[HoN] HoN Random Talk

Feb 16, 2005


Was meint ihr, kann man überhaupt nach 50 Stunden gescheit zocken :p?

Ich glaube nicht, dass er 60 Stunden schafft. Derzeitiger Rekord im Moba-Zocken 52 h
Denke nicht, dass das so hart ist. Der Typ hat ja nicht gesagt dass er in der Zeit auch 200 MMR farmen will oder so. Seine Stats werden also am Ende im Keller sein, aber durchhalten wird er sicherlich ^^
People still play HoN? LoL is even worse though. Why not playa dota2 my friends. Valve=God
Da hat MindChamp recht.

DotA 2 >/= DotA1 > LoL > HoN

Der Support und die Turniere werden grandios von Valve ausgeführt und die Balance ist jetzt schon ziemlich genial :D.
HoN hingegen ist einfach ein Moba Upfuck und einfach nicht mehr lustig.
Die f2p noobs und keine großartigen Turnier und dann diese Gameadmins, die dich ohne Grund bannen, worauf se Lust haben is lächerlich xD.
Komischerweise haben se mich nie gebannt, obwohl ich sogar des öfteren rassistische Witze über Spieler gerissen hab.
S2 Games ist einfach komisch.

S2 Games = EA, denkt mal drüber nach ;).
Wayne? Hier ist das HoN Forum, kusch kusch, geht mit'm fetten Gabe kuscheln :D
Der Alt Ava gefällt mir nicht, und nur um den Hero 1 Monat eher zu zocken geb ich keine 350 gold coins aus :O
Artesia ftw!
Artesia is mal der beste Hero eva^^

Berzerker is auch ziemlich hard... und Salforis macht mich auch immer fertig^^ (Genau wie Ra und Drunken^^)

BTW wieso sollte Salforis nutzlos sein Nase? Hab dir bei deinen Ausführungen letztens nicht zugehört^^
Alle Heroes mit Nachtsichtgeräten müssen jetzt ohne diese auskommen :/

Poor Valk


Hättest mir mal zugehört :p
Improving the Free-to-Play System

Improving the Free-to-Play System

Hey Guys and Gals,

About a week ago, we made a post identifying some of the weaknesses we see in our current F2P Hero Rotation System. Here they are again for quick reference:

* When 10 heroes are used per game, a pool of 15 heroes does not offer much variety from game to game.
* Because of the limited pool, game modes like SD and Banning Pick are problematic and require work-arounds (tokens and passes).
* A new player may lose access to a hero that he's become familiar with, adding another hurdle in the learning process.
* Moreover, when the F2P heroes rotate, the heroes that new players become accustomed to playing with and against get replaced as well!
* While players have access to 15 heroes each week, they have ownership of none of them. This means they can not unlock avatars for any of these heroes without first unlocking the hero.

Since then, you guys have been overwhelmingly helpful with 8 pages of Forum responses full of feedback and suggestions. Thanks so much for putting time and thought into ways to improve the gameplay experience for new F2P players! A lot of you had great ideas, and it was pretty cool and vindicating to see that some of the ideas we were bouncing around internally were espoused by you guys as well. That said, we've considered a bunch of things internally as well as read through and considered each and every one of your suggestions, and this is the gameplan that we're thinking of moving forward with:

1. We will expand the Free Hero Pool from 15 heroes to 30 heroes.
2. We will carefully craft a balanced (10 of each attribute) pool of 30 heroes, taking into factors such as difficulty to play and hero roles.
3. The Free Hero Pool will no longer change from week to week - it will remain completely static. Furthermore, it is no longer a "Free Hero Pool" - F2P players, new and old, will simply start the game OWNING all 30 chosen heroes.
4. We will refund any Gold or Silver Coins players have spent on the 30 chosen heroes.
5. We will start work on the code changes necessary to run all of the modes that you currently need tokens/passes for without them, and have any modes that randomly select heroes do so from ALL of the heroes available to a player (the base 30 + whatever he unlocks).
6. After that functionality works, we will remove passes and tokens. 30 heroes is enough to run any of the modes, even if no player has any additional heroes unlocked.


Was haltet ihr davon?

Ich finde es auf jeden Fall schonmal besser als jetzt. Blöd ist nur, dass F2P ssogar Vorteile in SD/AR haben können...
Hon wird "Free-2-Own"

Mit anderen Worten: Alle Heroes stehen allen Spielern zur Verfügung.

Jeder Account kann demnach alle 107 Heroes zocken.

Wer es also ausprobieren möchte. Morgen gegen 14 Uhr ist die Gelegenheit dazu.
Endlich, wurde auch Zeit. Auch dass die blöden Tokens abgeschafft wurden, nun kann wirklich jeder alles mit nem free Account zocken was das Spiel zu bieten hat :)
Free to play with a microtransaction shop works fine. People are suckers for cosmetics and realize oh heck what is 5 euros or less? Plus with Dota 2 around the corner HoN will rest in sweat little nerd rage kiddy tears. Although dota 2 isnt much better. These kinds of games attract even more preteen ragers than WoW.

Exciting changes are afoot as we aim to implement a "less is more" philosophy in HoN with our new game mode called Core Pool. Core Pool will feature 40 iconic HoN heroes and encourage players to focus on their game and take their skills to the next level in a controlled environment. As Core Pool is an optional game mode, any player can choose the mode at any time to hone their skills, develop strategy, or just have fun playing a classic game of HoN. With well over 100 characters to choose from in normal mode play, even experienced players can have difficulty keeping up with frequent new character releases. The difficulty associated with getting into HoN or any MOBA for that matter and staying current is well known and frequently lamented by gamers everywhere.


Core Pool directly addresses the steep learning curve prevalent in all MOBAs. No other MOBA offers a controlled environment like this, and we hope to help players who are struggling with learning new characters all the time by providing them a game mode option that will help them learn the basic conventions of HoN. Core Pool, and the concept behind it, is something the MOBA genre was missing and we’re really excited to bring it to our players. Core Pool is great for both experienced players, new players, and anyone looking to play HoN, as it offers a place to improve your skills and try out new techniques by yourself or with your team in a more controlled environment.

Also launching with Core Pool are Death Tips, brief suggestions for players on how to use their hero more effectively upon death. Look forward to seeing Core Pool and Death Tips in this Friday's (August 17th) patch 2.6.15.

Ich mag den neuen Female Announcer nicht.

10 uhr ist wann hier? auch 10 Uhr?
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Wer hat gewonnen?^^

Das Spiel wird an einem Sonntag (dem 18. November) stattfinden. Die Zeit 10 Uhr stimmt aber :D
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