• Wir werden in den nächsten Tagen verschiedene Wartungsoperationen und Optimierungen am Server durchführen. Es wird zu mehreren Ausfällen kommen, die teilweise auch mehrere Stunden umfassen können.

[HoN] Upcoming

Feb 16, 2005
Boah hier ists ja total tote Hose :)

Mal nen bissl Aktualität reinbringen.

Für alle, die es noch nicht wussten, am 27.1.12 kommt ein großer Patch auf uns zu

For your patience here's a sneak peak of some balance changes expected to come:

- Fire and Ice will require both dogs to channel
There have been many complaints of how hard it is to kill Gemini and we agree! This change alone should help remedy much of that. Other areas to be looked at are movespeed and stats transfer.

- Lion's Pride will have healing reduced
Midas is a hero that many people, including us, would say needs a nerf and most agree that the heal is the biggest problem.

- Reducing the amount zephyr can heal
Zephyr's survivability is a little too high, as evidenced both by our observations of competitive play and community feedback.

- Reducing the cast range on Crippling Pollen from 550 to 500
Crippling Pollen started with a higher cast range when compared similar spells. Although only higher by 50 it becomes much easier to snag those heroes trying to attack from 600 range. This slight touch on the spell seems to put it back into place.

Ring of Sorcery
- Slightly increasing the manacost to activate
Typically purchased selfishly this items focus is meant to be a team item (like astrolabe and energizer). Increasing the mana cost will make it less effective for the individual to use.

- Expect changes to come! A big thanks to everyone who contributed on the balance forums for this one!
Too effective at all points in the game we're hoping to release a new concept to this item that will keep its current effectiveness in helping carries farm during the mid game but not make it impossible for other heroes to kill a hero with an early HotBL.


Des Weiteren gibt's Neuigkeiten zum nächsten Hero:



Gravekeeper is a ranged intelligence hero who calls upon the dead to aid him in battle! Gravekeeper is effective at skirting around the edges of the battlefield harassing his enemies with the dead themselves. The more death around him, the more potential Gravekeeper has to unleash unparalleled havoc!

Corpse Toss


Corpse Explosion


Defiling Touch


Zombie Apocalypse
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Jo Diesen Freitag Balance Patch

No more threads will approved until the effects of the new balance patch can be seen. And on the day of the balance patch all threads regarding heroes that are touched in it will be closed. If there is an interest in doing so we can open a temporary thread only discussing the changes that has taken place.

/Your Friendly Neighborhood Mods
Hero Teaser: Berzerker
When news of the war in Newerth reached the Berzerker, he hastily left his frozen homeland in the North. Though he holds no allegiance to the Legion, the chance to face hell's demons is one the Berzerker could not pass up. An incredible warrior with an indomitable will, the Berzerker's reckless disregard for his own life gives him strength and power seemingly beyond measure, albeit at a risk. Once he has steeled himself, only death will stop him from killing his foes.


Berzerker is a melee strength hero who excels at chasing down a single enemy while shrugging off any attempts to hinder his forward progression. The Berzerker feeds off of the presence of his enemies in battle, making him a terrifying opponent to face!

Abilities Teaser:


Chain Spike


Strength Sap


Mark for Death



Look forward to seeing Berzerker in the hero spotlight coming soon!

Sehr gut, je mehr Wikinger im Spiel desto mehr Win ^^
Es ist übrigens ein offizieller All-Mid Spielmodus inklusive neuer Karte geplant.
Hero Teaser: Draconis

The ancient guardian arose, stirred from his centuries of slumber by the cries of help from its creator – the Worldtree. He slowly shook the treasure loose from his scales and took flight – The Demons would soon find that even they could burn in the flames of Draconis, the Great Wyrm.


Draconis is a fragile ranged agility carry hero that specializes in area denial, blanketing the entire battlefield in flames and melting foes unfortunate enough to be caught within. He is a crafty little dragon that will be sure to punish those foolish enough to attempt chasing him down.

Abilities Teaser




Blazing Flight


Fiery Barrage


Cataclysmic Assault

Draconis will be scorching the land of Newerth in the upcoming hero spotlight!

Hero Teaser: Kinesis

The Prophet teaches that energy flows through all things, we must only harness it for ourselves. The mages invoke incantations, the priests call upon gods wicked and just, but for the truly powerful, the power is harnessed from within. These are the Disciples of the Way and among them there is one known for his mastery over all – Kinesis. Let the Hellbourne beware the power of his mind.


Kinesis is a ranged intelligence hero who uses his surroundings to mercilessly pummel his enemies. The more havoc he wreaks, the harder it is for his enemies to take him down!

Abilities Teaser:


Stasis Smash


Telekinetic Control


Inherent Defense


Mass Control

Look forward to seeing Kinesis in the hero spotlight coming soon!

Hero Teaser: Gunblade

He stood alone in the town, slaughter all around him.

All he had known, all he had loved-- killed by the wild beasts. He could hear his own screams echoing in his ears as he dropped to his knees and drew his blade. Driven by madness, he began to carve a cursed symbol into his own flesh. Pain was forgotten and only revenge filled his mind. Soon, the symbol was complete and, bathed in his own rage-filled blood, a bargain was struck. The warrior's wish would be granted. He would be given the power that he so desired and the opportunity to exact his revenge.

The now-cursed warrior was given two hell-forged firearms and was reborn as Gunblade, Hell’s Ranger. Once a Lawman, now the Sheriff of the Damned.


Gunblade is a versatile ranged agility carry hero that will make short work of enemies in close range. His blades thirst for vengeance and are even more intimidating than the frightening shots they fire.

Abilities Teaser


Crippling Slugs


Demonic Shield


Lethal Range


Grappling Shot

Gunblade will be bringing hell itself to Newerth in the upcoming hero spotlight!

Also das Schild sieht schonmal heftig aus, wird wohl wieder so ein hero wo ich mich aufregen werde wenn ich gegen ihn Spiele :D
Irgendwie fehlt mir bei dem Hero die Nutzung der Schwerter :o

Warum hat er bitte "Gunblades" wenn er nur mit rumschießt?

Denke mal das schild ist purgable
Die Schwerter sollen wohl in seinem passive skill zur Geltung kommen, bei dem man ja scheinbar mehr schaden macht, wenn man näher an gegnerischen Helden dransteht. Das Ult finde ich übrigens ziemlich unkreativ, scheint mir das selbe zu sein wie das pharao ult, blos mit einer geringeren range, oder hab ich da was übersehen?
Wenn ich das nicht falsch verstanden hab, eher wie Parasite Ulti nur Mit Stun statt Slow/Steal
Naja trotzdem ist das ulti leider etwas langweilig, allerdings scheint der hero ziemlich nervig zu werden, vor allem wenn dann noch assasins shroud auf ihm gespielt wird. Ich sag aber nicht op, denn ohne ihn angespielt zu haben wär das eine ziemlich haltlose aussage ^^
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