RenegadeX - Wie spiele ich das? (neues Renegade)

Dec 21, 2006
Note: this is a direct copy-paste from the "HowToPlay" text file on the September 30th build.

===============HOW TO PLAY=================

This build of Renegade X contains one game mode: Command & Conquer (C&C) mode. C&C mode is a unique game mode featured only in Command & Conquer Renegade, Renegade X. Variations of it can be seen in various other mods. The Renegade X dev team is recreating this mode and improving upon it.


Renegade X features two distinct teams - the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod. Each faction has its own set of infantry, vehicles, weapons, and structures. Each match of C&C mode pits the two teams against eachother.


The main objective of C&C mode is to destroy the enemy base while protecting one's own. Each base consists of several structures, which are listed below.


GDI Advanced Guard Tower: The main GDI defense tower, armed with four machine gun turrets and dual Tomahawk missiles
GDI Barracks: Allows the GDI team to purchase advanced infantry.
GDI Weapons Factory: Allows the GDI team to purchase vehicles.
GDI Refinery: This structure sends out an autonomous Harvester to collect Tiberium (resources) and return to refine it into credits for the GDI team.

Nod Obelisk: The main Nod defense tower, armed with a single, powerful laser.
Nod Turrets: Nod’s secondary defensive structure. Armed with a 120mm cannon, it is strongest against vehicles.
Hand of Nod: Allows the Nod team to purchase advanced infantry.
Nod Airstrip: Allows the Nod team to purchase vehicles.
Nod Refinery: This structure sends out an autonomous Harvester to collect Tiberium (resources) and return to refine it into credits for the Nod team.


The heart of each building is it’s Maser Control Terminal or MCT. The MCT is visually similar to the Purchase Terminals, but does not allow the player to purchase items. The two major functionalities of the MCT will be covered in “REPAIR GUNS” and “DESTROYING BUILDINGS”.


Credits are the mod’s in-game currency. Credits do not transfer from one match to the next.
There are 3 primary methods of obtaining credits:
1) If your base's Refinery is operational, it will provide each player on your team with 2 credits per second

2) If your base's Refinery is operational, and the Harvester is allowed to return to your base intact, it will deposit 300 credits into each player’s account on your team.

3) Damaging and destroying enemies provides bonus credits. The amount of credits received varies on the amount of damage done, the health of the enemy, and it’s strategic value.


To purchase items, simply enter a structure, approach a Purchase Terminal (PT), and Press E. This will bring up the purchase menu. Select an item, and then purchase. If you have sufficient credits for the item, and the correct structures are still intact, you will receive it.
If a character or equipment is purchased, it will be awarded to you instantly. If a vehicle is purchased, it will be created at your team’s vehicle production structure.


To repair or heal, purchase either an Engineer or a Hotwire/Technician (350 credits) and make use of the repair gun. Shooting anything with the repair gun will increase its health until it reaches its maximum. While buildings can be repaired from the exterior, the most efficient way to heal a building is by repairing it’s Master Control Terminal.
Note: The repair gun WILL repair friendly AND enemy units alike.
The repair gun is also capable of disarming all variations of enemy C4, and super weapon beacons. After being hit for a short amount of time by the repair beam, they be disarmed.
Note(2): Repairing as well as disarming can be accelerated if more than one beam is concentrated on the target.


There are two ways to destroy a building:

1) Destruction from the exterior: Any weapon in Renegade-X can damage a building’s exterior, some more efficiently than others. Vehicles with explosive shells or rockets work best. Generally, infantry deal little damage to a building’s exterior. There are exceptions to this rule however, but that is for you to find out.

2) Destruction from the interior: To destroy a building from the interior, one must target the Master Control Terminal. Any damage dealt to the MCT will affect the entire structure’s health. The best way for infantry to destroy a building from the interior is to place C4 on the MCT.


All infantry classes are armed with at least one type of C4 explosive. There are a total of three types:

1) Timed C4: The strongest C4, which will explode 30 seconds after it is placed.
Note: The timed C4 is the most effective at destroying enemy buildings. A single timed C4 placed an an enemy Master Control Terminal will remove 1/3 of the building’s health.

2) Remote C4: The remote C4 can be detonated by a right click after it has been placed.
Note: The remote C4 does just over 1/2 the damage of a single timed C4.

3) Proximity C4: The proximity C4 detonates when an enemy unit passes over it.
Note: The proximity C4 does the least damage of the 3. They are most effective in tight clusters, and can be used to secure building or base entrances.
Note(2): There is a limit of 30 proximity C4s per team. Placement is key.


Each team has access to a super weapon. To summon your team's super weapon, you must purchase it’s beacon. After you have the beacon in your inventory, you must deploy it at your target. Stand at your target, and press the fire button to begin deploying. After a short deploy period, the beacon will be armed, and the countdown will begin. Providing the beacon is not disarmed and is allowed to count down, the strike will obliterate everything within several meters of where the beacon was placed.

NOTE: Super weapons are most effective against buildings, and must be placed nearby, or inside of the target structure.
Renegade X - September 30, 2009 v0.35 Beta Release

===============HOW TO Install=================


Run the "Renegade-X 0.35 Beta.exe" and install the mod in your "Documents/My Games/Unreal Tournament 3" Folder


Start the mod by creating a ut3.exe shortcut, and adding "-mod=..\Renegade -solomod" at the end of the target minus the quotations.


Run The shortcut and the mod will start.

===============HOW TO PLAY=================

Read the "HowToPlay" Readme file to learn the basics of how to play the mod.


Shortcut z.B. für Vista 64 mit Steam:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 13210 -mod=..\Renegade -solomod
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Gibts eigentlich Plände das Spiel später mal eigenständig zu machen?
A Path Beyond (ich meine diese Alarmstufe Rot-Mod für das echte Renegade, bin mir grad beim genauen Namen nicht sicher) hats ja zum Beispiel auch so gemacht, so dass man dafür kein Spiel mehr braucht, sondern sich einfach alles von der Homepage lädt, installiert und sofort loslegen kann.

Plände? Ompfg, ich schreib wie ein Däne :disgusted
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Also ich glaube denke meine das die das spiel auf die UDK auslegen wollten(sprich man braucht nicht mehr den original titel um es zu modden sondern man hat alle möglichkeiten die die UT3 engine bietet.Was bedeuted das es eigenständig läuft=freeware).Irgentwann versteht sich ^^
Ich hab's eben auf der Seite gelesen:
now our long-awaited version 0.5 is now available.

This will be our final build for Unreal Tournament 3. At this point forward, the team will be concentrating on porting Renegade X over to the Unreal Development Kit - this process will make the mod standalone, and therefore, once we make our Renegade X releases for the UDK, you will no longer require Unreal Tournament 3. The process will take a few months, and we will be sure to update you all with details once things are on their way.
Mit dem nächsten Update ist es als ein eigenständiges Spiel.
Sorry aber kann mir bitte wer diesen Schritt erläutern?


Start the mod by creating a ut3.exe shortcut, and adding "-mod=..\Renegade -solomod" at the end of the target minus the quotations.
gibt es den schon was neues? ich meine ist es den jetzt schon ein eigen ständiges game? Wie kann ich es mit den holen?

Ps ich habe gar keine Ahnung von RenegadeX ich habe nur früher das orginal gespielt und das war das beste game schlecht hin!!!

Vielleicht kann mir ja einer mal helfen wie ich das zum laufen bekommen mit dem RenegadeX am besten wäre in deutsch :)
da hast du recht. im multiplayer ist renegade der burner :)
leider kann ich dir auch nicht weiter helfen. so viel ich weiß braucht man noch ut3 zum zocken. ich warte auch noch darauf, dass es standalone wird.
Also ich habe es jetzt zum laufen gebracht.

DAS IST HAMMER GEIL das game. So wie früher, bis ins kleinste Detail. Nur besser von Grafik und so.

Also UT 3 istallieren und den neusten patch drauf und das RenegadeX installieren. Fertig

Wenn einer fragen hat ein pn an mich.

Ps: das einzige negative ist das noch wenige das spielen sprich ist wenig los, aber es soll ja mal ein eigenständiges game werden und dann soll es richtig abgehen, das ist also so eine art beta aber schon sehr geil!!!
Also kommt mit zocken!
Also die statten doch auch die Solo-Kampagne mit der UT3 Grafik aus oder täusche ich mich da.
Jedenfalls sieht das im letzten Trailer stark danach aus.

Wenn das als Stand-Alone jemals rauskommt mit überarbeitetem SP und MP, dann wirds sicher klasse.
Weiss man diesbezüglich schon was obs die standalone schon gibt ? hab ein Jahr gepennt :p Ich hatte mal irgendwann versucht das zu install , bin aber hoffnungslos dran gescheitert :(
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