Interview mit Producer Chris Corry


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Jul 28, 2001
Die Kollegen von IGN haben sich Chris Corry geschnappt und ihm ein paar Fragen bezüglich des kürzlich erscheinenden RTS-Krachers Red Alert 3 gestellt, größtenteils geht es hier um den Singleplayer, aber wir erfahren auch ein bischen was über Japan und die Spielweisen im Multiplayer, hier einmal ein kleiner Vorgeschmack:

Chris Corry über Japan said:
...the Empire of the Rising Sun.

IGN: You say that and everyone is going to think Japan.

Chris Corry: It is Japan. I really like to call them the Empire of the Rising Sun because it makes them more ominous and it makes them different. And they are different. The great thing about using Japan is that it works for us in a lot of great ways. We wanted to make sure that we were brining something new and fresh and exciting to the Red Alert experience, and Japan was a really great choice for us because it has this really great wealth of historical and cultural touchstones that we can riff on. Everyone knows about ninjas and samurais and anime mecha. At the same time we've got full license to make them a little bit mysterious and maybe confound expectations a bit as well.

IGN: Ninja mecha. Ninja mecha.

Chris Corry: I'm not saying that there are ninjas. I'm not saying there are mecha. But I'm saying that if I were making a game with the Empire of the Rising Sun in it, you'd kind of want to put ninja and mecha in it, wouldn't you?

Land and sea combat.

IGN: That's the new faction. Are all the factions completely rebuilt from scratch?

Chris Corry: They're pretty different. In the previous two Red Alert games, the Allies and the Soviet factions have been pretty different. Certainly, the Empire of the Rising Sun is going to be very different as well. In practical terms, all three factions have a very different build mechanic. For the Empire of the Rising Sun, we're keeping information about that faction a little close to the vest, but there are some themes that you see there. They're certainly the most technologically advanced. They're a dominant naval power. Unit transformation plays a significant role in that faction. There's certainly a lot in that faction that you don't see in the Soviets and Allies.

Chris Corry über Tankspam said:
IGN: So is this the death of the tank rush, perhaps?

Chris Corry: We want to get to the death of the early-game tank rush anyway. When you look at C&C 3, it was a game where we sort of took the mantra of fast, fun, fluid gameplay very seriously. As released, C&C 3 was a very fast game. For a bunch of reason, a lot of them were related to how we tuned the economy and the mechanics of harvesting tiberium, there was some economic inflation there that really allowed good players to create large numbers of units early in the game and push off and rush early in the game, and those tended to be very effective tactics.

In Red Alert 3, we definitely want to get away from that. That's not a lot of fun for new players, or even for experienced players. That doesn't have the strategic subtlety or finesse that we're trying to get. We're not trying to slow down the game, but we are trying to make the decisions that you make in Red Alert 3 be a little bit more deliberate and certainly more strategic. I think you'll see us doing a bunch of things, mainly gating the economy, to get away from early rushes. In the mid game and the late game there will be probably be viable rushing tactics.

Our emphasis is about making the gameplay experience a bit more cerebral. We're not making Civilization here--it is still going to be that fast RTS action--but to be really successful you are going to have to focus a lot on force composition; getting a different mix of units to take on a variety of different targets. And especially for the more advanced players, some of this micromanagement where all of our units have a primary and a secondary power--and being able to toggle back and forth between these powers--is going to be a pretty important dynamic.

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Ich übersetz mal einen Teil:

IGN: Bedeutet das das Ende vom Tankrush?
Chris Corry:
- Wir wollen den early-game tank rush loswerden
- Ra3 soll nicht so spammy werden wie CnC3 (Anfang Eco pumpen, dann Panzer, dann go - das wollen sie definitiv nichtmehr)
- Sie wollen mehr taktische Finesse und Strategie in Ra3 haben
- Sie versuchen nicht das Spiel langsamer zu machen.
- Eco wird anders getaktet + einige andere Dinge, damit die early rushes weg sind, aber im mid game oder late game wird es wahrscheinlich rush taktiken geben.
Wichtiger Punkt hier - zeigt, dass sie ne andere Vorstellung von "Rush" haben als die meisten Benutzer hier im Forum.

- Es wird kein Civilization, es bleibt ein schnelles RTS
- Sie wollen viel Focus auf die primären und sekundären Fähigkeiten der Einheiten legen, sowie auf Einheitenmix.

In practical terms, all three factions have a very different build mechanic.
Jede Fraktion wird ein anderes Bausystem haben?!
haben sie denselben scheiss nicht vor tw erzählt ? oder so ähnlich

ich glaub denen gar nix mehr. erst wenns da is und wirklich so is :>
Ein anderes Bausystem? Das klingt komisch. Doch nicht etwa eine Fraktion mit Dozern / Arbeitern?
Naja, dass mit dem anderen Bausystem glaub ich nicht - zeitgleich Dozer/Arbeite für eine Seite und MBFs für andere wäre imho doch zu schwer zu balancen.
Ich denke, es geht mehr um Abwandlungen vom Bauhof/Mini-MBF/Kran system, das zB eine Fraktion nur in der Nähe ihrer Bauhöfe bauen kann, ne andere kann einfach neben jede eigene andere Gebäude bauen usw.... halt irgendwelche Unterschiede, aber das Prinzip bleibt imho gleich. :p
Chris Corry said:
We're not making Civilization here
Ist auch besser so, hätten sie eh nicht geschafft :D

Also wenn ich mir so den Screnn von den Allies mit dem Bausystem anschaue sieht dies eher nach Sofortbau aus.
Hoffentlich werden sich dann die anderen Fraktionen nicht zu sehr darin unterscheiden.

Oder soll es sowas wie in DoW werden??
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