C&C Tiberium Alliances Announce Trailer

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May 11, 2020 at 10:56
Posted by moby3012
Command & Conquer is officially following other big franchises like Battlefield, Need for Speed and Warhammer to join the rapidly growing Play4Free family with the announcement of Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances. Tiberium Alliances is an all-new MMO-Strategy game set in the Command & Conquer Tiberium Universe. It is made by the German developer Phenomic and covers a new space for the C&C franchise -- Free 2 Play Browser Games!

While the BioWare Victory team is exclusively focused on C&C Generals 2 for 2013, you can sign up for the Tiberium Alliances Beta starting this week to shorten the wait. As the name Tiberium Alliances already suggests, it's more important than ever to form powerful alliances to fight the Mutants -- Choose your side as GDI or Nod and evolve the most powerful alliance on the planet.
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