''owned'' ?
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Rofl Technique isnt a dcter......... he is one of the best players in CnC3!
Read the topic newb.......

Infact come play me if u think i dont earn a spot at top of the ladder :anime and lets compare our stats..... you got more dc's then me in WAY less games.... and this newb got the balls to cal me a dcer... wow that blows my mind.

Total Matches 270
Total Disconnects 16

Total DeSyncs 1

Total Matches 1641
Total Disconnects 15

Total DeSyncs 0

Can you say ''owned'' ?

no not owned!!
cause i play mostly just automatches and there are many dishonest players who disconnect so do more automatches!! but i guess a player like u i afraid to loose vs a player who has a much little rank than u!! thats why most players play in lobby top 200 or top 100 . 270: i guess from 270 games 260 games are automatch games and 260:17 = 15

so play automatch do 15 games see how many disconnects u get???
i warned u every 15th player does disconnecting so who is owned!?? and mostly
i report them or i have reported them!!! on this forum or gamereplays.org( uploadsection) or gamespyarena

Do u have any evidence on disconnecting on purpose of me?? a screenshot ??? a replay??? see???
but i have an screenshot and a replay of u disconnecting on purpose?? see?

by the way i have 4 or 5th accounts !

nicks: *Nyuu : 1233 ranked games

*Lucy : 110 ranked games

Dark_Fox : 671 ranked games my only nod nick

Dark_Phoenix : 363 ranked games

*Nyu : 65 ranked games

so this are 2342 ranked games and dont call me a newb again!!!
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Its just not fair then some people recieve brains and some people dont.

I feel for you.
Lol Nyuu du hast schon 2400 Games? ...
Ich hab nur meinen Main Acc mit 1200 Spielen und einen fun Nick mit vll 50 :/ ^^ ....

@ Topic: EA should reset him, before he gets into the Top 8 or even ban him.
They should be much more strict in cases like Top 50 ....
and not tolerate as much stuff as they did .... in the past
Krass 2400 Games schon^^
naja du hast ja vorher noch kein einzges RTS Game gespielt von daher......

Habe glaub knapp 1500 oder so.
looool^^ nice one Nyuu^^ Ich hab grademal 650 spiele oder sowas, konnte dich aber einmal plätten :wub *stolz ist* Is auch mein erstes RTS =)

Aber das thema hier würd ich langsam mal schließen :o Hier gibts sonst nur flamwars lol. Nukefire Dc'te, der Ankläger Technique wohl auch mal, und Tango, der erste poster ebenso. Wie ich schonmal sagte: Irgendwo haben alle etwas dreck am stecken...
Kapiert hier denn keiner das Technique in dem Thread einen Freewin als Entschuldigung anbietet?

Klar ist das keine Erlaubnis für wilde Disco-Nächte,aber bei Technique ist es einmalig vorgekommen und solange er hier keine 5 Threads mit Disconnect-Vorwürfen+Freewin-angebote hat, sollte man das als Ausnahme,Unfall oder Sonstwas nehmen und es ihm nicht bei jedem seiner Forenpost vorwerfen...
Ok hes reported this topic can be closed now xD.
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i also reported him in UF:he was rank 8 or sth and lost against me
then he said:"pls give up,i will give u freewins with my other account"
then he started to flame and LOST
and btw:both,sixshot and nyuuu arent disconnecters =)
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