Wikipedia Eintrag (engl.) zu Zero Hour

Jul 6, 2004
Hi Leuts!
Hab mir grad den Wikipedia Eintrag (im englischen) zu Zero Hour durchgelesen, und bin erstaunt wie viel es da zu lesen gibt.

Allerdings gefalle mir einige kommentare dazu nicht :D

Hier ein Beispiel aus dem Text zu USAF:
It should be noted that, in the current state of Online gaming (Patch 1.04), the incredible superiority of the USAF general over any general (except China Tank General), particularly the superpowerful King Raptor, has made it both extremely popular with gamers willing to beat their enemy as quickly and easily as possible and very unpopular with others, as trying to play against a USAF general while playing GLA is practically suicide but for the smallest maps. Once into the late game, USAF becomes truly powerful and is argued to be the most powerful general late-game if played correctly.
Des erweckt den Eindruck als wäre USAF der neue inf-general.
Dabei braucht es schon recht viel skill um USAF zu spielen und gegen stealt und tank ist es balanced.
Hier wäre mein Vorschlag :z
It should be noted that, in the current state of Online gaming (Patch 1.04), USAF General is extremely powerful if played properly.
Due to his extraordinary strong Generals-Capabilities, his excellent air force and his ability to counter every attack possible
only GLA-Stealth General and China-Tank General stand a chance against a well played USAF General.
USAF General is also by far the strongest general in 2on2 games because of his great flexibilty due to the very powerful airforce.
Combined with GLA-Stealth, GLA-Toxin, China-Nuke or China-Tank, USAF General gives an extremely powerful 2on2 team.

Was haltet ihr davon :?
jo der eintrag ist eyhnage aba sag ma wasde von dem andern hälst - ich hätt lust des umzuändern :evul
klingt natürlich besser, schließlich hat es ein UF User formuliert :)
It should be noted that, in the current state of Online gaming (Patch 1.04), USAF General is extremely powerful if played properly.
Due to his extraordinary strong Generals-Capabilities, his excellent air force and his ability to counter every attack possible
only GLA-Stealth General and China-Tank General stand a chance against a well played USAF General.
USAF General is also by far the strongest general in 2on2 games because of his great flexibilty due to the very powerful airforce.
Combined with GLA-Stealth, GLA-Toxin, China-Nuke or China-Tank, USAF General gives an extremely powerful 2on2 team.
generals abilities*
makes for an extremely...*
"That guy is a 3 dozer"
"Pffrt, what a 3 dozer noob"
@ generuler...mach mal ^^
zumal die aussage so wie sie jetzt ist halt wirklich falsch ist!
habs jetzt übrigens geändert leute :D

€: nen wiki-eintrag zu "united-forum" wäre doch echt mal eyhnage :D
Zu United Forum haben wir schonmal einen verfasst, den haben die noobs uns aber gelöscht...

Im Deutschen Wiki könnt ihr mal für ZH was schreiben und dabei aufs UF verlinken :D
Ja für jeden Klick kriegt Wikipedia von uns 0.99 Cent
Wikipedia Eintrag... 01.02.2006 09:46 Sleepy sehr intressant ...
Haha, Vollidiot.
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