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oder LUSTICH ?


Staff member
UF Supporter
Jul 28, 2001
Das folgende stammt vom oO-Kingdom

We proudly introduce to you Shadow, the two-and-a-half-month-old kitten that has just taken up residence in our new home.

Katze saubermachen

Cat’s Meow
Cat’s Meow

Recently we acquired a kitten named Shadow. Like any cat, she can’t speak English; the only word she knows is “Meow.” But you can tell what she means by the way she says it. If she just wants attention, she says it in a high-pitched voice, as if she is asking a question. But if she is hungry or thirsty, she belts it out with an attitude; she puts a little bit of “R” into it, like this: “Mraaaow!”

One day, I (Charlie) made this comment: “I think it’s an acronym—MRAO.” “What’s that?” my wife asked. I replied, “Meal Request; All Out.”

Giant Mosquitoes
Giant Mosquitoes

In July, 1969, while on a camping trip in central Iowa, our family stayed at a campground near a lake. On a cloudy, humid afternoon, we took a hike through the thick brush near the lake. The mosquitoes were fierce that day; they were biting viciously, and they were huge! Dad made this remark: “If these mosquitoes get any bigger, I’ll hop on one and ride awhile.”

A middle-aged lady was fishing quietly by the shore nearby. When she heard Dad’s comment, she burst into hysterical laughter. We feared that she might fall into the water, for she was laughing so hard.


So Gross
So Gross

Several years ago, our pastor and several members of our congregation went on a mission trip to Germany. As they were traveling about the country, they came upon a rural family with a very young child.

You’ve probably seen people in America do “So Big” with their young children. You may have done it yourself. It goes like this: you take their arms and spread them wide, and you say “Soooo big!” Little children get a real charge out of that.

Well, they do it in Germany too, but it sounds a little different in German: the word for “so” is the same as ours, but the word for “big” is “gross”. When the parents took the little child’s arms, spread them wide and said “Soooo gross!”—the Americans began laughing hysterically. The poor Germans were quite dumbfounded by this until an interpreter explained what it meant in English.


I took German in the 10th grade. I was pretty good at it; the teacher said my pronunciation was so good that I sounded like a native German. Too bad I only took one year of it, and I have forgotten much of it since…

But I still recall something funny that I said one morning, as class was about to begin. The bell had already sounded, and the teacher was trying to get everyone quiet. He reminded us that the bell had sounded, and it was time for class to begin.

Quickly, without even thinking, I piped up. “Die Uhr is kaputt,” I said.

It took a moment for others in the class to figure out that I had said, “The clock is broken.” Finally they began laughing. The surprised teacher laughed too, then replied, “Nein! Die Uhr is nicht kaputt!” (No! The clock is not broken!)

I may have been good at German, but I was not perfect. One day I messed up and embarrassed myself royally. We were supposed to say the sentence, “Ich habe mein hat vergessen.” (I have forgotten my hat.) I used the wrong word—one that sounded similar but meant something much different. What I said was, “Ich habe mein hat gegessen.” (I have eaten my hat.)
Filthy AnimalFilthy Animal

When Joe was little, he loved to watch the movie Home Alone. He especially liked the part where the guy on the video would say “Keep the change, you filthy animal.” On Joe’s fifth birthday, we took him to dinner at the Ground Round. When we paid the waitress for our order, after the meal, Joe chimed in with “Keep the change, you filthy animal.” We explained to the waitress that it was a line from Home Alone. We all had a good laugh.

Three weeks later, the waitress quit her job at Ground Round and came to work at the same office I was working in at the time. She recognized me right away. “I know you!” she said. “Your son called me a filthy animal!” We had another good laugh. During the few months she spent at our company, we became good friends.
Ein polnisches Sprichwort sagt:
Du darfst die Katze waschen, aber nicht (trocken)schleudern :hmm
#Nur einer hat survived... des is aber unschön
Nennen wir es ein neues Filtersystem gegen Noobs....

PS: Nein ich bin nicht herzlos, die armen Dinger tun mir auch los, aber mein Sarkasmus dominiert...
loool..einfach hammerghammerhgammerhammer geil diese pics..
zu genial..
also eigntl gemein, dioe sind sicher alle qualvoll verdurstet da unten, aber trotzdem..sieht einfach nur hammergeil aus..O_o"
LOLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GEILE PICS EI .. Thunder als er noch klein war :lol :lol
lol ! das is nexony, der hat schalke 04 Bettwäsche !!!
haha FabLan erwisched + owned :p
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