I'm so confused and don't know what to do.

Jan 10, 2010
Tomorrow I was going to ask out a girl I have a crush on and am kind of in love with. But I just found out that one of my closest friends who I had a crush on a while back likes me as more than a friend. She just told me this herself just now. I don't know what to do. I consulted with one of my best friends, and she said that I should still ask out the person I like tomorrow. I do also still have feelings for the other girl though. I don't know if the girl I was planning to ask out tomorrow has feelings for me back. The same best friend of mine that I consulted with said that if things don't work out with the girl I ask out tomorrow, that I should go out with my friend. I'm so confused, what should I do? I want to take the advice of my friend, since she is one of my closest friends and is always there for me (and I for her), and I think I'm going to do that (thanks to what she told me). But I also have feelings for the other girl still. Anyone else got some advice?
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