Recent content by tatsujb

  1. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Würdest du TA2 oder PA präferieren?

    I can't feel the same thing for TA2 as I feel for PA. TA2 is for conservatists. PA is for those in search of a rich new (and more amazing) experience. I still hold Cris Taylor dear in my hear though, as he did the best possible job with supcom fa.
  2. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Würdest du TA2 oder PA präferieren?

    PA definately. I'd take Chris Taylor over Jon Mavor anyday but PA is a concept for a game that has the audacity of SupCom, the taste for the greatest scale. Chris Taylor over at wargaming is severed from his team and cut from any meaningfull means or an rts backround. TA2 is for the die-hard...
  3. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Welche features von PA faszinieren dich am meisten?

    I voted other as I believe "64bit" and "multi-core" should really have been an option or options and they are the most important thing to me.
  4. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Welche features von PA faszinieren dich am meisten?

    Really really hard to choose as all of these really get me going : •64bit •all computer platforms •multi-core •simulated projectiles •extreme moddability •server-client •glactic war •sphere map •multiple playgrouds •physics planet smashing •macro •M units •dynamic lighting /d audio the best...
  5. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Wird PA dein erstes large scale RTS sein?

    I only played TA and zero-K and spring a little but I played the hell out of SupCom FA, wich I still play to this day on FAF :evul
  6. PA Alpha Keys zu gewinnen! Wird PA dein erstes large scale RTS sein?

    I played supreme commander forged alliance thouroughly, both on GPGnet and FAF to this day, I also have been on spring and zero-K and played TA. I a big fan of the familly.
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