muesli rant: C&C MULTIVERSE (of storys and shit)

Oct 19, 2008

I often thought about how to connect red alert and the tiberian world. The end of the sowjet campaign of red alert 1 should be well known to most of the fanbase, given how it has been shrinking down little by little thanks to the franchise's..sleep?

that connection was later ignored and one would pretend it never happaned (much how we feel about cnc4 am I right?) so the red alert and tiberian storyline became independant.
later came generals and 69 closed studios later we arrive today..

I always thought of kane as more of a brilliant yet somewhat sick maniac, much like the main character yagami light in the all famous deathnote franchise

sadly, with every new part, the character just straight up changed completely

from mysterious terrorist in the first one, to straight up world domination villian, back to e.t. - phone home
any even remotely interesting characters, for example anton slavik?

no matter how shrewed or even just interesting they were, they got the "got killed by x at y" background credits treatment

even game of thrones doesnt kill THAT mercilessly..

anyways, I pictured things a lot different as a 8 year old kid on my plastation 1 and many more visions popped up later
1995 (or was it 1996,7? anyways-)

i am talking kingdom hearts, marvels avengers, the justice league, any crossover whatsoever be it multiverse or just cross over based

I saw a rift in time and space (halla atcha chronosphere) and a brilliant mind like kane, ambitious characters like CABAL,
cyborgs, tanja adams, volkov and chitzkoi (bonus points for knowing that team) ---to sum it up, hella potential!

what killed cnc was not its story, but that doesnt make the last titles story any less...sorry joseph,...shit
thats s-h-i-whatthefuckman-T

imagine time experiments creating a connection between the worlds! hell, it might even be kanes plans, maybe the scrin got something with that shit to do

maybe we take the scrin ending "earth will fall" a desperate kane, a nod-chronosphere and just go apeshit

but please, o god please stop it with that comic style shit

there is good comic style shit, dont get me wrong
look at "darkest dungeon" (ok, you gotta like goth style for that one) or those fallout scenes, you know, the handdrawn ones

i think we can all agree the later is simply...nice

but now, we get motherflippin warrior dolphins

even a half naked scarlett johansan starring as tanja adams riding one wait that works for me, but back to topic

even as nothing but books (halla atcha dune 2000) the cnc franchise, given into the right hands, could have or even still can make a lot of money

buisness-wise it may not appear smart to sleep on this digital ownership of cnc, but whatever plan EA has, its mediocre at best

well, shit
strg+f -> "shit" -> 10 Übereinstimmungen (nun 11 :p)
funktioniert aber nicht ohne zitat...
Command & Cock Her:suck

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Was glaubst warum ich nicht lösen wollte, da darfst erstmal warten^^
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