SoDsW = RIP in peace?

Oct 10, 2002
What are my lovable old fellahs doing lately? Any games you want to play together with yours truly dearest Mindi? With me is going fine I am doing well. Medication kicked in and rehab did me well. No longer do I want to rape people with the butt of a gun or insult people, just because, insult.

I avoid EA like the plague lately I gues that is why I never can play with my friends anymore :(. This is a problem as I am one of the oldest core members. But if we can't play is fine to. People just can't forget me. Like I alway say 'I am like the plague I won't go away and keep spreading wether you like it or not'. But I am not crazy or yes I still am but the pills keep me in check now.

If my good ol faggot maggot friend freezybeam wants to enlighten me. I always liked this guy, he has the patience of a maggot. The amount of shit he had to endure and he got admin in the UF-Forum in return for it. Grats you deserved it, I never could tell you this but now I did.

I miss that oller DonRolli to. Crazy old fool who I even had on msn back in the day and even did some 1v1 with for practice. That is so crazy. Never forget, to bad the krebs haben er besiegt and caught the better of this humble man.

Keep up the pace and the good work my dearest friends.

Mr Hyde was succesfully expelled by the power of christ. Beata Maria you know I am a righteous fool of my virtue I was reborn in this awesome new person. Godspeed and well I dont belief in god but they forced me to undergo these trials. I shrugged it off as I know the power of science made me better and not this hokey religins and mumbo jumbo bullshit.


:huhu Mind

wtf Sabrina :?

Ennyway: Mind i hope everything is okey with you. What kind of physical / psychical problems you have/had :?
I hope you feeling better now !

SoDsW is not RIP'in ;) ... truely i hope :D

For me you are always a Core-Member (Like Ehrenmember), even if i have no Power to set you back as Full-Member ;)

Now is up to freezy making the Leadership here, but i think he is prefering COCK-Tail-Partys with the Admin-Team ... so they can suck each other :D *joking*

See ya !

Sabrina is my maiden name.

It doesn't matter much to me anyway. I know I personally ruined it for myself forever with SoDsW. Key point is I am doing fine in other games anyway.

Even after all the shit I did which never is a good excuse for anyway. I do wish SoDsW the best. It is hard trying to communicate with something you know you personally ruined.

Half crazy is my personality but I just did it too far sadly. But that is all over now. I also lost interest in RTS games though, knowing SoDsWeh plays those only.

I actually didn't expect a response so thank you Cebu you are a great guy :).
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